Why does Kamala Harris want to run again?
Kamala Harris hasn’t lost her taste for politics. Apparently, she may want to be the next governor of California. And Californians seem to be gluttons for punishment, so she might even succeed in getting elected.
Then again, maybe she wants to run for the presidency in 2028, says the same report. Can this be true? She seemed so tense and stressed, so clearly not up to the task, in 2024. Despite the “joy” campaign message, I don’t think she felt much joy at all running for president.
So maybe this report about possibly running again in 2028 is just face-saving garbage. Or maybe not. Maybe she’s banking on the Trump administration failing, and then she could say “I told you so.”
Her motive? Power, I guess. And I think she did enjoy the perks of the vice-presidency. Once you’ve tasted that, maybe you hunger for more. Plus there’s the attraction of the chance to be the very first woman president.
(Note the “Election 2028” tag. It’s begun. This is actually my second post with that tag.)
Prediction: Kamala will never get the Dem nomination for California governor. After the San Joaquin Valley voted Republican in this election they will have a Latino, or more likely, Latina candidate.
Democrats would have to be completely out of any alternatives to nominate Harris for president in 2028. If they can get over their Jew-hating paroxysms by then, they’ll run Josh Shapiro.
Kamala proved herself a naked, clotheless emperor. She is truly an airhead, a female Biden in a stupor but cannot blame dementia for her vacuousness.
I heard a story long ago, that when Lyndon Johnson finished his presidency and retired to Texas, he set up a faux cabinet meeting in his mansion periodically.
I hope that Kamala Harris remains in politics. If she is the Presidential candidate in 2028, that practically guarantees a Republican landslide. (No, I do not consider the recent election to be a landslide, when Trump beat Kamala by only several million votes. Yes the victory was decisive, but it was NOT a landslide.)
If Kamala Harris runs for Governor of California in 2026, that could well be the Republicans’ best opportunity in a generation to defeat the Democrats statewide.
If Harris were some Evil Mastermind like Richard Nixon, who could lose to JFK in 1960, then lose for California governor in 1962, yet still come back to win the Presidency in 1968 and 1972, well, maybe.
Or an Evil Mastermind like Donald Trump.
Kamala is evil, but no mastermind.
I think the Dems are talking about Kamala Harris because they have no one else to talk about, and Kamala Harris, if she is really thinking about doing this and it isn’t just made up by anonymous staffers and grifters who want to keep the campaign finance trough full, can’t think of anything else to do.
She can’t easily get back in the Senate. If she doesn’t have any official position or any prospect of one, she can’t do favors for cronies and be rewarded for them. She doesn’t even have enough potential to get the $100,000 lectures that the Clintons or Michelle Obama used to get (and maybe the Clintons still do, or at least one of them).
However, what else is Harris going to do?
Perhaps more importantly, what else is her team going to do?
Self delusion is the most pernicious malady of a failed presidential candidate. It is only exacerbated by the sycophants that orbit around such people. Hillary Clinton springs to mind. Since her failure in 2016 it’s as if she simply refuses to believe that a large majority of people really just don’t like her and probably never did, even those oestensibly on her side. She essentially helped start the whole Russiagate nonsense purely out of spite. It’d be tragic if it wasn’t so destructive.
Kamala Harris has none of the Lady Macbeth cunning or gumption that Hillary Clinton has though. Nor does she have anywhere near the influence these days that Hillary commanded amongst the swamp creatures during the aftermath of 2016. She could certainly try to run for Governor of California or even the Presidency again, but my guess is that she would fail in both endeavours, and likely fail miserably. Remember, she has never actually won a presidential primary. There’s good reasons for that.
At this point Kamala Harris only has name recognition, which will quickly become useless in the event that someone even mildly more likable chooses to put their hat in the ring.
Harris will have to fight AOC for the nomination
Kamala running for office, a true Christmas present for the GOP.
My guess is she never runs for any office again. This is likely just posturing to try to stay relevant and to raise funds to pay off her campaign debt.
Does she really want to run again? If she does, is it power she craves, or is it fame and attention? Or is it just that politics is the life she knows and she doesn’t want to learn another trade?
Power can mean the ability to get specific things done, or the power to get people do do what one tells them to do, or simply a higher place in the pecking order — primacy and greater status. Which would it be for her?
If she does run for president again, she will flame out as she did in 2020. If she runs for governor, I can see her making the run-off because of her name recognition, but not winning the general election.
I’ve been reading — is my impression incorrect? — that a lot of fat cat Democrat donors [almost but not quite redundant, there] are pretty angry with Harris for running up that huuuge campaign debt with nothing to show for their “generosity”.
How willing will/would said donors be to open their wallets/checkbooks for her in 2028?
To paraphrase Napoleon, ‘Never interfere when an enemy is considering making a mistake’.
Why does Kamala Harris want to run again?
Because she’s a narcissistic poseur?
I went to the original CNN article and it’s all unnamed sources, the usual legacy media narrative creation garbage. The only named source in the story, who is running for governor herself, says only “I’m a longtime friend and supporter of the vice president. If she decided to run for governor, I’m sure we would have a conversation first.”
The only thing we can be sure of is that someone wants us to believe Harris might want to run for governor or President, but I think it would be premature for any of us to believe it based on this story.
She’ll get a cushy post at some lefty university with a big endowment. She’ll have one class to teach, and that will be that.
Dream on, Dems. The first female President will be a Republican for sure.
Well, California is the home of the La Brea Tar Pits.
Who knows who all might be sucked into its maw.
I even had a flash thought that Hillary could move to CA and after a short period run for Governor, as she did running for Senator in NY. She might be more successful than Harris in that race. Plus, fewer people would be concerned about the age of their governor vs. that of their president.
But it really is time for the Boomers to step back and let the next cohorts have a run at “improving” things. The first improvement would be to blame the Boomers for their bankrupt national government [even though we are all at fault], but address fixing it openly and honestly.