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Jimmy Carter dies at 100 — 35 Comments

  1. Jimmy Carter’s work for Habitat for Humanity seemed to do genuine good; both in promoting a worthy organization and setting a moral example.

    Jimmy Carter also, by all accounts, was a devoted husband and father.

    The above is about all the genuine praise I can muster for him.

  2. Yes to Ackler’s comment. RIP. God in His mercy forgives many sins, something of comfort to us all.

  3. One of my younger brothers confessed, earlier this year, to voting twice for Carter. I wasn’t voting or political back then, but recognized Carter was a terrible president. Seems it was the Olympics boycott that helped to sour me on him. Before he was outta office non-political me was already calling him Jimmy “The Mullah” Carter…

  4. Yes. “I Callahan’s” link is to an excellent summary at National Review of the malevolence of Carter’s post-presidency involvement in foreign affairs.

  5. Steve Hayward’s piece is excellent. Of course, traditional etiquette frowns on speaking ill of the recently departed. The response to this is that when encomiums reach a certain level of absurdity, some corrective rejoinders are warranted. We’re seeing this with Carter, as I knew we would when he died.

  6. RIP.

    I agree with the generally sentiment that Carter was a good guy who was a bad president in many demonstrable ways, a few of which have been outlined by Neo above. Like many well intentioned people, he clearly had a poor understanding of ecomics, foreign affairs, and human nature in general.

  7. I’ve always thought that Carter “had it in” for the USA.

    His policies consistently produced greater hardship for the average citizen at home and diminished US standing within the world.
    He was a total loser and his policies were total losers.

    It’s hard to believe that his policies were the result of incompetence or poor judgement. He had a real problem with this country and his policies reflected this.
    Perhaps when he was at the Naval Academy or in the Navy, he believed he was not treated properly, which set him off on the path to screw over the USA.
    On this latter point, he was successful.

  8. In addition to his work for Habitat for Humanity, in Carter’s favor should be added his significant work on the elimination of Guinea Worm, a terrible affliction in Africa.

    If he’d restricted his efforts to these good works, his reputation would be much better. It’s his foreign affairs work in which he never found a terrorist or dictator he didn’t like which taints his post-presidential legacy.

  9. Not to forget his meddling in Zimbabwe, Venezuela, and other places. In the name of “human rights.”

  10. I didn’t know he wasn’t as smiling in private as in his public appearances.
    Hedley Donovan, who worked as a senior advisor to Carter in 1979-80, said he had several smiles which had different meanings. One was meant to conceal rage.
    Mrs. Carter was poleaxed to discover that the Fords knew various Secret Service agents by name. Under Carter’s regime, agents were counseled to not greet the President or make eye contact with him. One agent later offered an account of ferrying the President around in a limo and the President not uttering one word. Again, the man had no people skills.

  11. Nothing he did was to my liking. At least for his sake he won’t go down in history as the worst president.
    My military years were under him. Iran
    Embassy takeover, failed hostage rescue, no aircraft parts available.
    Was glad when he was gone from power.

  12. I had just left the US Naval Academy after 2 years, before “commitment”, when Jimmy Carter, from USNA, ran in 1976. My first vote, and only ever vote for a Democrat.

    I was no fan of Ford, the stumbler down stairs and centering a football while standing on desks. Plus, at the time I was more angry at Nixon, and thought he should be tried rather than pardoned.

    Then I became more political, and saw how terrible the “human rights” good intentions of Iran turned into a debacle. Plus the 14% interest rates on mortgages late ’79 thru ’80.

    None yet mentioned was his honest “lust in his heart for other women” sinfulness/not. (Actually, when I see lovely women I practice lusting after my wife, in happy marital fidelity and frequent sleeping together, afterwards.)
    He tried to be good according to his ideas of good.
    His ideas were bad, and are still bad while most Dems have many similar ideas.

    They’re not bad sounding, but any implementation of the ideas has bad results.

