(1) Apparently Luigi Mangione never had any personal dealings with United Healthcare until he decided to murder Brian Thompson. This actually does not surprise me.
(2) Twenty-six FBI assets and informants (“confidential human sources”) attended the festivities on J/6, and some entered the Capitol while others entered the restricted area around the Capitol. This was all done without orders or permission for most of them. We don’t know for sure what they did while there, but the IG says they did not commit violence or urge others to do so, although they broke the same laws as the people charged with trespass and – surprise, surprise – the FBI assets were not charged.
(3) The UN is an Orwellian cesspool. Up is down, down is up, because the UN says so.
The UN has adopted a resolution condemning Israel as the only country that violates women's rights.
Saudi Arabia, Iran & Pakistan supported the resolution.
Please RT to call on President Trump to cut all US foreign aid to the UN!— Liza Rosen (@LizaRosen0000) December 16, 2019
(4) Meanwhile, in Syria, meet the new guys on the block:
Female judges now excluded from courts in Syria.
The first step taken by Syria's new justice minister, Shadi Alwaisi, is to decree that female judges will be banned from courts that are now reserved exclusively for men. All pending cases handled by women will have to be…
— Daniel Paw?owski (@pavvlovvsky13) December 12, 2024
(5) And about those New Jersey drones:
White House National Security Communications Adviser John Kirby told the media that the drones over New Jersey are not malicious or from a foreign country.
They don’t seem to know what they are, however. At least, they’re not saying.
(6) Democrats, hoist on their own petard.
I think they really believed the right would never come to power again.
From a comment in the open thread:
If they’re admitting to these CIs, I’m betting that this is misdirection, and that there were actually FBI agents in that crowd, and probably a lot of them.
Yes, and they are only admitting it because they know it would be discovered after January 20th. It’s what in the Watergate era was called a “modified limited hangout.”
I think they really believed the right would never come to power again.
With 100% of the media that they consume 100% on board with the campaign, their mistake was understandable.
Kerby talks out of both sides of his mouth.
We don’t know where they come from, but they are harmless, but could have hazardous substance, radioactive maybe so don’t go near them.
I suspect either Iran or China would get mad if you interfere with them.
Twenty-six FBI assets and informants (“confidential human sources”) attended the festivities on J/6, and some entered the Capitol while others entered the restricted area around the Capitol.
The legacy media narrative is that there were no FBI agents or employees involved, intending for the public to take away that the FBI was not involved in any way, which is of course misleading.
Fortunately most of the public tunes them out.
I think they really believed the right would never come to power again.
At least they believed it enough to accept the risk. Or maybe they really couldn’t imagine any other outcome.
It does appear that the Democrats/Deep State have their limits. God knows they are power hungry … but not really “by any means necessary.”
Lawfare, sure. Diminished secret service, fine. But put together a crack Executive Action op team together to get The Job done. Ehh. That could get icky.
Comrade Bill Ayers would not have had a problem.
Or put it to Comrade Michelle Obama that she must run for President for the sake of the Party, then pretend to be POTUS, while trusted Party Members do the real work.
Sorry, comrades. Michelle O. is being her Best Self and enjoying her Best Lite.
As an ex-leftist I am so disappointed.
3) “The UN is an Orwellian cesspool.”
“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20
4) Another fanatic…
“An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humor in Islam. There is no fun in Islam.”. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
6) Start with firing ALL of them and then, get serious with investigations into their actions taken with appropriate consequence.
I wonder why the USA doesn’t have their own drones watching the “mystery” drones. Eventually, all of those mystery drones will have to land *somewhere* in order to refuel/recharge (they can’t all stay in the air indefinitely). Then nab the folks who are doing the refueling.
Heck, we could hire some teen-aged video gamers to fly our drones, and the teens would have some fun disabling those mystery drones!
I wonder why the USA doesn’t have their own drones watching the “mystery” drones.
A reasonable wonderment.
I’m pretty sure the drones aren’t UFOs and Biden’s GOV knows what they are.
After that, I got nuthin’.
Re: Hoist on their own petard.
It doesn’t matter that one judge ruled one way in Spicer’s case — when Trump fires the first appointee, another judge will rule he doesn’t have the authority to do so. And it will be in the courts for four years, minimum, with a stay in effect preventing getting the dross out.
Interesting comment I saw is that so far none have been seen in the south. Even though it’s illegal to shoot down a drone, I know many around here would not hesitate to pull out the shotgun if one was above their yard.
I predicted that there would be suffering in Syria. Number (4) is one aspect of it. New bosses worse than the old one. Out of the frying pan into the fire.
Strikes me that in Reagan’s diplomatic entourage there was a woman named, iirc, Kirby?
She said that brutal, corrupt dictators stayed home and oppressed and exploited their people.
Brutal, corrupt ideological dictators did the same plus worked hard to export their brand.
Which is why, from time to time, we sided with the first against the second.
Richard Aubrey: Jeane Kirkpatrick, author of the Kirkpatrick Doctrine:
On the difference between authoritarian and totalitarian regimes and why we sided with the former.