An historic mansion was torched last night in Gerard’s home town, his last one. It looks like the work of Antifa. Go to the Sacramento Bee front page for a good article on the destruction of Bidwell Mansion. (For some reason I’m unable to link any article to Neo’s site. Maybe someone else can link it?)
There’s always the eastern and northeastern coasts of Egypt, Sudan and Somalia, and the entire Arabian Peninsula…but perhaps these are the exceptions that prove the rule…
– – – – – – –
Odd. This fellow seems to believe that the Left wishes to help protect the countries and regions it rules…
“Europe’s Last Stand: Martin Sellner’s Heroic Battle for Remigration and Cultural Survival…”—
Ah, now THIS is more like it!
Remigration is a nice idea; I have no idea how likely this is to work out.
By the way, Neo, you are not the only commentator to find parallels between Mangione and Raskolnikov.
I remember the Bidwell Mansion well. What a shame about the fire!
Profiles in Cowardice;
and Profile in Courage…
AKA, It ALL depends on the definition…
…and WHO’S doing the defining…
(Just ask Humpty Dumpty.)
“Boxing legend Floyd Mayweather attacked by anti-Israel mob in London;
“Undefeated boxing champion and Israel supporter rushed out of store while shopping in London by security as mob attempts to strike him while screaming racial slurs, witnesses say”—
Ukraine supplied Syrian rebels with drones and experienced operators in the weeks before they defeated Bashar al-Assad’s army…
.. 20 Ukrainian drone operators and 150 drones had been sent to the rebels.
“Ukraine’s motivation is obvious: facing a Russian onslaught inside their country, Ukrainian intelligence has looked for other fronts where it can bloody Russia’s nose and undermine its clients”
.. Ukrainian drones and operators arrived in Idlib, Syria, four or five weeks ago, but only played a “modest role” in overthrowing Assad
Russian forces helped Assad defeat Syrian rebels in 2015 by launching a massive carpet-bombing campaign on Aleppo.
Ukraine is considered to have developed one of the world’s most sophisticated military drone units in the world since Russia launched its invasion in February 2022.
Drones are helping to keep Ukraine in this fight against the reinvasion by Russia. Such knowledge is worth a lot to America’s security & defense…
On an earlier thread I posted about all of these supposed “drones” which are being seen all over the east coast, and how an FBI official testified to Congress the other day that the agency was “investigating,“ but did not have any real answer as to what these drones are, where they came from, what they are doing, or whose drones they are.
Well, today the Pentagon spokesman had the same answer when asked about these supposed “drones,” they were “investigating,” didn’t believe these were U. S. drones, but didn’t know anything else.
These current sightings, I point out, have been going on now for three or more weeks, and still no answers?
I mostly ask Chat questions about French. Chat has always been good in that regard. I gave up discussions about anything controversial because I would only get boilerplate Official Responses seemingly vetted by the usual gatekeepers.
However, lately I notice Chat has become more open-minded and grants me a more sympathetic hearing, sometimes even agreeing with my heterodox views.
I’m on ChatGPT 4.o — that’s small-o, not zero — which is two serious revisions beyond where I started with ChatGPT 3.5. It is supposed to display more human-like reasoning. I would say they have succeeded.
Furthermore, OpenAI, the company developing ChatGPT, intends Chat to become, not just smart, but an active, useful companion for humans. Sort of like a Labrador Retriever with an IQ of 130 and black belt Google-fu.
That’s not a bad model for AI.
Could the drones’ “mothership” be persuaded to take Christopher Wray?
Karmi–Today the Pentagon spokesman was asked directly about the “Iranian mother ship off our coast, full of drones” report, and she said it was not true.
P.S. Either, after three or so weeks of what I would hope were arduous and thorough “investigations,” none of our authorities have learned anything i.e. this is a monumental “cluster fark,” or they know damn well what is going on but–for some reason–they don’t want to tell us.
Snow on Pine
Maybe the Pentagon doesn’t want people like you and me to know what they know.
If the drones are as serious as you and MSM are claiming–then the “authorities” who caught Luigi Mangione pretty quick know more than you need to know.
MSM has been pushing these ‘drones are everywhere‘ for a long time now…I haven’t seen any.
