In the Genesee Valley, in 1974, it wasn’t done that way.
“The Hustle” was the fad dance which succeeded “The Bump”. The Bump was more amusing.
By the way, Al Green rules
Elliot Kaufman interviews Benjamin Netanyahu in today’s WSJ. Very interesting.
Neo – what makes you say the father is a better dancer?
He is certainly more relaxed, especially in his upper body.
I saw this at Althouse and thought of Karmi and his beef with “The Rule of Man/Law”.
Althouse asks Grok to write a conversation between four famous men, who have made memorable quotes about control. This is one of the conversations Althouse imagines.
“Ann, why don’t you have grok make that conversation for you?” It took me a couple seconds to understand what Unknown meant but then I got it and prompted, “I’m picturing the quoted persons — George Orwell, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, Jim Morrison, Henry Kissinger — at a dinner party speaking on the subject of control, the subject of the quotes, and would like a 10-minute dialogue of their conversation.”
Grok immediately responded:
Setting: An elegant, dimly lit dining room with a long table. The four individuals are seated, each with a glass of wine, discussing the theme of control.
George Orwell: (raising his glass) “To control, or the illusion thereof. In my ‘1984’, I argued that control over the past shapes the future. Who controls the present, controls the narrative of history.”
Mayer Amschel Rothschild: (nodding sagely) “Indeed, Mr. Orwell. My own maxim has always been about the levers of power. Give me control of a nation’s money, and I care not who makes its laws. Money is the ultimate lever in the grand machinery of governance.”
Jim Morrison: (leaning back, eyes gleaming with intensity) “Control? You speak of it as if it’s tangible, but it’s more like a song, isn’t it? He who controls the media, controls the mind. The melody of truth or lies, woven through the airwaves, shapes our reality.”
Henry Kissinger: (with a measured tone) “Control is multifaceted. Consider the resources of the world. Control the food, and you control the populace. Control the energy, and you dictate the terms of international politics.”
Orwell: “But isn’t there a danger in such control? The manipulation of truth, of history, leads to the subjugation of the spirit. Big Brother was an embodiment of the worst of this.”
Rothschild: “Subjugation or stability? Control can bring order from chaos. Financial stability dictates peace or war. Perhaps it’s not about subjugation but about guiding the course of humanity.”
Morrison: (laughs) “Order from chaos? That’s poetry, man. But what of the individual’s chaos, their liberty to dream, to rebel? Your control stifles that. The mind should be free to roam, not caged by the media or money.”
Kissinger: “And yet, without some form of control, how do we manage the greater good? The chaos Morrison speaks of could lead to anarchy if left unchecked. There’s a balance, a necessary evil in control.”
Orwell: “Ah, but at what cost? Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows. Your control mechanisms, Mr. Rothschild, Mr. Kissinger, they might bring order, but at the expense of truth and freedom.”
Rothschild: “Freedom is not absolute, Mr. Orwell. It exists within the boundaries of what society can tolerate without descending into chaos. My control over finance was to ensure stability, not to enslave.”
Morrison: “But what of the soul’s freedom? The media, the money, they’re tools to control the soul’s expression. I say, let chaos reign if it means true freedom.”
Kissinger: “But freedom without responsibility is anarchy. Control, when applied with wisdom, can foster growth, innovation, even peace. Consider the geopolitical chessboard; without control, nations would be at constant war.”
Orwell: (pensively) “Yet, the seeds of tyranny are often sown in the name of peace or stability. The question remains, at what point does control become oppression?”
Morrison: “Exactly! We’re all just playing roles in this grand theater of life. But who’s the playwright? Is it the one with the money, the media, or the military might?”
Rothschild: “Perhaps we are all playwrights in our own way, each with our script on control. But remember, even the richest man is bound by his own wealth’s demands.”
Kissinger: (smiling faintly) “And the statesman by the demands of the state. Control is not absolute; it’s a dance with countless partners.”
Orwell: “Then let us hope this dance does not lead us into the darkness of total control, where freedom is but a memory.”
Morrison: (raising his glass) “To freedom then, in its wildest, most chaotic form. May it always find a way to break through the chains of control.”
All: (clinking glasses) “To freedom, control, and the fine line between them.”
This conversation ends with a toast, symbolizing a recognition of the complex interplay between control and freedom, each participant offering their unique perspective shaped by their experiences and philosophies.
No, I don’t like this at all! Will re-prompt and get back to you.
MORE: My new prompt: “Redo the dinner conversation following these rules: 1. Orwell takes control of the conversation as Kissinger and Rothchild admire him so much that they barely contribute at all, 2. Morrison is peevish and narcissistic and wants the admiration of the other men, 3. Morrison’s discomfort leads to a terrible food fight.”…..
