Israel has taken advantage of the chaos in Syria to destroy much of that country’s military capability
Well, that was quick:
Within the first 24 hours, air defense systems and numerous fighter jets were neutralized. This allowed 350 Israeli Air Force fighter jets to operate without interference in Syrian airspace, targeting 320 strategic objectives.
The targets were prioritized by their importance. Missile boats launched numerous simultaneous strikes on two Syrian naval bases – Al-Bayda and Latakia – causing significant damage and destroying 15 vessels. These vessels carried sea-to-sea missiles with ranges of 80–190 kilometers and explosive payloads of dozens of kilograms each. Anti-aircraft batteries, Syrian Air Force bases, and dozens of manufacturing facilities in Damascus, Homs, Tartus, Latakia, and Palmyra were also struck. These facilities housed Scud missiles, cruise missiles, coastal defense missiles, surface-to-air missiles, drones, fighter jets, combat helicopters, radar systems, tanks, hangars, and more.
These strikes followed years of intelligence gathering by the IDF, and the execution was described as flawless. The Defense Ministry estimates that 70-80% of the Syrian army’s strategic capabilities have been destroyed.
It helps to be prepared to take advantage of a change in circumstances. And it helps to have the will to do it.
One thing we’ve learned since the terrible events of October 7 and Israel’s unpreparedness for that day is that Israel has some remarkable capabilities that it’s been demonstrating ever since.
ChatGPT – how much military equipment did biden leave in the afghanistan withdrawal:
Biden should’ve hired Israel to ‘destroy the remaining equipment’…
Except that “Biden” wanted the Taliban to have it.
Gift giving.
You know, “Peace on Earth, goodwill, etc.”…well, a few weeks late.
Remember, the operation was a great success!
And besides, it was all Trump’s fault, anyway….
My Israeli cousin was visiting yesterday, and I showed him an X post detailing some of this, which brought raised eyebrows and a big smile.
Finally, Israel under Netanyahu is acting proactively. Which necessitated a non-verbal but implicit message to ‘Go Pound Sand’ to the Biden administration.
Alas it took a while for Netanyahu to deliver that “Go Pound Sand” message. (And it was a message that “Biden” sent at various additional stages along the way. It will continue being sent until January 20th enclosed in tasteful, gift-wrapped strong-arming.)
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“Biden”’s gift-giving, continued:
We saw what “he” gave the Taliban.
And “his” Uber-generosity to the mullahs and their buddies (not to mention “his” extremely generous gift to the Biden crime syndicate)!
Here’s “his” gift—one of many to come, actually—for Trump:
“Government Spending Shock: US Budget Deficit Soars In Worst Start To Year On Record”—
Given that one of the leaders of the Rebels now in charge in Syria said “now let’s go for Lebanon and the Jews” it makes perfect sense that Israel (and any other country under such a threat) should destroy the very weapons that would be used to “wipe them off the map.”
Bravo, I say, Bravo!
Israel punches above its weight. And thank goodness it does. Destroying those weapons will blunt the rebel forces’ abilities to create more havoc and suffering in Syria.
For those who are willing to learn, there are lessons being taught by the IDF. Is the Pentagon paying attention? My guess is, not yet. Buty come 1/20/25 that will change.
@ Neo > “One thing we’ve learned since the terrible events of October 7 and Israel’s unpreparedness for that day is that Israel has some remarkable capabilities that it’s been demonstrating ever since.”
It’s been clear since about Oct 8, 2023, that the failures in Israel’s defenses were politically-driven, not a lack of military ability.
This is, after all, the country that exfiltrated an entire warehouse of Iran’s nuclear secrets, assassinates opposing leaders at will, puts two or more years into a covert op to detonate enemy communication devices, and can drop munitions on a single apartment of a building without unduly damaging the remainder.
All they need is commanders willing to give the go-ahead.
@ Geoffrey > “Which necessitated a non-verbal but implicit message to ‘Go Pound Sand’ –”
The message was sent to other administrations in the past:
AF, I love the photo from the article you linked showing Ross with blue hair lol
It’s been clear since about Oct 8, 2023, that the failures in Israel’s defenses were politically-driven, not a lack of military ability.
Not entirely true. We continue to be hamstrung by decades of panglossian generals who pushed the myopic, Tel-Avivi doctrine of a “small, smart” army.
This is what made the Obama-Biden axis’ betrayal of previous supply agreements so dire.
Fighting spirit and volunteerism have largely overcome the dithering of the generals. The crisis of confidence and the existential nature of the threat are already leading to political and cultural realignments – and are likely to finally bring the “ultra” orthodox draft dodgers into the army.
Which leads us to J.J:
Israel punches above its weight. And thank goodness it does.
Well many of us believe that “Goodness” has put a finger on the scales…
When I talk to my son and to other reservists, and to medical people I know – even the most hardened and irreligious say unabashedly that they have witnessed many thinly veiled miracles.
We are already seeing the beginnings of another religious revival – and related conservative political shift – similar to the one that came after the Yom Kippur War, which was the last time heedless Leftie know-it-alls led us into an existential war.
“When I talk to my son and to other reservists, and to medical people I know – even the most hardened and irreligious say unabashedly that they have witnessed many thinly veiled miracles.” – Ben David
Thanks for sharing that. We see miracles, and though we can’t prove they are providential, faith whispers in our ear. There are forces at work we can neither see nor completely understand. And that’s where faith in God comes calling.