Man, you guys, and that Rep, are all wrong. WE all know that the Drones are from a Ukrainian Babushka Mother ship off the coast of NJ. I heard that from someone that heard it from someone, who heard it from someone that has video of the ship.
But would we believe any of ‘em anyways?
Besides, why would “Biden” ALLOW an Iranian ship to stay offshore and do anything like that??
Oh, wait….(remembering those Chinese spy balloons…)
WRT “taking a longer view” of things”, there’s no reason why Russia and/or Iran, if they’re able, won’t at some point in the future try to restore Assad to Syria.
It’s the M.E. after all….
(Things change…but things stay the same…)
I get your gist, and don’t disagree, but I think this will cause harm to a not insignificant number of people predisposed to isolation, or just naturally shy.
AI is probably already at a point where it can be a better communicative companion to my spouse than I can. It’s algorithm will learn her personality and desires as a conversationalist better than I have. And it never tires, or gets bored, or wants time for itself. Even if that is accurate, I’m confident the Lovely Mrs. Firefly will continue to keep me around, but what about people who haven’t already met a partner? Or lost a partner and haven’t met a new one? Or people who don’t have a good, social network yet? Why seek human contact when AI will treat you better than any human ever could?
Why, except for the reality that real, actual, human connection is vital to our health and our very existences.
Why seek human contact when AI will treat you better than any human ever could?
Rufus T. Firefly:
Well, part of my context of AI as a high IQ, friendly Labrador Retriever is that it’s a far preferable future to AI as Skynet or a Big Brother telescreen.
Of course, AI will become an alternative to human companionship and for many a strong one. It will be a problem. And it is sad that so many people don’t have strong social networks.
But that’s the current reality for quite a lot of people who may be too ugly, too poor, too damaged, too sick, too weird, and so on.
Loneliness can be a desperate, corrosive condition. The harder one tries to find relationships the more one may push away good people and attract those who will take advantage of neediness.
Arguably, lonely people might be better off having a supportive AI buddy-mentor. Perhaps such a relationship would give the lonely a stable base from which to find good human relationships.
I would like to think AIs built to be useful companions would also guide their human friends to seek out human companionship as well, since, as you say, that is important to human well-being.
I’m also amazed that there is no official answer about the drone swarms that have been observed in New Jersey for the last three weeks.
Where is DHS, or NORAD, or ATC. Our airspace has been under positive radar control now for over 59 years. The above organizations are supposed to keep our airspace from being invaded by enemies or any unidentified planes/aerial vehicles.
It’s strange that none of the above seem to have answers. Based on my military experience, I think they need to put an ECM plane in the air that can identify the frequencies that control the drones and track them to the controller. I suspect this is some tech whiz with too much money who likes to prank people, but it might be something much more sinister.
Will the Biden admin get its agencies on the ball, and ID these things? Based on past results – nope. Januiary20th cannot come too soon.
Keeping in mind, IF there’s an interstellar CRISIS (i.e., not just another ordinary “Biden”-choreographed crisis—of which there are multitudes—but this time a choreographed crisis “of the third kind”), then who’s to say if an inauguration will even be possible?? Heh…
(…For all you “Mars Attacks” buffs out there…somewhere…)
Could this be “Biden”’s ACE up “his” (sleazy) sleeve?
Barry Meislin–I does seem very strange that supposedly no federal agency has any clue about the “drone” situation.
You’d think that, by now, some three weeks in, somebody would have shot down/captured one of these drones, taken it apart, and has some idea, for instance, of who made it–human tech, identifiable circuit boards, and other parts, etc., something entirely out of our human league, or perhaps a mixture some human, some perhaps alien tech, just to confuse the issue.
Then, there is the question of where these supposed “drones” are coming from–they must have originated from some location, and presumably they can’t loiter in the air forever, and have to return to their point of origin.
You’re telling me that, with all of the many different ground, air, and satellite surveillance systems, which constantly observe and sweep through our airspace, not one of them has tracked these supposed “drones”?
P.S. I realize that there is a report that one Chinese individual, who was apparently flying drones over a sensitive location, was apprehended as he was trying to get on a plane to fly back to China.
