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O’Reilly called it before the polls closed — 12 Comments

  1. It’s supposed to seem analytical, serious and to the point…but it‘s (Politico and hence) just another exercise in—what I’ll euphemistically call—EUPHEMISM:
    “New research shows the massive hole Dems are in

    “New research…”. Right.

    + Bonus:
    Bret Stephens FINALLY(!) states the obvious…but what took him so freakin’ long????
    “Down With Never Trump”—

    Rather “amusing” how “all of a sudden” people who should have known better all along start turning a bit more “honest”…

  2. Politico interview with Trump’s campaign team makes it clear that they were not surprised or inconvenienced by Biden’s leaving the race and substituting Harris, regardless of what the legacy media was trying to get us to believe at the time.

    What happens if Biden stays in?

    Fabrizio: We would have definitely won the popular vote, and we would have won with a larger electoral college vote.

    LaCivita: And we would’ve won more Senate seats.

    Were there other Democrats you tested as possible opponents?

    Fabrizio: Yeah, we tested them all.

    Who was the strongest?

    Fabrizio: Strangely enough, Michelle Obama.

    But that was never an option for Democrats.

    Fabrizio: But we tested it! Everybody said: “Oh, you got caught flat-flooted,” we were not flat-footed.

    LaCivita: Bullshit, we were way ahead of the ballgame.

    Fabrizio: We tested them all!


    Fabrizio: Right after the debate, soon as the whispers started.

    LaCivita: But back in May, we did an analysis of what it would take to remove Biden as the nominee because we wanted to know how the Democratic Party would do it.

    Compared what was in legacy media at the time:

    senior advisers find themselves in the most vulnerable moment as they struggle to frame effective attacks against Kamala Harris, according to multiple people familiar with the matter.

    The past month, starting with Joe Biden’s withdrawal and his endorsement of Harris to succeed him, which propelled her to draw roughly even in key swing state polls, has easily been the most unstable moment for the Trump campaign since its formal launch in late 2022.

    In that period, Trump has often committed one unforced error after another as he tries to frame arguments against Harris, struggled to break through the news cycle hyping Democrats’ enthusiasm, and suddenly found himself on the defensive with a narrow window left until November.

  3. Interesting.
    (What flexible, analytical gymnastics them Dems have! Did Orwell call it or what!!?)

  4. Re: Video

    I like the volunteer gal in the foreground of Dem HQ wearing a face mask and multiple vertical pigtails exercising with a resistance band.

    Bill O’Reilly Confronts Early Election Night ‘Gibberish’

    How could Kamala lose?

  5. Anybody voting for her [Kamala] and thinking she’s a policy genius, is… a moron. — O’Reilly

    Classic O’Reilly! Lol.

  6. Fabrizio: Yeah, we tested them all.

    Who was the strongest?

    Fabrizio: Strangely enough, Michelle Obama.

    –quoted by Niketas Choniates

    Not surprising to me.

    I know Michelle just wanted to live her own best life, yada-yada, but I would still argue that she had the best chance in 2020 and 2024, if she had sucked it up for the Revolution and suffered the horrific indignities of living in the White House with no more responsibilities than playing the figurehead POTUS, as Joe did.

    Now Obama’s legacy is a cake melting in the rain.

    MacArthur’s Park is melting in the dark
    All the sweet green icing flowing down
    Someone left the cake out in the rain
    I don’t think that I can take it
    ‘Cause it took so long to bake it
    And I’ll never have that recipe again, oh no

    –“Richard Harris – MacArthur Park (Official Audio)”


    Tragic. I blame Michelle Obama.

  7. Tragic. I blame Michelle Obama.

    We owe undying gratitude to Michelle Obama for this. I agree that she would have done better in the election[s] than Brandon or Kamala.

  8. Nice of Stephens to come out with that now that Trump is a fait accompli. Would have been nice before the election, not that Trump needed it.

  9. Talk about too little too late from Bret Stephens lol. It doesn’t really matter anyway because no one on the right, or left, has read him for a long time. The only reason the NYT keeps him is for the pretense they are somehow “even-handed” for having a “conservative” columnist.

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