    In 1980 I voted Libertarian, Ed Clark. (also ’84 & ’88 Ron Paul, father of Sen. Rand Paul.) Jimmy, and his lousy results, helped stop me from being a Dem.

    In Slovakia, I work with a group helping the Roma (Gypsies), and often work with Habitat for Humanity here. Still a fine group, with good results.

  13. The best thing he ever did was to loose to Ronald Reagan in 1980. I didn’t trust Jimmy in 1976 nor vote for him. Who can forget his encounter with the wet killer wabbit?

  14. Carter did a great deal of damage to the US nuclear power industry by banning the reprocessing of nuclear fuel rods. His excuse was that the plutonium extracted could be used for nuclear weapons. But this is a physical impossibility, because during power generation the plutonium 240 isotope builds up. If you try to use it for a bomb, you get a fizzle because the mixture ignites before you can get the required amount for an explosion to implode. The plutonium you get from reprocessing fuel rods is useful for power, but not for bombs.

    Other countries like France and Russia, do recycle their nuclear fuel rods and reduce the price of nuclear energy dramatically.

  15. The more I read of Carter’s actions, the deeper the conclusion that under the surface folksy charm, resided a bitter, malicious anti-Semite.

  16. I was not aware of what Bob Wilson was talking about. Why would plutonium’s potential use in nuclear weapons be a problem for a nation with a nuclear arsenal? So I looked it up.


    On April 7, 1977, President Jimmy Carter announced that the United States would defer indefinitely the reprocessing of spent nuclear reactor fuel. He stated that after extensive examination of the issues, he had reached the conclusion that this action was necessary to reduce the serious threat of nuclear weapons proliferation, and that by setting this example, the U. S. would encourage other nations to follow its lead.

    Dear lord, that is the distilled Jimmy Carter.

  17. Ironically since then there have been at least three nuclear powers india pakistan and north korea south africa and libya were close to doing so

  18. Carter was the first president of whom I have any memory, and the first to whom I ever wrote a letter.

  19. “Like many well-intentioned people, he clearly had a poor understanding of economics, foreign affairs, and human nature in general.” – Nonapod

    My sentiments exactly.

    May he RIP.

  20. @ Dax links to a post: “He was the real thing: A personal memory and a few surprises about Jimmy Carter”

    That one presents a radically different view from this one:

    I am always intrigued when personal views of a person, especially a prominent celebrity, differ so widely.

    Did they just see Carter in wildly different environments? Does a positive view stem from a personal bias of the viewer, and vice versa? Does the celebrity actually behave differently to different people?
    All of the above?

    If Democrats can see Carter in a positive light, while Republicans see mostly his negative traits, then certainly Republicans are entitled to a positive view of their own candidates, despite Democrats having vapors about them.

    FWIW, Andrea Widburg is in the negative camp.

  21. In memory of 20% interest rates when trying to buy my first house in 1979.

    James Earl Carter did serve as President of the United States of America, as did James Buchanan and Millard Fillmore.

    There, I did not speak ill of the dead.

    Yay me.

  22. “I’ve always thought that Carter “had it in” for the USA.” — John Tyler

    I don’t think he hated America _while he was President_ . I’m old enough to remember his presidency (albeit I was not yet an adult), and looking back, and pondering what I’ve learned since, I think JEC was _embarrassed_ by America, but didn’t hate it or resent it…yet.

    There’s an old joke that Right wingers think the world is not good enough for America, and Left wingers think that America is not good enough for the world. I think Carter fell into that tendency, he thought America needed fixing and he wanted to be the one to fix it.

    (He actually corrected diagnosed some of what was wrong in the country, it’s just that his proposed cures were mostly disasters.)

    But America rejected his effort to fix it, and rejected _him_ for a man I suspect Carter saw as his intellectual and moral inferior (i.e. RWR). While I think Carter was merely embarrassed by America up until 1980, I think he was seriously angry and resentful and hostile toward America after 1980. I don’t think he ever forgave the voters for choosing Reagan over him.

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