But this one guy hardly accounts for the many dozens–perhaps many hundreds–of drones which have been sighted all up and down the East coast these last several weeks.*
Here’s a report which says that the number of reported drones flying over New Jersey is more than 3,000.
I seems increasingly ominous to me that thousands of these supposed “drones” are flying all over the East coast, disturbed/frightened constituents who increasingly witness them are apparently ringing the phones off the hooks at their congressmen’s offices, members of Congress and the MSM are, in turn, asking representatives of the Administration for answers and, no matter the Department or Agency–the White House, Defense, Homeland Security, the FBI–they uniformly say they have no information, that they are “looking into it” and, that, at this point, three weeks into these mass sightings, they just “don’t know” anything.
With all of the enormous resources at it’s disposal, do you really think that not even one of our investigative or defense organizations has a clue as to what is happening, and who or what is behind it?
Total incompetence and inability to act decisively is not out of the realm of possibility with this crew but, my guess is that someone in government has a pretty good idea of what is happening and, perhaps even why, but the truth is something that they do not want to tell us.
And why?
Because that truth ain’t good at all.
Even the DOD would not be stupid enough to fly enormous numbers of experimental, next generation aircraft all over the East coast, scare everybody, and create a whole, and very unnecessary ruckus.
Thus, either our people and authorities are being harassed and outclassed by some foreign nation or major organization, or, alternatively, Aliens are involved–none of these alternatives good for our country.
So…how might “Biden” use an aggressive kinetic action by aliens (“aliens”?)—or threat, thereof—to stymie the neo-Schicklgruber (and his “racist” hordes)?
Let us count the ways…
– – – – – – –
WRT not saying anything significant about the latest phenomenon, indeed “Biden” could always claim (at “his” time of choosing) that “he”—always looking out for the welfare of the American People—wished to spare the population from undue panic or hysteria…until “he” SIMPLY could no longer withhold the truth of the matter.
File under: “Manipulating Alien Invasions for Dummies”
Thinking about things, I also find it ominous that, while the Pentagon spokesman shot down the idea of a “mother ship full of drones off of the East coast,” not even one of these government entities has tried to float an explanation–however cockamamie a one–they’ve all, in concert, said that they are”investigating” and “don’t know anything.”
When has anybody seen a government reaction like this, when constituents and Members of Congress are clamoring for an answer, any answer, to reassure them, and the government didn’t just expediently throw something out there–any old lie–to temporarily, at least, calm the storm?
Snow on Pine
New theory. From what I have been reading—Ukraine has become the Masters of Drone Warfare.
Haven’t paid close enough attention to know all the heavy drone sightings, but do recall a lot of them being around military installations. Now they’re in New Jersey.
Ukrainians have been secretly teaching Americans how to fly drones and/or how Russia is flying them—and their types. That last part came up a few minutes ago when seeing some general Darryl Williams saying the New Jersey drones are similar to the Russian Orlan-10 drone.
New Jersey may be a training exercise on how to defend against Russian Orlan-10 drones, etc…
Military installations would be places to train and hold such exercises…
Barry Meislin–There have been all sorts of hints that the Biden Administration/the Deep State have something up their sleeves, designed to stop President Trump from taking office–could some sort of “Alien threat” be it.
Then, of course, there has been Dr. Stephen Greer, who has been saying, for decades, that elements within our government–via staging phony “false flag” Alien abductions, bizarre cattle mutilations, etc.–were trying to gin up an “Alien Threat” narrative, one which would justify the government/deep state mobilizing for war against these “Aliens,” thus gaining increased, immense power, and influence.
Could this be that “false flag” operation, in it’s culminating operation, one big “Psyop”?
P.S. Based on the evidence, every one of our governmental institutions has been infiltrated by the Left.
Could there be enough people, in key positions of control, in each one of these organizations sufficient to insure that this “investigating” and “don’t know” message was without dissent, uniform, this part of the Psyop I mentioned above?
No doubt…and yes, one really oughta wonder, WHY NOW??
Seems like there are thousands of Om’s “unicorns” flying all around and over the Eastern seaboard these last several weeks.
Actually, I wonder where Om and his “unicorn” mockery has disappeared to?
