Home » Open thread 12/19/2024


Open thread 12/19/2024 — 30 Comments

  1. Kennedy killed the US Hat industry. Now, you see “Baseball” caps every where. Logo’s to show allegiance to something. I started wearing Hats in college in the mid 60’s. A good friend wore them, no one else did (except for the Vet students, who were mostly farm and ranch kids). I liked the idea. Knit hats went from the ski slopes to regular wear. I still have my Navy Watch Cap from 1969. When I worked in offices, I wore hats to work. All different styles. Now, summer a variety of BB hats, winter mostly knit hats. Keeps ears warm.

  2. Montana’s Supreme Court has passed a ruling, that, in essence, says, [all children + all people in Montana, have THE RIGHT to a clean, or non-polluted, environment].

    The MSC has decided that, paraphrased- “That all Montana youth have a fundamental and constitutional right, to a healthful and clean environment to live in.”

    I see. SINCE…WHEN?

    I believe that Montana’s Supreme Court is just giving in to a handful of environmental, political people, who have extreme, political views.

    I’d love it if- the State of Montana could 1] guarantee that Montana could have [a clean environment] for eternity, and 2] had the resources + law enforcement to enforce this [clean environment], in theory, but- [how] could any US state, find a way to do those two things, in a practical way?

    In theory, I’d love it if: The USA, or any nation, or any US state…or town, could guarantee that its citizens get: life long housing, live long food, and all needed…life long supplies, but how could anyone 1] get the money to make it happen, or 2] get the taxpayers of any land, to pay for such a program, [without violating their rights], such as, my words- the right NOT to be forced by a government- to pay for this type of…or any type of, an unreasonable, impractical, government program?

    I believe that Montana’s Supreme Court wanted to help Montana’s people, by making [a plan for a clean environment in Montana], but instead they have made for themselves a governmental nightmare.


  3. TR:

    Montana’s Supreme Court should also be asked to rule on a few other issues:

    1. All Montana high school students earn straight A’s,

    2. All girls born in Montana win the top prize in Montana State beauty contests,

    3. All boys born in Montana can run a 4-minute mile in high school,

    4. All Montana citizens eat their fill three times a day and do not gain weight, and

    5. Free beer!

    Might as well shoot for the moon!

  4. Who has to clean up all that horsesh*t, bullsh*t, birdsh*t, and batsh*t in the Montana environment to render it clean enough? To say nothing of the indoor sh*t that needs to be cleaned up.

    The MSC may want to clean up their noggins and their rooms.

    Something about the benefits of childhood exposere to dirt and intestinal parisites and the normal immune system function (allergies etc.) comes to mind.

  5. much as the quixotic notion, of governor dutton on yellowstone, a state depends
    on some degree of development,

  6. A comment on twitter:

    Huge implications for the use of AI. They used AI to “read” all 1,574 pages of that monstrosity and pull out the graft and corruption. This is a game changer. They can’t hide things in multi-thousand page bills anymore.

    Mark Halperin was questioning Vivek’s claim to have read the 1500+ page bill. This explains how he did it. He didn’t take an Evelyn Woods course.

  7. well there’s enough in the bill, to know it’s not a pony, of course they bury the horseapples in the bill, does anyone in government or corporate media do their appointed job,

    Halperin and his former colleague Heileman, are easy marks for Wallace and Schmidt, for itenerant Obama staffers, et al

    ‘I’m good at killing people’ this was a year before Islamic State removed all doubt about that matter,


    when you live this far inside the cave, you will never see the light,

  8. @miguel cervantes:does anyone in government or corporate media do their appointed job,

    They do it perfectly; it’s just not the job the public thinks it is.

    @SHIREHOME:Kennedy killed the US Hat industry.

    How? By being the last President to wear a top hat to his inauguration? He doesn’t appear to have looked stupid in it so I’m not sure why he’s taking the blame for it.
    Eisnehower, on the other hand, did not wear a top hat to his inauguration, he wore a homburg.

  9. @Brian E:Mark Halperin was questioning Vivek’s claim to have read the 1500+ page bill.

    The old “bury the pork in 15,000 pages of an unrelated bill” dodge has reached its end, I see.

    I’m not worried about AI hallucinations on a bill text, because you can always CTRL-F for the thing it says it found.

