Home » Talk about euphemisms: Biden’s cognitive decline was under-reported


Talk about euphemisms: Biden’s cognitive decline was <i>under-reported</i> — 30 Comments

  1. Even though you refer to them as MSM, they are definitely not mainstream. I have a dream that the Republicans refuse to play along with these leftist hacks. The new press secretary, Karoline Leavitt should throw all the hacks out of the newsroom and replace them with bloggers and objective outlets, like the New York Post and Fox News. She should stop televising the proceedings and broadcast them on X.

    The president should replace his news conferences with appearances on mainstream bloggers like Joe Rogan. He could give longform interviews with responsible conservative writers.

    The leftist media are vermin and should be treated as such.

  2. The Dem leadership has no one but themselves to blame that their bench was depleted by going so far left and purging their Blue Dog moderates, that all they had left to run was the senile Biden, then the laughable Harris/Walz.

    Of course, Michelle Obama might have made a difference in 2020 or 2024, but no, she was made for better things.

    The Obama legacy is melting like a cake left out in the rain. They’ll never have that recipe again.

    –Donna Summers, “MacArthur Park”

  3. Donna Summer?
    “MacArthur Park” is a song written by American singer-songwriter Jimmy Webb that was recorded first in 1967 by Irish actor and singer Richard Harris.”

  4. I’m aware.

    I linked the Richard Harris video last time I made the metaphor. This time I thought I would give Donna S. some love to love you.

    Many people remember her version. She was disco, but still special.

  5. I have a slight variation:

    Biden’s cognitive issues weren’t as pronounced at the beginning and the new hires (i.e., most of the appointees) weren’t aware of them. As they became aware of them, they also became aware that his replacement would probably be even worse, since she wouldn’t be amenable to be shuffled aside. So they were stuck between the proverbial rock and hard place.

    I recall some discussion about doing an Agnew style replacement with a better candidate and then running the 25th amendment ouster, but I don’t know what happened to that. It might’ve been speculation by the Republicans and the puppeteers couldn’t let that happen.

  6. Let us hope no one will have the recipe again, huxley. I hope to see Obama’s malevolent influence continue to fade.

    Someday we’ll have a black American president who loves our country.

  7. Someday we’ll have a black American president who loves our country.

    Well, England is very close to having such a thing, female at that, who takes England seriously. And since America is too dumb to lead in that department, it would still be wise to take note and follow suit.

  8. The leftist media are vermin and should be treated as such.

    Correct. Start by not watching, reading or listening to them. Grant them no deference or respect.

  9. The legacy media’s role in attempting to discredit questions about Biden’s cognitive decline is sort of swallowed up, I think, by their willingness to burn all the remaining credibility they had with the general public in attempting to gaslight us about pretty much everything in order to favor the Dems.

    At this point, they’re only talking to themselves. There’s no point in paying attention to people who just want to deceive you, so the vast majority of us have stopped, especially the younger ones.

  10. @yara, a VP replacement requires confirmation by a majority vote in both the Senate and the House. With the House controlled by the Republicans and the Senate split 50-50 (I assume Harris would have been defenestrated prior to the vote on her replacement) then the GOP would have been in the driver’s seat regarding the confirmation. That would have made the Agnew maneuver very dicey as a way to get the Democrat’s preferred candidate into the Oval Office.

  11. I notice that Republicans no longer call it the mainstream media or even the lamestream media, but the legacy media.

    Yes, that media is still around, but it’s getting to be like the antique COBOL programming language.

    The media and Hollywood are not going to return to their glory days when they stomped the earth with almost no competition. People have learned to find their information and entertainment elsewhere.

    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. They have no one to blame but themselves.

  12. The Legacy Media our Bourbons?

    The phrase “The Bourbons have learned nothing and forgotten nothing” is a quote attributed to Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand, a French politician, after the first fall of Napoleon in 1814. It refers to the Bourbon monarchy’s failure to learn from the mistakes that led to the French Revolution and their execution of King Louis XVI.

    Not to say that Louis XVI was a good example ….

  13. Of course, Michelle Obama might have made a difference in 2020 or 2024, but no, she was made for better things.
    She hasn’t held a regular job in 16 years and it was supposedly her hope in 2000 that her husband would land the presidency of the Joyce Foundation and get out of electoral politics. Not sure why in your mind she was obligated to do anything at all.

  14. I’m Shocked ! https://youtu.be/vxnpY0owPkA?t=13

    This is simply a formality, turning the page on the past 4½ years of coverage, starting with the campaign-from-the-basement, the press conferences with small groups of people standing in circles, the inauguration with a few dozen attendees behind maximum-security fencing, and so on. The mission has changed, but not the objectives.

