Home » Another F-you from the departing Biden administration


Another F-you from the departing Biden administration — 11 Comments

  1. When I saw the title I thought it was going to be about his banning of oil drilling in large parts of the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. Apparently, for some obscure reason, an executive order like that is not so easy to undo by another executive order, though Trump has vowed to do so. Some Hawaiian judge will stop him.

  2. Biden is just B slapping America.
    The next few weeks are going to be real bad.
    Schumer, Polisi, Jefferies, et al, this on you.

  3. Shirehome: “Schumer, Polisi, Jefferies, et al, this on you.”
    I sadly suspect they are proud of it all.

  4. In 2019, Trump let it go at that time. I think this time, he will come out of the gate swinging and take it on up the judicial ladder.

    I cannot see how an executive order can / should carry the same force as a duly enacted law. Constitutionally, Congress is the branch that creates law.

  5. Now talk about the new restrictions on gas hot water heaters…
    POTUS Trump is going to spend his first 100 days just cleaning up the mess from Biden’s last 30 days.
    SCOTUS could be busy too.

  6. one of them, al hela, was a colonel in the yemeni secret police, who enabled al queda, another was bin laden’s bodyguard, most were members of the 555 battalion, the worst of the worst, sending them to oman, means they will find their way north to the kingdom or west to yemen, opposing the houthis but not the good guys,

  7. In the last SCOTUS term, wasn’t there a nondelegation decision, meaning that Congress couldn’t delegate broad powers to the Executive branch? It seems to me that granting a president the authority to ban drilling in 600+ million acres, but not allowing the next president to reverse that would fall under that.
    Now each administration could open up or shut down federal lands for resource extraction, but that should only be an administration’s policy to be litigated in an election.

  8. Written a few places my opiis Sundowner or his Puppeteers are taking a wrecking ball to the country, and President Trump

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