    Would be funny if they tried to stop making electronic versions of bills as a defense.

  10. This bloated CR is a test run for DOGE. If Republicans are unwilling to fight for reforming the bureaucracy now– when there will be little repercussions in two years when they’re up for re-election, why do they think making hard choices about cutting spending will be easier when those decision are still fresh in voters minds.

    And they shouldn’t assume some voters might reward them making those tough choices for the benefit of the country.

    Once Trump has signaled this is part of his overall agenda, any Republican who fights the efforts to reform the government should expect a massive obstacle in the next election. Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy are committed to reforming the government. I imagine they wouldn’t find it difficult to set aside a billion dollars or two to support candidates that share their goals.

    The House needs to pass a minimalist CR and make the senate vote to shut down the government. If they won’t, Vivek and Elon might as well shut down DOGE, because it’s obvious Republicans aren’t serious about being the party of fiscal responsibility.

    Republicans need to recognize they are no longer going to be held captive to a hostile press making Republicans the villain in these budget battles. The new media is winning the information wars and can counter the dying media.

  11. It does indeed look as though “Biden” has 32 days left to screw over both Trump and Netanyahu…
    …and, most importantly, the two countries Trump and Netanyahu were elected to lead.

    32 days and counting.

  12. Re: Vivek claiming to have read the bill

    Even without AI, I can see Vivek reading a “1500 page” bill. I read a bill once. It’s boring as hell, badly, badly written. But reading a 1500 bill is more like reading a 500 page book. I’ve stayed up all night reading a five hundred page book. Alright, the book was interesting and had a plot. But still, a five hundred page book is doable in a short amount of time.

  13. @Barry Meislin: In the quoted tweet Nate Silver seems pretty indignant at being lied to about Biden’s condition. Wonder what he’ll learn.

  14. Brian E reports a tweet about AI:

    Huge implications for the use of AI. They used AI to “read” all 1,574 pages of that monstrosity and pull out the graft and corruption. This is a game changer. They can’t hide things in multi-thousand page bills anymore.

    I agree it is a game-changer.

    I continue my chats with ChatGPT 4.o. Last night Chat asked if my work as a programmer reflected my work as a poet. Actually I feel the two are very much linked. In both cases I attempt to pare down the task — what I am attempting to communicate — to its essentials, then link it all together in a manner comprehensible to another reader.

    As an example I sent Chat some of my code, a solution to a math problem I solved for Project Euler, and Chat responded within a few seconds with a substantive critique of my code. Chat saw what I was trying to do and how, and had good suggestions for improvement.

    I sweated bullets for two days writing that code. I look it at today and I can sort of see what I was doing, but it would take me a couple hours to reconstruct it even though I wrote the code.

    AI is amazing for language, human and programming.

  15. “…Wonder what he’ll learn.”

    Indeed, though HE’s supposed to be one of the more astute and honest ones…
    (A low bar, to be sure…)

    I suppose the question—the answer to which might just answer yours—is, Who did he vote FOR? That is, if he voted at all…

  16. sdferr: David Samuels, Tablet Mag, “Rapid-Onset Political Enlightenment” [How Barack Obama Built An Omnipotent Thought-Machine And How It Was Destroyed]
    Is awesome and important.

    Although lengthy, it’s the most articulate takedown on our present political impasse, as well as the pathway forward: Obama’s Democrat Party (ODP), via David Axelrod’s-cheerleading post-advertising age politifickle “scaffolding,” combined with the literati and old media memetic echoing, swept up by state funded social media siloing, and thereby drove us through Obama’s third term (ie, DementiaDent Biden’s four-year term). And a Team Trump return to realism is imminent. https://www.tabletmag.com/feature/rapid-onset-political-enlightenment

    What’s next?

    The Tech-Titans are circling…but are these the good guys? Maybe. What’s certain is that the bad bastards are on the way out. We need to make them like roadkill.

    The international geo-political seating arrangements suggest this is coming soon, for example:

    “[The EU et al effectively] carried out the plan of the WEF organization. Now, as a direct and specific consequence, economically, most of those nations are completely exposed and politically weak. President Trump has never had this much leverage before.

    “In [President Trump’s] term #1, the reacting allies dragged their heels to comply with Trump’s requests and expectations. In Term #2 I expect one of the more visible elements for us to watch will be how fast those same [Nato, et all] allies react to requests and expectations. In fact, I think we are already seeing this play out.