Mentioned not long ago that the Liquid Cooler on my old Frankenstein (AKA – ‘Frank‘) PC build went out.
‘Frank’ is built with parts from several older builds that got too old or were hit by lightning (too many PCs – which left some w/o protection) or etc. A mini-ITX build, but the Intel® Core™ i9-9900 (non-K) Processor packs a wallop even for its age. Not my smallest build—that was in an InWin BQ656 Mini-ITX Case, but getting parts into a Cooler Master Elite 130 Mini-ITX case isn’t easy either – hence the reason I tested that now failed Liquid Cooler in it.
Am now back to using a Noctua fan cooler for the repair – NH-L9i. Have never had a Noctua fan cooler go out on me…never had a compatible one let any of the Intel i9 CPU series overheat. The NH-L9i is 95mm x 95mm x 37mm (just 1.45669 inches tall!?!) so it should fit even under the 500w power supply—bad design over CPU, IMHO, but that Standard ATX power supply has to go somewhere in that 8.1H x 9.4W x 14.9D inches case. 🙂
Under a Standard ATX power supply, between 16GBs (8×2) of memory, and a GeForce GTX 1050 Ti GPU (very efficient GPU). Was going to move whole setup to an old case that was converted to a test bench, but the Elite 130 Mini-ITX case is a great little case, and fits into some tight spots…
He “feels” the music more – is looser and more animated and just plain interesting in what he’s doing. When I was watching the clip, my eye kept being drawn to him rather than to the son in terms of his moves. Sometime in a line of dancers one stands out and that is the one your eye is drawn to.
Moon lit clouds from last month. The two smoke streaks right after the moon sets are either meteors or space junk.
Gerard’s book(s) arrived today in time for Christmas. One beautiful short essay of his not in the book will be included in the gift to my cousin who lived in Seattle, on Queen Ann Hill, where he wrote it. She is a retired flight attendant who will love the book and the enclosed “The Shades of Green in the Green Shade” that is poetry masquerading as prose. Absolutely beautiful. Here is a short excerpt:
“There’s comfort in the “world dimensional” — cold though it may be, green as it has become. The comfort comes from attending, from paying attention to the shades of green in the green shade.
“If you attend you can catch the quick blue crocus jumping over the damp moss tendrils — bright cups of cerulean with slashes of yellow and orange in the center — bursting in a day and flash-frozen and slumped to a sigh in one night. Slumped against the earth’s daubed quilt of green which in a motley of hues endures.
“Here high on this hill above Seattle, the blocks below form an island of Ireland where green is the keynote color of this time in this place. What lawn I have that is still unconquered by armies of weed is a symphony of greens painted by the tireless fingers of grass, lichen, mold and moss, punctuated by a single errant crocus with a tip of vermillion gleaming at the top of its jade tower at the edge of the walk where no hand planted it…”
Thank you so much for preserving American Digest, Neo, and for collecting an publishing Gerard’s best essays.
The Other Chuck:
Glad you received it in time!
Brian E….”Althouse asks Grok to write a conversation between four famous men, who have made memorable quotes about control.”
I asked Perplexity to write a conversation between George Orwell and Ayn Rand about socialism. It did OK, but didn’t really capture the style of either or the sparks that would surely have flown on any conversation between them on that subject.
Then I asked Perplexity to imagine that Fanny Kemble–English Shakespearean actress and a wonderful diarist, who spent much time in the US–was brought to the US in 2024 via time travel and continued her diary in this new time, and it did much better. Here’s Perplexity:
@ Neo > “He “feels” the music more – is looser and more animated”
To me, it looks like Dad is dancing with the muscle memory of countless nights of partying in his youth; Son has had to learn the moves recently and so is stiffer.
Sunday Open Thread – Russian war on Ukraine and the Black Sea;
The Ukrainian Naval War (2024) – Armed drones, exports & the battle for the Black Sea – Perun
00:00:00 — Opening Words
00:01:15 — What Am I Talking About?
00:03:28 — Background
00:06:39 — Battle For The Black Sea
00:14:58 — Russia Changes Tactics
00:24:53 — Drone Evolution
00:35:22 — Counter-adaptation (drones with guns)
00:43:48 — Future Trends
00:50:50 — Wider Implications
01:01:46 — Channel Update
Dad is by far the better dancer. His whole body is in it. The son is carrying out some rote moves, but it’s as if he were controlling only isolated parts, stiffly.
What I always loved about Fred Astaire was that every molecule of his body was involved at every second, in an integral beauty. I assume the same is true of brilliant classical dancers, only it’s harder for me to grasp.
