Home » Is a hostage release plan actually in the works?


Is a hostage release plan actually in the works? — 14 Comments

  1. What will Hamas have to gain by releasing the hostages?
    One more lopsided prisoner exchange–but Israel is not likely this time to assent to it. Israel would consent to equal exchange–but that would be a slap in the face for Hamas. Granted, Hamas deserves more than just a slap in the face. 🙂

    Israel getting out of Gaza–Israel, having seen how Hamas transformed Gaza into a rocket-firing machine w underground citadel, is not likely to consent to status quo ante.Israel is going to want some supervision over the Gaza-Egypt border. But all that is anathema to Hamas.

    But if this is only a 60 day deal…
    Which brings forth the big question: will Hamas still be ruling Gaza?

  2. With the Biden administration unable to apply any pressure, it is unlikely that the Israelis will agree to anything involving a ceasefire. Just like the bombing of the Houthis sends a message to the Arab world, the closing of Israel’s embassy in Ireland – unsweetened by diplomatic half-truths – is a defiant message to the West.

    Netanyahu, his voters, and many other Israelis will absolutely not countenance leaving Hamas standing as a player.

    There has never been more than a vanishingly tiny remnant of the Israeli public that puts the return of the hostages before other security considerations. Israelis now understand that the hysterical, emotional campaigns by Israelis telegraphed weakness and actually caused Hamas to perform gangland-style executions of some of the hostages.

  3. Is a hostage release plan actually in the works?

    If it is, it’s only for one reason, and we all know what that is.

  4. Perhaps the Israeli gov’t could invite the incoming US SecState to help negotiate the deal.

  5. Here’s to a tiny hope the Trump administration determines to armtwist the Egyptian gov to open the border to the Gazans who would like to leave Gaza for better lives elsewhere. A small thing, perhaps, and yet a meaningful thing, I believe.

  6. Paul,

    Thanks for the interesting link.

    Luttwak is a great resource for learning military thought and doctrine.

  7. sdferr, 8:56 p.m., the Egyptian government will not admit Gazans for its own protection. They are viewed (rightly, almost always) as radicals who would destabilize Egypt and lead it back to an Islamist regime.

  8. With few exceptions the murdered and the hostages were Leftists from Leftist Kibbutzim and/or the Nova psychedelic trance festival.

    The clamor for their release has come from other Leftists in Israel. The hostages are being used by the Left to stop Israel from winning against Hezbollah, Hamas, Iran etc.

    If you want to feel sorry for these Israeli Jews look no further than their Leftist Culture that does NOT allow Jews to have defensive weapons. They need permits that are very hard to procure in order for husbands to protect their wives and daughters from being raped or murdered. It is insane and very little has changed except some thousands of permits issued since 10/7 when they should not need them at all. I mean, seriously, you need a damned permit to protect your family when the police and IDF are hours away? Same mentality of course in the US in Blue Cities and Blue States.

    The Tatzpitanyot female IDF soldiers were first ignored after months of their observations indicating an attack was coming from Gaza and then they were pretty much abandoned in their bases near Gaza that morning. No one in the IDF has been fired or put on trial for their malfeasance. The Leftist Press and politicians protect these IDF clowns.

    The Left in Israel bears 99% of the responsibility for October 7th but the Left blames Netanyahu. Well, of course they do as introspection for these people is impossible as they are Marxist ideologues.

  9. Not suggesting the Gazans stay in Egypt (though that possibility isn’t why Egypt won’t let the Gazans out of the war-zone), but merely leave Gaza across that border to other lands — Jordan, UAE, Libya, Sudan, India, Morrocco, Lebanon, Qatar . . . i.e., wherever as refugees, they choose to go and can be taken in.

  10. Jordan and the UAE probably don’t want them either. What proportion of Gazans actually want to merely have a good life? Those numbers are relatively few.

  11. they look down on their brethren brothers, the Hashemites, not only because black september rising, but one of them killed King Abdullahs grand father,
    the UAE because well they think them as day labourers at best,

    lawrence was perhaps too much of a dreamer in thinking the Arabs needed to be free, of the Ottomans well it served British war aims, but it introduced some bad habits

    of course the Ottomans were not the way they were before even by 1915,
    with the Armenians and later the Kurds,

  12. Small correction, miguel, it was the current King Abdullah’s great-grandfather, also named Abdullah, who was assassinated by a Palestinian.

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