Home » Biden’s death row commutations


Biden’s death row commutations — 28 Comments

  1. It does not reflect well upon the Democrats, that they think these pardons are a good idea.

  2. I haven’t really seen posts about whether the usual Democrat sources think this was a good thing to do.

    Biden tried to govern like a king in “forgiving” loans that the taxpayers would have to pay for. In this, he has the power, but with the blanket pardons, the unlimited pardon of his son, and now giving people guilty of heinous murders their lives back, he puts his thumb in the eyes of all Americans who actually thought laws meant something.

    Not a merry Christmas for the surviving families of people butchered by these killers.

    Biden has forgotten God, despite his totally nominal, self-defined Catholicism, but God has not forgotten about Biden. An eternity in Hades awaits this lifelong corrupt, immoral man.

    He is more evidence that Democrat voters are stupid, ignorant or evil.

  4. In addition to the three civilian death row inmates, Biden did not (yet) commute sentences for the four men of the military’s death row in Fort Leavenworth.

    These include Nidal Hasan and Hasan Ackbar, plus Timothy Hennis and Ronald Gray.

    Gray has been on death row at the USDB since 1988.

    So no, there is no moral consistency, just a big (and very puzzling) “F U”.

  5. So he says he is against the death penalty but apparently not if it would be politically iffy.

  6. Do you think Biden knows just who was pardoned, any more than the others? He just signs the paper.

  7. In pragmatic terms it’s hard to understand. Does anyone on either side imagine that Joe Biden is committing a deep act of conscience? Even before considering the lack of moral consistency of not commuting the most notorious murderers.

    The Democrat Party is still going to suffer blowback as being the party of they/them, in this case heinous murderers.

    Or is this just part of Joe Biden’s big farewell FU to everyone?

    I’m sure this isn’t the end of the pardons.

  8. huxley (5:03 pm) said: “Does anyone on either side imagine that Joe Biden is committing a deep act of conscience?”

    There may be a few die-hard Truly-True Believers, hard as that is to comprehend.

    “The Democrat Party is still going to suffer blowback as being the party of they/them, in this case heinous murderers.”

    I fervently hope.

    “Or is this just part of Joe Biden’s big farewell FU to everyone?”

    Yep. Next question . . .

  9. MJR.
    Biden’s not collected enough for that. It’s the cabal of his handlers doing the big FU.

  10. Neo: I tried to post to this and kept getting a message that it was a duplicate. I will try appending it to this message and see if it works.
    A sort-of President. What an image. And how accurate!

    Will we ever learn when Biden “checked out” and his staff (or Dr. Jill) took over? Will one of them publish a tell-all that brings us into the secret? It sure would be nice to know at what point in time he effectively stopped being the CEO of the government. I’m betting it was within the first two years. I’m also betting there were a lot of people in government and the media who knew it too and just played along with the fiction.

    Every once in a while I find myself reflecting on the fact that Biden wanted to be President from about the time he graduated from law school, and perhaps even before that. But I have it at third hand that at his first job in a small law firm, other employees could hear him close himself in a room and make grand orations to no one — practicing, my friend was sure, for a much larger stage. He got it, and now he’s botched it and left himself a much diminished legacy.

    “Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.” Or strike with senile dementia, as the case might be.

  11. I was at the auto repair place early yesterday morning in the waiting area and some of the crusty blue collar guys working there started talking about these commutations. One said, “Did you hear about these death row criminals that Biden let off the hook?” The other said, “Biden isn’t doing a damn thing! Whomever is in charge is doing this.”

  12. I wonder if the 25th Amendment was not used because the powers “behind the curtain” were powerful enough that they could get the other Biden Cabinet members to decline to go along with the effort.

    The powers behind Biden were stronger than those behind Harris. After all, she had constant turnover in staff and one would have to assume that she was not well liked in the Biden camp.

    In addition the people doing all of these actions can implement them and have Biden take the heat if they are not well received.

    I hope that someone (Cotton?) can get the concept of Biden being incompetent to reverse some of these decisions. Unfortunately, once someone takes an action the next guy will do twice as much damage. An example, Biden had a photo op of him signing many EOs the day he took office. Trump’s staff is already prepping to reverse Biden’s EOs as well do more actions. Unless the Congress can back up Trump with laws to formalize the EO actions, this tug of war with EOs will continue to the detriment of the country.

  13. @Liz:I wonder if the 25th Amendment was not used because

    It’s because the 25th Amendment process is extremely difficult to implement against a President who is not actually comatose or kidnapped. Which is a good thing if you think about it or they’d have done it to Trump.

    Biden doesn’t have to be very compos mentis to take his Presidency back. It would take 2/3 votes of both Houses of Congress–a much higher bar than impeachment–in order to deprive Biden of the Presidency for more than three days, if he communicates in writing that he is fit to be President. He could wake up from his pudding cups long enough to do that, easily. And then where is the Cabinet left hanging after that? Fired and replaced by people who knows that if Joe’s not available just ask Jill.

    Biden is a very old man and maybe has more bad days than good days lately but he’s not in a coma. He might only be up to three or fours of work per day or per week, but he’s not going to let himself be removed.

    I hope that someone (Cotton?) can get the concept of Biden being incompetent to reverse some of these decisions.

