Home » Hard to figure this one out: the Magdeburg perp


Hard to figure this one out: the Magdeburg perp — 25 Comments

  1. It’s only difficult to ascertain if you aren’t familiar with Islam. You have to go with Occam’s Razor here. So what explains it?

    In a word: Taqiyya

    It’s not ok for Muslims to lie to other Muslims, but it’s a duty to lie to infidels.

    The words were a ruse. His actions speak volumes.

    I mean, he drove a 1/4 MILE through the crowd. A QUARTER MILE.

  2. Or, with apologies to professionals in the field who may post here, I’ve known a few psych majors who were unbalanced themselves, perhaps leading to their interest in the field. But Jimmer’s explanation is more likely.

  3. Yep, I suspect Jimmer is correct.

    There have been a number of cases in the UK where asylum seekers have claimed to have converted to Christianity with the support of the Church of England and then committed crimes that are suspiciously terrorist like in nature.

    The guy that threw acid in the face of an ex is one example.

  4. Kate wrote “I’ve known a few psych majors who were unbalanced themselves, perhaps leading to their interest in the field. But Jimmer’s explanation is more likely.”

    Perhaps the reality is both:
    Unbalanced, but also using Taqiyya.

    Which reminds me of this harsh truth ( well –IMO):
    The psychology industry (including certified “mental health counselors”) may attract more than their share of narcissists, which is truly sad since they profit off of not curing patients.
    Nowadays, some portion of these professionals are “aiding and abetting” the transgender “virus”.

  5. Hard to tell but, of course, the usual media and politicians here are stressing, to absurd limits, the insignificant fact that the terrorist follows Musk on X.
    I don’t really know what his support for AfD amounts to, however it’s only predictable – in view of next February’s election- that this point is always remarked, even if AfD views can’t possibly be behind such an act.
    I myself thought about Taqiyya, it would explain everything, but there are indeed previous indications – coming from Saudi Arabia government – to the effect that the man is really against religion, and was prosecuted for this reason in that country. I don’t know if his hatred for religion extends to Christianity, as well – there’s a video in which he proclaims to be a leftist (and, strangely, that leftists are the worse).

  6. The problem with the Taqiyya explanation is that it’s my impression this guy has a lengthy history of anti-Islam sentiment.

    If it’s Taqiyya, it might be that he’s masquerading as a jihadi to raise anti-jihadi sentiment.

    Or that he’s just plain flipped his lid.

  7. More than 208 million people follow Elon Musk on X. European media are kidding themselves if they think each follower is a possible crazed killer.

  8. Not every shrink can be a Dr. Jennifer Melfi – especially females. Female shrinks I have met have been wound tighter than a piano wire…hold on. (No wonder I always hated English, i.e., wound as in injury vs wound as in past something of wind!?! Don’t get me started on wind…)

    Knew a pretty famous male shrink in Coconut Grove – drug user who died on top of some hottie whilst his wife was screwing the hottie’s hippy boyfriend downstairs.

    Another had me come to a jail to see him—maybe he was afraid to see me elsewhere (?!), took my money, and it took forever to get the results. Think Shyster.

    Friend’s ex-wife was a shrink…left him and their daughter, but did contribute to the daughter being raised. Never met her, but felt her whacko vibe without ever needing to meet her.

    Kate was probably more correct than she knows:

    ..I’ve known a few psych majors who were unbalanced themselves, perhaps leading to their interest in the field.

  9. A guy goes into a Walmart and as a TikTok “prank” sprays poison, reportedly bug spray, all over food, and films himself committing the crime, his face included.

    As a precaution Walmart had to throw out almost one million dollars of food.*

    This schmuck has been arrested and, as part of any sentence, I’d like to see him required to pay back every penny of that million dollars.

    And if that means that he will have to work crap jobs for the rest of his life–a large chunk of his pay checks garnished each week towards that million–so be it.

    He doesn’t have steady employment–back to jail. He finds some way to quit paying–back to jail. He flees–back to jail.

    There is another one of these “pranksters,” this one, “Mizzy,” just arrested in the UK, with one of his “pranks” being to barge into people’s homes
    and filming their reactions.**

    * See https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/12/police-arrest-tiktok-prankster-spraying-poison-all-food/

    ** See https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-2947715/Video-Moment-TikTok-troublemaker-Mizzy-arrested-police.html

  10. “…it’s my impression this guy has a lengthy history of anti-Islam sentiment.“

    What crasey@6:13 pm said WRT Andrea Widburg.
    Here?s Robert Spencer:
    “ Why the Media Spin on the German Christmas Market Attack Can’t Be Trusted”—
    Opening graf:
    “What the establishment media wants us to believe about any given event is usually more indicative of the media’s own worldview than it is of the actual facts on the ground, and the vehicular attack on a Christmas market in Magdeburg, Germany on Friday is no exception. In fact, the media spin is even more pernicious than usual on this one.…” [Emphasis mine; Barry M.]

  11. The legacy media has a long history of selective citation to obscure the motives of criminals and terrorists. It’s intended to confuse, and make sure that as new facts come out, you already have a pre-existing narrative and you will be more likely to miss or disregard what is inconvenient to that narrative.