    The media borg is simply re-defining itself for the purposes of the next 4 years. It has a new mission, and needs a new mission statement, and new uniforms. It’s nothing more than that. You will still be fed the propaganda gruel with a long-handled spoon, and they fully expect your compliance, aware or not.

  15. Democrats Propaganda Ministry wondering why they are doing Propaganda
    No one wants to get thrown out of the club. The first one who might have brought up Biden’s mental decline 2 years ago would have been out of work the next day.

  16. Trite but truisms:
    No matter how much you hate the corporate/legacy media, you don’t hate them enough.
    Friends don’t let friends consume any corporate/legacy media propaganda.
    Now substitute “democrats” for “corporate/legacy media” and you have the full picture.
    And oh, Happy New Year!

  17. The phrase which ought to haunt and inform U.S. politics from now on is, “my word as a Biden.”

  18. Biden’s stutter was real. He successfully controlled it his whole life, but at the end the cognitive load was too much for his withering brain.

  19. The reason they kept Joe in there for so long was also that his cognitive challenges made it easier for other party operatives to control him and be the powers behind the throne.

    I think it was more that Biden had “won” in 2020 and they assumed that he could win again in 2024, and another Democrat might not be able to win. Would someone who could have replaced Biden would have gone with very different policies? To a rational outsider that might appear possible, but given the likely candidates, it’s unlikely. Somebody who didn’t have the approval of the party operatives couldn’t have gotten into the White House too replace Biden.

    There were two … what Biden might call “inflection points” in the media’s response before the final one last summer. One that surprised me was how they went from seeing Biden’s abysmal performance in the 2019/2020 debates to whole-heartedly endorsing Biden. Maybe it shouldn’t have been a surprise. Biden was the candidate who could beat Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. Wanting Sanders out of the way and Trump out of the White House, the media could ignore Biden’s mental decline.

    Enough time passed between the debates and Jim Clyburn’s endorsement for earlier impressions to be forgotten. Biden was also someone who the media was very familiar with. If you accepted Biden’s wackiness for decades you could miss disturbing signs of decline as just Joe being Joe. Talking about Corn Pop and the little hairs on his legs that stood up when they got wet was just Joe being Joe.

    The other moment was when talk of Biden being a temporary, transitional figure went away, and the media suddenly decided that Joe could go the full 4 or 8 years. That happened early in the administration and nobody really noticed it happening. Someone compared the media to a school of fish or flock of birds that suddenly all change direction as a group without thinking about it or making signs that we would recognize as communication. Of course, we know about Journo-list now and the other backchannels of communication, but it’s still startling how sudden, dramatic, and unanimous the changes are.

  20. I didn’t believe the stutter theory. Recently, though, seeing a reel of Biden’s flubs, I did notice him repeating words and sounds. I don’t think that’s actually a stutter, though. It’s not that he’s nervous and the word won’t come out. It’s him searching for a word he can’t remember. “Th-th-the” would be a stutter. “The … the … the” is fumbling around mentally for a word that isn’t there.

  21. I happen to be one of those federal retirees whose Social Security benefits—which I worked the prescribed number of quarters in the private sector to earn—were reduced down to almost nothing due to two laws which effect around 3 million people.

    Several decade’s long effort to repeal these laws finally resulted in a bill eliminating those laws being passed by Congress and this bill, passed by large margins by both the House and Senate, was officially “presented” to Biden on December 27.

    According to the Constitution, outgoing President Biden has just ten days, Sundays excepted, to either veto, sign this bill into law, or take no action, resulting in a “pocket veto.”

    Well, if you look at the official White House listing of what Biden is doing regarding various bills these last couple of days of his travel to various posh vacation sites, he’s not doing much.

    One wonders if Biden, or whoever is actually running things, and presenting documents for him to just sign, will just go for the pocket veto, and stick it to us on the way out the door.

  22. Abraxas, it’s just stage fright…Decent Joe being such a sensitive soul ‘n all…
    (Or maybe he was doing it intentionally—in solidarity with Kamala Harris’s trademark word-salad riffs…to make her feel less self-conscious. Yep, that’s our Decent Joe: ALWAYS considerate! ALWAYS thinking about the other!!)
    – – – – – – –
    BTW, what extraordinary ingenuity— reclassifying “coverup” as “under-reporting”!
    Guess we’ll have to tweak the well-known phrase to… “It’s not the crime, it’s the UNDER-REPORTING” accordingly….

  23. @Snow On Pine,

    I have good news for you, then. President Biden will sign the bill on Monday, January 6.

  24. BJ–I can’t find any mention of such a scheduled signing. Where did you find this information?

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