    There’s no one with that power; the Constitution vests the entire Executive power in the President and the pardons are not a matter for the other branches to interfere with. If Congress actually did that, the cure would be worse than the disease: 2026 midterms go the wrong way and now Trump is declared incompetent. The Supreme Court would never do it, that would be going right against the explicit text of the Constitution.

  14. I wonder if the 25th Amendment was not used because the powers “behind the curtain” were powerful enough that they could get the other Biden Cabinet members to decline to go along with the effort.
    There was a 17 month period in 1919-21 when the President was incapacitated. It took Congress 46 years to get round to sending a ‘remedy’ to the states. Trouble is, the scheme they designed only works if the president wishes to take a voluntary leave of absence for a short period. That was not the situation the country faced in 1919. One thing they might have done, and there are provisions for that in the 25th Amendment, was to vest the discretion to provisionally declare the president incompetent in some body other than the cabinet. The cabinet can be fired. You’d still need a 2/3 vote in Congress to prevent the President from reclaiming his powers, but at least he could not retaliate by discharging the body in question.

  15. Every once in a while I find myself reflecting on the fact that Biden wanted to be President from about the time he graduated from law school, and perhaps even before that.


    Sounds right to me.

    After this happy election I imagine Biden as a Twilight Zone character, tempted by the Devil and selling his soul to become President.

    Then he discovers the fine print on the deal. That he will go senile, other people will run things, few will respect him and he leaves office reviled as one of the worst presidents in history.

    The Devil laughs, as he takes Joe Biden’s soul to the Other Place.

    Another cautionary tale … from the Twilight Zone.

    [Shimmering Twilight Zone music.]

  16. Looking at it from the bright[er] side, Joseph R. Biden has been giving hope and inspiration to a significant (and growing) sector of America’s aging population….

  17. F; huxley:

    At the age of 22 or 23, when courting his first wife, Biden told his future mother-in-law that he would become president. See this.

  18. Cicero –
    With due respect, pronouncements on who will or will not be eternally damned are best left to the one possessing the power to damn. Personally, in that forum I’m rooting for a liberal – even extravagant – dispensation of clemency that would extend to Joe Biden, and maybe pretty far beyond that.

  19. Why throw out the king when every Duke gets to run their fiefdom as they see fit with massive public money?
    Being kind to cruel is just being cruel to the kind.

  20. On the 25th Amendment, I don’t think it was ever designed, despite claims that seemed to start during Trump’s first term due to the ambiguous wording, to remove a President either because of diminished capacity or via parliamentary maneuvering. It wasn’t really needed prior to the Cold War because uncertainty over the Presidental transition would not be critical until we might be faced with Presidental vacancy that could occur because of or precipitate a rapid all-out attack. The procedures clearly contemplate a President unambiguously physically unable to carry out the duties of his Office, not merely with diminished faculties or disliked by his Party.

  21. Joe indirectly gave Obama a rare chance to appear wise by observing that one should never underestimate Joe’s ability to F’ things up! A rare Obama true insight!

    Of course, had he not sought to protect himself against removal by appointing Joe VP, we would have been spared the agony of finding out just how correct he was!

  22. but this was exactly obamas strategy, only bitter clingers, clinging to their guns and bibles, would complain, about this,

    the misidenfication of Amelia Carter, was somewhat born of hope, but its unlikely she would be identified,

  23. The procedures clearly contemplate a President unambiguously physically unable to carry out the duties of his Office, not merely with diminished faculties or disliked by his Party.
    No, they don’t. The procedures provide for a president to take a voluntary leave. The procedures also provide for adjudicating between competing claims, which would not be the case if they were only meant to address a comatose president. Woodrow Wilson wasn’t comatose. His wife, was, however, hiding him from everyone but his doctor.

  24. JDinPA on Xmas Eve seems to wish clemency on stupidity, corruption and EVIL in our political class. I will not join him in that.
    Do I misunderstand?

  25. Yes, God judges by his exalted standards, not our lowly ones, ‘no one is worthy not one’ as much as we might consider ourselves above this wretched puppet they put upon us, but there are examples if not far afield, nebuchanezzar came to wisdom after his folly,

  26. The question which, I’d imagine, is on virtually everyone’s mind is, just exactly who is running the White House, because–as he sinks ever deeper into dementia–it sure ain’t ol’ Joe.

    And the next question is, since recent articles say that staffers saw the signs his mental decline from the very first days of his Administration, just how far back in time did this creeping coup originate?

    It is obvious that some mechanisms will have to be devised to make it much harder for such usurpations to occur in the future.

    One place that such changes might be started is a law suit to challenge the validity of these unconscionable pardons, on the basis that Biden did not have the mental capacity to make evaluations of the merits of each case, sufficient to lead a reasonable person to grant/sign these pardons.

    (Just which crazy leftist ideologue, for instance, in the White House advocated for these blanket pardons. Who, for that matter, introduced this idea to ol’ Joe, and who put the documents in front of him, and got him to scribble his signature? Did someone–a la the movies–just put a whole thick wad of documents needing his signature in front of Biden, and he just went down through the stack–not reading them–but just signing away?)

    Should such a law suit reach the discovery phase, names could be named, and all sorts of unsavory, illegal, and Unconstitutional things might be brought to light.

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