Pretty wild. Rachel Zegler is the embattled Latina actress playing Snow White in the embattled live-action Disney remake of “Snow White.”
Zegler is not white, much less snow white, she’s quite woke and she feels entitled to rub straight Disney family audiences noses into her DEI agenda at every turn.
In a new YouTube on that story I noticed that Rachel Zegler had a tongue piercing.:
Frankenstein (AKA – ‘Frank‘) is back up ‘n running great again.
Hard to beat Noctua fan coolers, and their info is exceptional. Example: For my NH-L9i they had compatibility links to the processor, the motherboard, the ram/memory, and even the case. Then they build them to be easily installed. I’ve installed other brands in the past that were a 100% nightmare—never again.
Problem with replacing a CPU cooler like this – is that it is worse than building a new one. Almost everything needed unplugged and removed. Then all that needs reinstalling and plugged in again. Then checked how its all working…
Because the Cooler Master Liquid Cooler had gone bad, it needed to be removed…then the CPU had to be cleaned of all the old Thermal Paste—without Thermal Paste between the CPU and cooler the CPU would overheat and basically burn its innards up. Oh, and Noctua fan coolers come with the best Thermal Paste I have used, and simple to apply just a 4-5mm dab in the center and no need to spread it around the CPU evenly.
Plenty of room under the power supply—actually, the NH-L9i was no taller than the Liquid Cooler’s CPU attachment, the NH-L9i was just wider. No over heating issues…watched it in BIOS for about 5 minutes and no temp risings. Super quiet…
Building a computer isn’t that difficult nowadays. Example, my favorite is PCPartPicker:
PCPartPicker provides computer part selection, compatibility, and pricing guidance for do-it-yourself computer builders. Assemble your virtual part lists with PCPartPicker and we’ll provide compatibility guidance with up-to-date pricing from dozens of the most popular online retailers.
Amazon is also good at providing compatibility of parts you buy…I double and triple check stuff before ordering—especially when doing a new build.
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In the Genesee Valley, in 1974, it wasn’t done that way.
“The Hustle” was the fad dance which succeeded “The Bump”. The Bump was more amusing.
By the way, Al Green rules
Elliot Kaufman interviews Benjamin Netanyahu in today’s WSJ. Very interesting.
Neo – what makes you say the father is a better dancer?
He is certainly more relaxed, especially in his upper body.
I saw this at Althouse and thought of Karmi and his beef with “The Rule of Man/Law”.
Althouse asks Grok to write a conversation between four famous men, who have made memorable quotes about control. This is one of the conversations Althouse imagines.
Mentioned not long ago that the Liquid Cooler on my old Frankenstein (AKA – ‘Frank‘) PC build went out.
‘Frank’ is built with parts from several older builds that got too old or were hit by lightning (too many PCs – which left some w/o protection) or etc. A mini-ITX build, but the Intel® Core™ i9-9900 (non-K) Processor packs a wallop even for its age. Not my smallest build—that was in an InWin BQ656 Mini-ITX Case, but getting parts into a Cooler Master Elite 130 Mini-ITX case isn’t easy either – hence the reason I tested that now failed Liquid Cooler in it.
Am now back to using a Noctua fan cooler for the repair – NH-L9i. Have never had a Noctua fan cooler go out on me…never had a compatible one let any of the Intel i9 CPU series overheat. The NH-L9i is 95mm x 95mm x 37mm (just 1.45669 inches tall!?!) so it should fit even under the 500w power supply—bad design over CPU, IMHO, but that Standard ATX power supply has to go somewhere in that 8.1H x 9.4W x 14.9D inches case. 🙂
Under a Standard ATX power supply, between 16GBs (8×2) of memory, and a GeForce GTX 1050 Ti GPU (very efficient GPU). Was going to move whole setup to an old case that was converted to a test bench, but the Elite 130 Mini-ITX case is a great little case, and fits into some tight spots…
He “feels” the music more – is looser and more animated and just plain interesting in what he’s doing. When I was watching the clip, my eye kept being drawn to him rather than to the son in terms of his moves. Sometime in a line of dancers one stands out and that is the one your eye is drawn to.
Moon lit clouds from last month. The two smoke streaks right after the moon sets are either meteors or space junk.
Gerard’s book(s) arrived today in time for Christmas. One beautiful short essay of his not in the book will be included in the gift to my cousin who lived in Seattle, on Queen Ann Hill, where he wrote it. She is a retired flight attendant who will love the book and the enclosed “The Shades of Green in the Green Shade” that is poetry masquerading as prose. Absolutely beautiful. Here is a short excerpt:
“There’s comfort in the “world dimensional” — cold though it may be, green as it has become. The comfort comes from attending, from paying attention to the shades of green in the green shade.