  12. “Tightly wound” may be the right phrase. Maybe he didn’t like other Arabs or Muslims. Maybe he hated himself, but if a German cut him off in traffic or if his son or daughter or sister or wife was involved with a German who made him feel small, he might well have taken out his anger and frustration on Germans. Does ideology or ideation predominate over all the inner tension someone like this may be struggling with? Possibly the salient fact is that they are eventually going to explode over something sometime.

    Yes, it’s true that many psych majors have problems themselves, but I’d distinguish between people who were really disturbed or crazy and those who have more normal problems of adjustment. If nothing about human relationships is problematic to you, you probably don’t become a psychotherapist, and it’s a very good thing that you don’t. Seeing something of yourself in patients and something of patients in yourself may help develop empathy for them.

  13. @ Abraxas > “Seeing something of yourself in patients and something of patients in yourself may help develop empathy for them.”

    To some extent, that is true, but I refer you to David Foster’s recent link to his post about weaponizing empathy, citing Dr. Orli Peter: “Cognitive empathy is the ability to accurately understand and model the thoughts, feelings and values of others. It’s like hacking into someone else’s algorithm for how they think and feel, enabling you to predict their reactions to your actions. On the other hand, emotional empathy – what the West excessively values – is the ability to feel what you believe the other person is experiencing.”

    For David’s commentary.

    For Peters’ post.

  14. @ Barry Meislin – in re Robert Spencer’s post, he says, “1. Vehicular jihad is a well-established practice going back years. ISIS has called for it. It is not a common practice among any non-Islamic criminal or terrorist sector.”

    This is true, generally, in that it is not a group practice.
    However, it is not unknown for persons other than Islamic terrorists to use it.


    Paula Bolyard’s commentary that “U.S. Media Blames [Checks Notes] the Car” in this case also duplicates the headlines about the Waukesha murders.
    That is not reflected in the Wikipedia article (which never discusses the driver’s possible motives until the very very very end), but I remember the discussion about how the regime media constantly displaces personal agency to the instrument of destruction.

  15. If you think this is an anti Muslim far right aFD supporter murdering potato Germans then you have drunk for too long on the MSM Kool Aid

  16. “I’ve known a few psych majors who were unbalanced themselves”
    In college we used to joke that they were obviously there looking for help. I knew one and he was weird.

  17. Ray’s right. Darn near every psychology major aiming to go into therapist work I’ve ever met (more than a few over the years) was mostly looking to self-diagnose some personal woundedness.
    Most all were… what’d Kate say, “unbalanced”? Yeah… that.

  18. It’s only difficult to ascertain if you aren’t familiar with Islam. You have to go with Occam’s Razor here. So what explains it?

    In a word: Taqiyya — Jimmer

    I’ll agree with two points that Jimmer makes. 1) It helps to understand what Islam is about. 2) Taqiyya is probably the simplest explanation.

    But what if it a bit more complicated? I mean, leaving Islam isn’t quite the same as leaving Catholicism or Judaism or the Unitarian church. For example: What does Islam say about leaving the Islamic faith?

    I am currently in a philosophy of religion class and my teacher is an atheist. He claims that under an Islamic state if a born Muslim converts to another religion he is killed. Please tell me if this is true.

    Praise be to Allah.

    The punishment for apostasy (riddah) is well-known in Islaamic Sharee’ah. The one who leaves Islaam will be asked to repent by the Sharee’ah judge in an Islaamic country; if he does not repent and come back to the true religion, he will be killed as a kaafir and apostate, because of the command of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “Whoever changes his religion, kill him.” (Reported by al-Bukhaari, 3017).


    What if this Saudi perp somehow has an unhinged epiphany and decides he was wrong all these years and that he is really guilty of riddah. What’s his course of action then? Commit suicide? Reestablish his muslim faith (a sane option)? Or take revenge against those who seduced him away from his one true faith?

  19. Sorry, but it’s not more complicated. Ex-Muslims who are actively and legitimately anti-Islam are targeted as apostates. Look up what that means for their time left in this world. Spoiler: it ain’t good. It’s part of a reality that people don’t want to believe. Use this as a wakeup call. One doesn’t not chant All-Akb as they are being arrested immediately after this attack if they are ex- or anti-Islam. Rather, it shows their faithfulness. Use this lesson as one that shows you taquiyya as a real-life example. Learn from it to under what Western Civilization is dealing with. Knowledge is power.

  20. the driver, may not have even been a licensed driver, he was accepted by the gullible German government, that didn’t check his credentials, and the local hospital, in bernberg, but i’m sure the bfv german domestic security agency didn’t really care, we know who their real target is,

  21. The problem with the Taqiyya explanation is that it’s my impression this guy has a lengthy history of anti-Islam sentiment
    Which “Islam”?
    Saudi is Sunni, he was (reportedly) Shia. The Saudi government could honestly describe him as anti-Islam while meaning anti-Sunni.
    Sunni and Shia have been battling each other as apostates for centuries. The number of Sunnis butchered by Shia (and vice-versa) is incalculable.
    Issuing diatribes against (Sunni) Islam is not at all incompatible with murdering Christians.

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