Home » RIP commenter “Mike K”


RIP commenter “Mike K” — 22 Comments

  1. I have not completed “War Stories” but have read much of it. Dr Kennedy was an interesting guy, he also commented over the years at Althouse and Chicago Boyz, he grew up in a Chicago neighborhood that was once good for families, but has been a no-go zone for some years now. He led a full and useful life, may his memory be a blessing

  2. I’m so sorry to hear this. I’ve enjoyed Mike K’s comments. I’ll look for his book.

    Neo, thank you for caring about your commenters and for memorializing them when you have the information to do so. It reinforces my sense that many of us here are a group of friends. Mike K was one of them.

  3. Several days ago, someone noticed that we hadn’t heard from the Good Doctor for some time (just over a month). We combined information, and apparently Miguel Cervantes was able to reach his son by phone to get the news.

    I will greatly miss Dr K and his commenting. We came close to hooking up a couple times in real space, on visits down to Tucson, but it was not to be.

  4. Dr. Kennedy lived a full and interesting life. He accomplished a great deal in different areas, and what a prolific reader and writer he was.

    I’ll miss him and his wisdom. I feel like I knew him from his comments. It’s a blessing to have such interesting and accomplished people here at Neo’s place. May Dr. Michael K. RIP.

  5. Mike K was an avid sailor and mentioned sailing from California to Hawaii–I think it was a race–using celestial navigation.

    I’ve been working on a post (making slow progress) about the celestial navigation method known as Lunar Distances, and had been looking forward to his comments. Wish I’d finished it and posted it earlier.

  6. I own his history of medicine, a very good book.

    He was favorite of mine, both here, and at Chicago Boyz.

    Badger Howl of Grief.

  7. Neo
    RIP Mike K, and all the commenters here who may have died but all we know is that they disappeared never to return.

    I don’t remember where I read his comments–this blog?–but there was a Chemistry Professor in California–both on the job and then in retirement–who regularly made perceptive comments. Then, like Mike K, he stopped commenting.

    Mike K’s comments–which covered a wide array of subjects–were well worth the read. He led a long, productive life. RIP.

    I am glad to have made his virtual acquaintance.

  8. I don’t remember the chem professor detail, but might it have been Occam’s Beard?


    Sounds right. I recall him resurfacing briefly a few years ago.

  9. Thank you Neo. You do attract an impressive group and I have greatly benefitted over the years. May perpetual light shine upon Mike K.

  10. Neo: Occam’s Beard, yes.

    huxley, do you remember any details about rediscovering Occam’s Beard a couple of years ago? Offhand, my last recollection of his comments is from about ten years ago.

  11. Gringo; huxley:

    The last time Occam’s Beard commented on this blog was 12/1/2012. I am able to look such things up rather easily. He was commenting regularly right up to that point but once he disappeared he never returned. I believe he died but I don’t know for sure, and I never even had a valid email address for him or a name so I couldn’t do any followup.

  12. Would that each of us so live & thusly comment publicly to be fondly remembered & sorely missed.

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