“If you attend you can catch the quick blue crocus jumping over the damp moss tendrils — bright cups of cerulean with slashes of yellow and orange in the center — bursting in a day and flash-frozen and slumped to a sigh in one night. Slumped against the earth’s daubed quilt of green which in a motley of hues endures.
“Here high on this hill above Seattle, the blocks below form an island of Ireland where green is the keynote color of this time in this place. What lawn I have that is still unconquered by armies of weed is a symphony of greens painted by the tireless fingers of grass, lichen, mold and moss, punctuated by a single errant crocus with a tip of vermillion gleaming at the top of its jade tower at the edge of the walk where no hand planted it…”
Thank you so much for preserving American Digest, Neo, and for collecting an publishing Gerard’s best essays.
The Other Chuck:
Glad you received it in time!
Brian E….”Althouse asks Grok to write a conversation between four famous men, who have made memorable quotes about control.”
I asked Perplexity to write a conversation between George Orwell and Ayn Rand about socialism. It did OK, but didn’t really capture the style of either or the sparks that would surely have flown on any conversation between them on that subject.
Then I asked Perplexity to imagine that Fanny Kemble–English Shakespearean actress and a wonderful diarist, who spent much time in the US–was brought to the US in 2024 via time travel and continued her diary in this new time, and it did much better. Here’s Perplexity:
Here’s a post I did which includes excerpts from the actual writing of Ms Kemble:
@ Neo > “He “feels” the music more – is looser and more animated”
To me, it looks like Dad is dancing with the muscle memory of countless nights of partying in his youth; Son has had to learn the moves recently and so is stiffer.
Sunday Open Thread – Russian war on Ukraine and the Black Sea;
The Ukrainian Naval War (2024) – Armed drones, exports & the battle for the Black Sea – Perun
Dad is by far the better dancer. His whole body is in it. The son is carrying out some rote moves, but it’s as if he were controlling only isolated parts, stiffly.
What I always loved about Fred Astaire was that every molecule of his body was involved at every second, in an integral beauty. I assume the same is true of brilliant classical dancers, only it’s harder for me to grasp.
R. I. P. Rickey Henderson
Wisconsin High School Allows Biological Male to Use Girls’ Locker Room – Boy Allegedly Stares at Girls, Exposes P*nis, Rubs Himself With Lotion to “Prevent Chafing” and Threatened to “Shoot up School”
Re: Would Snow White sport a tongue piercing?
Pretty wild. Rachel Zegler is the embattled Latina actress playing Snow White in the embattled live-action Disney remake of “Snow White.”
Zegler is not white, much less snow white, she’s quite woke and she feels entitled to rub straight Disney family audiences noses into her DEI agenda at every turn.
In a new YouTube on that story I noticed that Rachel Zegler had a tongue piercing.:
–“Snow White: The Complete Destruction Of A Disney Classic”
As fans of “Pulp Fiction” know:
John Travolta: I was just curious but, um, why would you wear a stud in your tongue?
Rosanne Arquette: Sex thing. Helps fellatio.
Would Snow White sport a tongue piercing?
Maybe we’ve gotten a tad ahead of ourselves.
ref my comment on December 21, 2024 at 2:48 pm:
Frankenstein (AKA – ‘Frank‘) is back up ‘n running great again.
Hard to beat Noctua fan coolers, and their info is exceptional. Example: For my NH-L9i they had compatibility links to the processor, the motherboard, the ram/memory, and even the case. Then they build them to be easily installed. I’ve installed other brands in the past that were a 100% nightmare—never again.
Problem with replacing a CPU cooler like this – is that it is worse than building a new one. Almost everything needed unplugged and removed. Then all that needs reinstalling and plugged in again. Then checked how its all working…
Because the Cooler Master Liquid Cooler had gone bad, it needed to be removed…then the CPU had to be cleaned of all the old Thermal Paste—without Thermal Paste between the CPU and cooler the CPU would overheat and basically burn its innards up. Oh, and Noctua fan coolers come with the best Thermal Paste I have used, and simple to apply just a 4-5mm dab in the center and no need to spread it around the CPU evenly.
Plenty of room under the power supply—actually, the NH-L9i was no taller than the Liquid Cooler’s CPU attachment, the NH-L9i was just wider. No over heating issues…watched it in BIOS for about 5 minutes and no temp risings. Super quiet…
Building a computer isn’t that difficult nowadays. Example, my favorite is PCPartPicker:
Amazon is also good at providing compatibility of parts you buy…I double and triple check stuff before ordering—especially when doing a new build.