Its being reported that the Biden Administration is hurriedly trying to auction off parts of the “wall” that Trump was trying to build at bargain basement prices.*
If this is so, perhaps Trump or his allies could be the ones who could bid on/buy back these parts of the Wall at these low, low, prices.
Snow on Pine on December 12, 2024 at 5:39 pm
“which would justify the government/deep state mobilizing for war against these “Aliens,” thus gaining increased, immense power, and influence.”
That has more credibility of happening if we were not in a lame duck period prior to 1/20/25.
And if the competence expected from either Biden or Harris as emergency “temporary dictators” was not so low. Perhaps the country might have to accept such a “take over” if real aliens were to prominently appear, but we would really prefer to wait until after 1/20/25 to allow such powers to be used if it seemed required.
No one really wants a dictator, but if you are facing a real external enemy, you probably want a [generally, seemingly] competent one. Of course if they are not routed out, the “Deep State” might well be very patient in waiting for their next opportunity.
Could it be that the Biden Administration’s uniform “we’re investigating” and “we don’t know” is a delaying tactic, because they recognize that these drones are a huge, perhaps even an existential problem, and want to delay things until the key players in the Biden Administration are out of office, leaving this major issue for the incoming Trump Administration to have to deal with?
Snow on Pine — re: delay tactic:
Yes, that is a real worry!
And on a worse scale:
Joe’s admin might declare some crisis that forbids a “peaceful transfer of power”!
I have no reason to trust they have decent intentions.
I lived in the Great Lakes region for most of my life; I’d never traveled west of the Mississippi until my mid-40s, when I attended a physics conference in CA.
We traveled during the day by plane, and I was fascinated by the abrupt change within a few miles west of the great river. The scenery changed from the lush green I had previously taken for granted in late spring, to a climate that was brown, dry, and stark. Even in CA, apart from artificially watered patches, “all the leaves were brown” for miles.
The experience was a sharp contrast to similar trips to FL, where every summer morning, there were rain showers that left the air muggy and humid. Similar latitudes, but, Oh! the difference.
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An historic mansion was torched last night in Gerard’s home town, his last one. It looks like the work of Antifa. Go to the Sacramento Bee front page for a good article on the destruction of Bidwell Mansion. (For some reason I’m unable to link any article to Neo’s site. Maybe someone else can link it?)
There’s always the eastern and northeastern coasts of Egypt, Sudan and Somalia, and the entire Arabian Peninsula…but perhaps these are the exceptions that prove the rule…
– – – – – – –
Odd. This fellow seems to believe that the Left wishes to help protect the countries and regions it rules…
“Europe’s Last Stand: Martin Sellner’s Heroic Battle for Remigration and Cultural Survival…”—
Ah, now THIS is more like it!
Remigration is a nice idea; I have no idea how likely this is to work out.
By the way, Neo, you are not the only commentator to find parallels between Mangione and Raskolnikov.
Sacramento Bee link
Oops that second link got cut.
Let’s try again:
“Now THIS is more like it!”
‘In Bizarre “Feminist” Outburst Trudeau Says Defeat Of Unelected Kamala Harris…Was An Attack On Women’s Progress’—
H/T Blazingcatfur (for both).
I remember the Bidwell Mansion well. What a shame about the fire!
Profiles in Cowardice;
and Profile in Courage…
AKA, It ALL depends on the definition…
…and WHO’S doing the defining…
(Just ask Humpty Dumpty.)
“Boxing legend Floyd Mayweather attacked by anti-Israel mob in London;
“Undefeated boxing champion and Israel supporter rushed out of store while shopping in London by security as mob attempts to strike him while screaming racial slurs, witnesses say”—
Syrian rebels ‘received drones from Ukrainian operatives’
Drones are helping to keep Ukraine in this fight against the reinvasion by Russia. Such knowledge is worth a lot to America’s security & defense…
On an earlier thread I posted about all of these supposed “drones” which are being seen all over the east coast, and how an FBI official testified to Congress the other day that the agency was “investigating,“ but did not have any real answer as to what these drones are, where they came from, what they are doing, or whose drones they are.