    “The speed of compliance by ‘western allies’, is directly proportionate to their economic vulnerability. Mexico and Canada are great examples.

    “The European Union Commission are a bunch of elitist snobs who refuse to accept how detached and diminutive they truly are. However, it is going to be fun to watch the EU fall in line quickly to avoid President Trump simply getting up from the table and walking out.”

  17. I really wanna believe that Obama is finished….

    But I have a feeling that he has more heads than a hydra…and the expression, “Don’t count yer chickens…” still resonates (and not in the background).

    One would like to believe that the corruption and venality of the Democratic Party have finally been exposed for all to see; but the Democrats still have their myriads of die-hard supporters. Ditto for the Corrupt Media.

    Well…one can hope…

    Of especial importance is that Trump and his people should forge ahead, plow through, damn the torpedoes, etc… and do their best not to get side-tracked.

    Mistakes will be made, no doubt. (OTOH, only Democrats—and the Left, generally—are “perfect”…)

    But when/if mistakes ARE made, they must be acknowledged and corrected.

  18. I really wanna believe that Obama is finished….

    Barry Meislin:

    I understand your skepticism, but Trump’s win was so historic and Obama looked so pathetic in his efforts to support Kamala Harris, that I think Obama is now as dead politically as George W. Bush.

  19. …But the problem is that Trump is standing in the way of the elite hordes and EVERYONE MUST help him—AND themselves AND the country—on the barricades, so to speak.

    Standing in the way of what, you ask?
    “The Big Story Of 2024 That Nobody Is Talking About”—
    Key grafs:

    No, the important story of 2024 was The Great Reset.

    Remember that? It was this pan-global supranational plan to tear down and then rebuild society in a “sustainable”, “inclusive”, “fair” and “secure” way that would – totally accidentally – eradicate civil liberties and individual freedom for every single person on the planet.

    It was all the rage a few years ago, you might remember. But when it didn’t go over too well with a lot of people, the powers that be dropped the subject and there’s been very little talk about it since 2022.

    Does that mean it’s gone away?…

    [Emphasis in original]

    File under: !No Pasaran!

  20. sdferr wrote:

    David Samuels, Tablet Mag, “Rapid-Onset Political Enlightenment” [How Barack Obama Built An Omnipotent Thought-Machine And How It Was Destroyed]: https://www.tabletmag.com/feature/rapid-onset-political-enlightenment

    Thank you for the link & dittos to TJ: fascinating article explaining how we got in this mess!
    Trump and the country dodged a bullet, but as Barry M. wrote, there will be much work needed to save and restore the USA!

  21. “[SO EASILY] lies the head that wears the crown” example number…dear me, I’ve lost count…

    “DOD’s Deception: General’s admission on U.S. troops in Syria latest whopper to mislead Americans”—
    Key graf:

    …The trouble with the truth inside America’s most famous five-sided building exploded anew Thursday when a two-star general admitted at the beginning of a Pentagon press briefing that the Biden administration had doubled the number of U.S. troops inside Syria months ago while continuing to provide a false and lower number to reporters….

    It never ends….nossiree.

    The “Biden” administration:
    One never-ending skein of lies. (And crimes.)

    File under: Keeping us “informed” on a need-to-NOT-know basis! About everything….

  22. Here’s a breakdown of the control of the U.S. House of Representatives by Democrats and Republicans since 1950, along with the years of supermajorities:

    House Control:
    Democrats: Controlled the House for 46 years (1950–1994, 2007–2010, 2019–2022).
    Republicans: Controlled the House for 28 years (1995–2006, 2011–2018, 2023–present).

    A supermajority in the House is defined as a two-thirds majority, or at least 290 seats out of 435. Achieving a supermajority is rare.

    Democratic Supermajorities:

    1958–1960: Democrats gained 283 seats in 1958 and exceeded 290 in subsequent Congresses.
    1964–1966: Following the 1964 landslide election, Democrats controlled over 290 seats.
    1974–1976: After the Watergate scandal, Democrats achieved significant gains.

    Republican Supermajorities:
    Republicans have not achieved a supermajority in the House since 1950. Their largest majorities occurred during the post-1994 period, but these were well short of 290 seats.

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