Home » The plot thickens: were the New Orleans perp and the Las Vegas perp linked?


The plot thickens: were the New Orleans perp and the Las Vegas perp linked? — 24 Comments

  1. Special Forces are trained in demolition. If one blows himself up it’s probably not an accident.

  2. richf and Neo, I would have thought that a SF guy would have known how to make a more effective bomb. In the pictures of the bed of the Tesla there was a propane tank. Wonder if he thought it would explode when everything else went up. That would have caused more damage.
    Again, we don’t know what we don’t know. But I do not believe in coincidences like these two acts.

  3. the wife was heavily orange man deranged, that was back in 2016, but red caps were the only thing that mattered, the driver was living in colorado where they tried to throw Trump off the ballot, because ‘democracy’ so maybe he had so called antifa sympathies,

    he had been deployed to dushambe, where the concert hall bombers were from,

    this is to say, there are other data points than their MOS

  4. There was a 5 gallon VP racing fuel can in the back of the Cybertruck which could have contained anything from high octane gasoline to a nitro-methanol mix. Nitromethane is used in drag racing and pretty volatile.

    As to the Oklahoma City bombing, ammonium nitrate (34-0-0) became a restricted fertilizer after the bombing. It’s still available, but you can’t walk into a farm store and buy a couple tons.

  5. It took six years, but McVeigh was executed by the federal government in 2001. I think Nichols is still in prison.

  6. Photos of the New Orleans murderer show a brown soul-less face with dead eyes.

    I think it absurd to manufacture a linkage between these two events thousands of miles apart simply because they occurred on the same calendar day and both perps were vets who spent time on huge Fort Liberty, the PC-renamed Fort Bragg.

    But that the New Orleans bollards have been down since November is awful. Temporary vehicle barriers that can be bypassed by driving on the sidewalk is typical New Orleans political stupidity and laziness. So let the good times roll?

    TJ: Lara Logan is nuts.

    But hey- Biden’s open border will surely admit more Islamists. Yay?!

  7. So the Vegas guy shot himself in the head just before detonation? Bananas.
    The NOLA event seems pretty standard fare. Radicalized Muslim going for his 72 whatever’s. Still to be determined if he was aware of the broken bollards or just got lucky. But the Vegas one, so many wtf’s. Guy knows how to construct a bomb for maximum effect, chooses not to do it in so many ways it’s hard to count them all. Uses a Tesla in front of a Trump hotel, and ends up showing the world: “Tesla trucks are super strong, you should buy one”, and “Trump hotels look cool, and have really strong glass doors”. And telling everyone “I don’t have full confidence in my bomb making skills so I’ll off myself just beforehand”.
    Bananas, top to bottom and to the horizon in all directions.

  8. Cicero says “Lara Logan is nuts.” Lara may be wrong, but hardly Nuts!

    Consider two or three things First, she’s got sources and we don’t. One of them close to home, ie, her husband, former US intel.

    Second, if CIA wanted to foment a domestic terrorist type event, wouldn’t they likely tap former SF and intel folks? Especially if tied to Afghanistan? (The last, a detail unconfirmed as of now, but not unreasonable.)

    Thirdly, Lara Logan’s rep has been investigative reporting. And as such, she uses less loaded language than I did above, such as “false flag” or “orchestrated” — Lara used “CIA tapped” instead of orchestrated, IIRC.

    Thus, Cicero, your dismissal by smear is mistaken and uncalled for.

    Me? I don’t know. But more details can support or diminish Logan’s theory. Which we are likely to learn.

  9. TJ-
    What “smear”?
    You mean my take on the murderer’s face pix? You musta voted for Biden.

    I stand by my impression: Soulless, dead eyes. By the name of Shamsud.
    We must stop importing evil by way of idiotic Democratic policies. Or send them to Delaware.

  10. It’s said there are no coincidences, and if it rhymes its connected. I am wondering if any mosques or on line connections.

  11. Skip:
    Islam’s convert-or-die is at the heart of the matter. Jihadis in “Paradise” are said to be issued multiple female virgins by Allah to rape on their paradisical arrival. A bizarre theology, to be sure. Thanks be to Mohammed the Prophet.

  12. I think at the least the mosques at Ft. Liberty/Ft. Bragg bear looking into. There’s a mosque here in Raleigh which has generated some extremists. Muslims managed to shut down investigations of mosques for extremism by claiming “Islamophobia.” We should stop buying that line.

  13. Phobia of Islam is the correct reaction.
    In the 50 years after Allah revealed himself to Mohammed, the entire rim of the Mediterranian from Gibraltar to Tunisia was seized by rapacious Muslims. That is why Thos. Jefferson wanted the US to pursue Muslim Barbary Coast pirates in 1802-1803.

  14. I would like to consider another topic but can’t find a place for it, so please excuse. A day or two after the Korean air tragedy there were two other “hydraulic” events on Boeing 737-800 airplanes. One was on a KLM flight and another on an Air Canada flight. The story popped about the same time as Jimmy Carter’s death and therefore the story about multiple airplane events “disappeared”. it cannot be a coincidence that a world wide conversation about Boeing 737-800 airplanes having three failed hydraulic systems with 24 hours of each other! There must be more updates to this story and more conversation, but I haven’t found anything since the first reports. Here is the story:
    Would like to have your thoughts

  15. “Islamophobia is a term created by fascists and used by cowards to manipulate morons.” -Sam Harris on Making Sense podcast episode#340: The Bright Line Between Good and Evil.
    He said the term was invented in the 1970s by Iranian theocrats to prevent any criticism of Islam. He observed there is no such thing as Christophobia (while discussing how people criticize the doctrines of Christianity all the time).
    It was a decent episode. I’m not a fan of his since he is the poster child of the ends justify the means.

  16. In re the “Islamophobia must be avoided at all costs” mentality: see this comment by Snow on Pine on how high those costs can rise:

    Here is a horrendous story out of the UK, which more and more people need to be aware of, the Pakistani grooming gang which, over the course of 1997-2013, groomed, raped, and sexually assaulted 1,500 young girls–some reportedly as young as 11–and passed them around among themselves in Rotherdam. There are also other, similar cases, Oxford, for instance, when it was 400 girls.

    It was apparently an open secret that this horrific grooming, rape, and sexual exploitation was going on, the authorities knew about it, but did nothing about it, for fear of being seen as “racist.”

    Reportedly Police not only ignoring the evidence when it was presented to them, but even going so far as to arrest fathers when they tried to rescue their daughters.

    “The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing”
    But the authorities did far more than “nothing,” so I do not class them as Good Men.


    The maxim is often mistakenly attributed to Edmund Burke, but his actual statement in that vein is even more appropriate to this case.
    “No man, who is not inflamed by vain-glory into enthusiasm, can flatter himself that his single, unsupported, desultory, unsystematic endeavours are of power to defeat the subtle designs and united Cabals of ambitious citizens. When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.”

    John Stuart Mill said much the same thing:
    “Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.”

    It’s not a particularly new observation, although it cannot be re-iterated enough, appropriately for the era and evils at hand.

    Isaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

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