Well, today the Pentagon spokesman had the same answer when asked about these supposed “drones,” they were “investigating,” didn’t believe these were U. S. drones, but didn’t know anything else.
These current sightings, I point out, have been going on now for three or more weeks, and still no answers?
taking a longer view of things
@ Snow on Pine – have you seen this?
Mystery NJ drones are coming from Iranian mothership offshore
Re: ChatGPT
I mostly ask Chat questions about French. Chat has always been good in that regard. I gave up discussions about anything controversial because I would only get boilerplate Official Responses seemingly vetted by the usual gatekeepers.
However, lately I notice Chat has become more open-minded and grants me a more sympathetic hearing, sometimes even agreeing with my heterodox views.
I’m on ChatGPT 4.o — that’s small-o, not zero — which is two serious revisions beyond where I started with ChatGPT 3.5. It is supposed to display more human-like reasoning. I would say they have succeeded.
Furthermore, OpenAI, the company developing ChatGPT, intends Chat to become, not just smart, but an active, useful companion for humans. Sort of like a Labrador Retriever with an IQ of 130 and black belt Google-fu.
That’s not a bad model for AI.
Could the drones’ “mothership” be persuaded to take Christopher Wray?
Karmi–Today the Pentagon spokesman was asked directly about the “Iranian mother ship off our coast, full of drones” report, and she said it was not true.
P.S. Either, after three or so weeks of what I would hope were arduous and thorough “investigations,” none of our authorities have learned anything i.e. this is a monumental “cluster fark,” or they know damn well what is going on but–for some reason–they don’t want to tell us.
Snow on Pine
Maybe the Pentagon doesn’t want people like you and me to know what they know.
If the drones are as serious as you and MSM are claiming–then the “authorities” who caught Luigi Mangione pretty quick know more than you need to know.
MSM has been pushing these ‘drones are everywhere‘ for a long time now…I haven’t seen any.
Man, you guys, and that Rep, are all wrong. WE all know that the Drones are from a Ukrainian Babushka Mother ship off the coast of NJ. I heard that from someone that heard it from someone, who heard it from someone that has video of the ship.
But would we believe any of ‘em anyways?
Besides, why would “Biden” ALLOW an Iranian ship to stay offshore and do anything like that??
Oh, wait….(remembering those Chinese spy balloons…)
WRT “taking a longer view” of things”, there’s no reason why Russia and/or Iran, if they’re able, won’t at some point in the future try to restore Assad to Syria.
It’s the M.E. after all….
(Things change…but things stay the same…)
I’m reminded of the contention among manosphere denizens that women under a certain age tend to overestimate their attractiveness.
“That’s not a bad model for AI.”
I get your gist, and don’t disagree, but I think this will cause harm to a not insignificant number of people predisposed to isolation, or just naturally shy.
AI is probably already at a point where it can be a better communicative companion to my spouse than I can. It’s algorithm will learn her personality and desires as a conversationalist better than I have. And it never tires, or gets bored, or wants time for itself. Even if that is accurate, I’m confident the Lovely Mrs. Firefly will continue to keep me around, but what about people who haven’t already met a partner? Or lost a partner and haven’t met a new one? Or people who don’t have a good, social network yet? Why seek human contact when AI will treat you better than any human ever could?
Why, except for the reality that real, actual, human connection is vital to our health and our very existences.
Why seek human contact when AI will treat you better than any human ever could?
Rufus T. Firefly:
Well, part of my context of AI as a high IQ, friendly Labrador Retriever is that it’s a far preferable future to AI as Skynet or a Big Brother telescreen.
Of course, AI will become an alternative to human companionship and for many a strong one. It will be a problem. And it is sad that so many people don’t have strong social networks.
But that’s the current reality for quite a lot of people who may be too ugly, too poor, too damaged, too sick, too weird, and so on.
Loneliness can be a desperate, corrosive condition. The harder one tries to find relationships the more one may push away good people and attract those who will take advantage of neediness.
Arguably, lonely people might be better off having a supportive AI buddy-mentor. Perhaps such a relationship would give the lonely a stable base from which to find good human relationships.
I would like to think AIs built to be useful companions would also guide their human friends to seek out human companionship as well, since, as you say, that is important to human well-being.
