Another F-you from the departing Biden administration
It worked so very well for Obama:
When President Barack Obama released five Taliban commanders from the Guantanamo Bay prison in exchange for an American deserter in 2014, he assured a wary public that the dangerous enemy combatants would be transferred to Qatar and kept from causing any trouble in Afghanistan.
In fact, they were left free to engineer Sunday’s sacking of Kabul [written in August 2021].
Soon after gaining their freedom, some of the notorious Taliban Five pledged to return to fight Americans in Afghanistan and made contacts with active Taliban militants there. But the Obama-Biden administration turned a blind eye to the disturbing intelligence reports, and it wasn’t long before the freed detainees used Qatar as a base to form a regime in exile…
Earlier this year, one of them, Khairullah Khairkhwa, actually sat across the table from President Biden’s envoy to Afghanistan, Zalmay Khalilzad, in Moscow, where Khairkhwa was part of the official Taliban delegation that negotiated the final terms of the US withdrawal. The retreat cleared a path for the Taliban to retake power after 20 years.
We have two weeks to go till Trump is inaugurated, and the outgoing Biden & company – many of whom are probably the same people from the Obama years – have plenty of time to do more damage and remind us once again of some of the reasons Trump was elected to a second term. For example, this:
In the most dramatic step in years to reduce the population at the U.S. military prison in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, the Biden administration has transferred 11 Yemeni detainees to Oman, which has agreed to help resettle them and provide security monitoring.
All of the men, who were captured in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, terror attacks, had been held for more than two decades without being charged or put on trial. All of them were approved for transfer by national security officials more than two years ago and sometimes long before that — one had been cleared for transfer since 2010 — yet had remained behind bars due to political and diplomatic factors.
Their release leaves just 15 prisoners at Guantánamo, cutting the number of inmates nearly in half.
The article goes on to say that their release had been planned by the Biden administration for October of 2023 but oops! October 7 happened, and the plans were delayed “due to concerns in Congress about instability in the Middle East.” And now those concerns are gone? Hardly. Now it’s not the left or the Biden group that has to worry about what happens on their watch – they can bequeath the extra problems to the Trump administration.
They will turn up again real soon
When I saw the title I thought it was going to be about his banning of oil drilling in large parts of the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. Apparently, for some obscure reason, an executive order like that is not so easy to undo by another executive order, though Trump has vowed to do so. Some Hawaiian judge will stop him.
Biden is just B slapping America.
The next few weeks are going to be real bad.
Schumer, Polisi, Jefferies, et al, this on you.
Shirehome: “Schumer, Polisi, Jefferies, et al, this on you.”
I sadly suspect they are proud of it all.
In 2019, Trump let it go at that time. I think this time, he will come out of the gate swinging and take it on up the judicial ladder.
I cannot see how an executive order can / should carry the same force as a duly enacted law. Constitutionally, Congress is the branch that creates law.
Now talk about the new restrictions on gas hot water heaters…
POTUS Trump is going to spend his first 100 days just cleaning up the mess from Biden’s last 30 days.
SCOTUS could be busy too.
“Paging professor Cloward…
Paging professor Piven…”
one of them, al hela, was a colonel in the yemeni secret police, who enabled al queda, another was bin laden’s bodyguard, most were members of the 555 battalion, the worst of the worst, sending them to oman, means they will find their way north to the kingdom or west to yemen, opposing the houthis but not the good guys,
this charming lad
In the last SCOTUS term, wasn’t there a nondelegation decision, meaning that Congress couldn’t delegate broad powers to the Executive branch? It seems to me that granting a president the authority to ban drilling in 600+ million acres, but not allowing the next president to reverse that would fall under that.
Now each administration could open up or shut down federal lands for resource extraction, but that should only be an administration’s policy to be litigated in an election.
Written a few places my opiis Sundowner or his Puppeteers are taking a wrecking ball to the country, and President Trump