I’m also amazed that there is no official answer about the drone swarms that have been observed in New Jersey for the last three weeks.
Where is DHS, or NORAD, or ATC. Our airspace has been under positive radar control now for over 59 years. The above organizations are supposed to keep our airspace from being invaded by enemies or any unidentified planes/aerial vehicles.
It’s strange that none of the above seem to have answers. Based on my military experience, I think they need to put an ECM plane in the air that can identify the frequencies that control the drones and track them to the controller. I suspect this is some tech whiz with too much money who likes to prank people, but it might be something much more sinister.
Will the Biden admin get its agencies on the ball, and ID these things? Based on past results – nope. Januiary20th cannot come too soon.
Keeping in mind, IF there’s an interstellar CRISIS (i.e., not just another ordinary “Biden”-choreographed crisis—of which there are multitudes—but this time a choreographed crisis “of the third kind”), then who’s to say if an inauguration will even be possible?? Heh…
(…For all you “Mars Attacks” buffs out there…somewhere…)
Could this be “Biden”’s ACE up “his” (sleazy) sleeve?
Barry Meislin–I does seem very strange that supposedly no federal agency has any clue about the “drone” situation.
You’d think that, by now, some three weeks in, somebody would have shot down/captured one of these drones, taken it apart, and has some idea, for instance, of who made it–human tech, identifiable circuit boards, and other parts, etc., something entirely out of our human league, or perhaps a mixture some human, some perhaps alien tech, just to confuse the issue.
Then, there is the question of where these supposed “drones” are coming from–they must have originated from some location, and presumably they can’t loiter in the air forever, and have to return to their point of origin.
You’re telling me that, with all of the many different ground, air, and satellite surveillance systems, which constantly observe and sweep through our airspace, not one of them has tracked these supposed “drones”?
P.S. I realize that there is a report that one Chinese individual, who was apparently flying drones over a sensitive location, was apprehended as he was trying to get on a plane to fly back to China.
But this one guy hardly accounts for the many dozens–perhaps many hundreds–of drones which have been sighted all up and down the East coast these last several weeks.*
Here’s a report which says that the number of reported drones flying over New Jersey is more than 3,000.
* See
I seems increasingly ominous to me that thousands of these supposed “drones” are flying all over the East coast, disturbed/frightened constituents who increasingly witness them are apparently ringing the phones off the hooks at their congressmen’s offices, members of Congress and the MSM are, in turn, asking representatives of the Administration for answers and, no matter the Department or Agency–the White House, Defense, Homeland Security, the FBI–they uniformly say they have no information, that they are “looking into it” and, that, at this point, three weeks into these mass sightings, they just “don’t know” anything.
With all of the enormous resources at it’s disposal, do you really think that not even one of our investigative or defense organizations has a clue as to what is happening, and who or what is behind it?
Total incompetence and inability to act decisively is not out of the realm of possibility with this crew but, my guess is that someone in government has a pretty good idea of what is happening and, perhaps even why, but the truth is something that they do not want to tell us.
And why?
Because that truth ain’t good at all.
Even the DOD would not be stupid enough to fly enormous numbers of experimental, next generation aircraft all over the East coast, scare everybody, and create a whole, and very unnecessary ruckus.
Thus, either our people and authorities are being harassed and outclassed by some foreign nation or major organization, or, alternatively, Aliens are involved–none of these alternatives good for our country.
So…how might “Biden” use an aggressive kinetic action by aliens (“aliens”?)—or threat, thereof—to stymie the neo-Schicklgruber (and his “racist” hordes)?
Let us count the ways…
– – – – – – –
WRT not saying anything significant about the latest phenomenon, indeed “Biden” could always claim (at “his” time of choosing) that “he”—always looking out for the welfare of the American People—wished to spare the population from undue panic or hysteria…until “he” SIMPLY could no longer withhold the truth of the matter.
File under: “Manipulating Alien Invasions for Dummies”
Thinking about things, I also find it ominous that, while the Pentagon spokesman shot down the idea of a “mother ship full of drones off of the East coast,” not even one of these government entities has tried to float an explanation–however cockamamie a one–they’ve all, in concert, said that they are”investigating” and “don’t know anything.”
When has anybody seen a government reaction like this, when constituents and Members of Congress are clamoring for an answer, any answer, to reassure them, and the government didn’t just expediently throw something out there–any old lie–to temporarily, at least, calm the storm?
Snow on Pine
New theory. From what I have been reading—Ukraine has become the Masters of Drone Warfare.
Haven’t paid close enough attention to know all the heavy drone sightings, but do recall a lot of them being around military installations. Now they’re in New Jersey.
Ukrainians have been secretly teaching Americans how to fly drones and/or how Russia is flying them—and their types. That last part came up a few minutes ago when seeing some general Darryl Williams saying the New Jersey drones are similar to the Russian Orlan-10 drone.
New Jersey may be a training exercise on how to defend against Russian Orlan-10 drones, etc…
Military installations would be places to train and hold such exercises…
Barry Meislin–There have been all sorts of hints that the Biden Administration/the Deep State have something up their sleeves, designed to stop President Trump from taking office–could some sort of “Alien threat” be it.
Then, of course, there has been Dr. Stephen Greer, who has been saying, for decades, that elements within our government–via staging phony “false flag” Alien abductions, bizarre cattle mutilations, etc.–were trying to gin up an “Alien Threat” narrative, one which would justify the government/deep state mobilizing for war against these “Aliens,” thus gaining increased, immense power, and influence.
Could this be that “false flag” operation, in it’s culminating operation, one big “Psyop”?
P.S. Based on the evidence, every one of our governmental institutions has been infiltrated by the Left.
Could there be enough people, in key positions of control, in each one of these organizations sufficient to insure that this “investigating” and “don’t know” message was without dissent, uniform, this part of the Psyop I mentioned above?
No doubt…and yes, one really oughta wonder, WHY NOW??
File under: King Barack III’s Space Hessians?
…And speaking of the neo-Schicklgruber….
“Oversight panel probes federal agency over unhinged post claiming US is devolving into Nazi Germany”—
Seems like there are thousands of Om’s “unicorns” flying all around and over the Eastern seaboard these last several weeks.
Actually, I wonder where Om and his “unicorn” mockery has disappeared to?
Its being reported that the Biden Administration is hurriedly trying to auction off parts of the “wall” that Trump was trying to build at bargain basement prices.*
If this is so, perhaps Trump or his allies could be the ones who could bid on/buy back these parts of the Wall at these low, low, prices.
* See
Snow on Pine on December 12, 2024 at 5:39 pm
“which would justify the government/deep state mobilizing for war against these “Aliens,” thus gaining increased, immense power, and influence.”
That has more credibility of happening if we were not in a lame duck period prior to 1/20/25.
And if the competence expected from either Biden or Harris as emergency “temporary dictators” was not so low. Perhaps the country might have to accept such a “take over” if real aliens were to prominently appear, but we would really prefer to wait until after 1/20/25 to allow such powers to be used if it seemed required.
No one really wants a dictator, but if you are facing a real external enemy, you probably want a [generally, seemingly] competent one. Of course if they are not routed out, the “Deep State” might well be very patient in waiting for their next opportunity.
Could it be that the Biden Administration’s uniform “we’re investigating” and “we don’t know” is a delaying tactic, because they recognize that these drones are a huge, perhaps even an existential problem, and want to delay things until the key players in the Biden Administration are out of office, leaving this major issue for the incoming Trump Administration to have to deal with?
Snow on Pine — re: delay tactic:
Yes, that is a real worry!
And on a worse scale:
Joe’s admin might declare some crisis that forbids a “peaceful transfer of power”!
I have no reason to trust they have decent intentions.
I lived in the Great Lakes region for most of my life; I’d never traveled west of the Mississippi until my mid-40s, when I attended a physics conference in CA.
We traveled during the day by plane, and I was fascinated by the abrupt change within a few miles west of the great river. The scenery changed from the lush green I had previously taken for granted in late spring, to a climate that was brown, dry, and stark. Even in CA, apart from artificially watered patches, “all the leaves were brown” for miles.
The experience was a sharp contrast to similar trips to FL, where every summer morning, there were rain showers that left the air muggy and humid. Similar latitudes, but, Oh! the difference.