Home » Of course Joe pardons Hunter


Of <i>course</i> Joe pardons Hunter — 35 Comments

  1. No reasonable person who looks at the facts of Hunter’s cases can reach any other conclusion than Hunter was singled out only because he is my son

    You’d have to be irretrievably stupid to believe Joe Biden’s statement, and at this point I have trouble believing that anyone with a functioning brain really does. It’s especially galling given the insane lawfare that’s been conducted against Trump and anyone associated with him for the past decade.

  2. Ok…I’m so UNsurprised about this that I’m having trouble being “outraged.”
    There’s no secret that since at least…oh let me say Nixon…we’ve had a two-tiered system. One for the left & another for the right & right-adjacent. That knob got turned up to 11 & torn off in the year of the Kenyan Light-bringer…

    This is so UNshocking that I simply shrug & then pray harder against a violent blowback from those who’ve been truly persecuted maliciously & those who ARE truly outraged.

  3. Joe might as well complete his disgrace by pardoning his brothers and the rest of the family and himself. I think he might do so, to avoid the corruption charges which could legitimately be brought.

  4. The ridiculousness of mankind’s beloved Rule of Law is on full display for all to see.

    ‘It’s lawfare to go after my friend like that! WHAT?!?!?! The jury found him guilty!?! Clearly a Rigged jury – my friend is innocent!’

    The Rule of Law goes hand-in-hand Lawfare. Don’t believe humble me? Go ask the King then—or better yet, go ask some black Americans. Black Americans have been complaining about the injustice of the Rule of Law for a long long time.

    Anyway, am seeing lot of articles about poor ol’ Joe Biden’s “legacy” being destroyed, damaged, etcetera – must be a fancy word for a statement like that…

  5. Nothing more, nothing less than:
    “Oceania was at war with Eurasia: therefore Oceania had always been at war with Eurasia…”

    Ladies and gentlemen:
    Presenting the Democratic Party of the United States of America!

  6. Black Americans have been complaining about the injustice of the Rule of Law for a long long time.
    The complaint has been for 50-odd years that people of low status (police officers) are getting above themselves telling blacks what they can and cannot do.

  7. and at this point I have trouble believing that anyone with a functioning brain really does.
    Just yesterday I noticed a partisan Democrat speaking as if Jean Carroll could be taken seriously (as 12 partisan Democrats on a Manhattan jury professed to believe).
    Over the last half-dozen years, I’ve waited for a partisan Democrat in my family, or on Fakebook, or on a board I follow to admit that Christine Blasey Ford was not to be taken seriously. The reason she was not was obvious enough: she and her handlers never produced any evidence that she had ever met the two men she accused nor did they delineate a set of circumstances where it was likely they would have met. I’m still waiting.
    Some of them do not have functioning brains. Others have nothing resembling a conception of justice more sophisticated than ‘I get what I want’. There are a few old school Democrats who object; that’s their pathway out of the Democratic Party.

  8. The complaint has been for 50-odd years that people of low status (police officers) are getting above themselves telling blacks what they can and cannot do.

    Racist statements Statements like that are exactly why a majority of black Americans avoid the Republican party like a plague and just stick with the Democratic party that only takes them for granted…

  9. Taking that woman’s explanation to it’s (il)logical end, should Biden issue a blanket pardon for Fauci? For the rest of his family? For Blinken? For the infamous gang of 51? If Trump is this treacherous and vindictive, who in the USA SHOULDN’T he pardon?
    I might have given a pass on the gun charge. Maybe in the most magnanimous mood I’ve ever been in. But the tax evasion?
    I wonder if Nancy Pelosi still thinks Biden’s likeness should still be on Mt Rushmore? Yes I know she was and is full of it but that was a ridiculous thing to say even for a politician.

  10. It’s likely a promise of pardon for Hunter was part of Biden’s decision to step aside and endorse Kamala. He’s now looking to minimize the amount of exposure the Biden family corruption headed by “The Big Guy” will face when a new administration will have access to DOJ/FBI records (assuming they still exist).

  11. The much bigger problem with this fully expected pardon is that it goes back to 2014, thereby making it very difficult if not impossible to arrest, try and convict any member of the entire Biden crime family of any crime, because Hunter was.
    Ikely involved in all of their corruption.

  12. Trump was always going to pardon anyone he wanted to any time he pleased, regardless of what Biden did or didn’t do. At least Biden didn’t give Hunter an ambassadorship.

  13. I don’t know if Karmi knows who Thrasymachus was, and I don’t know how thoroughly thought out Karmi’s ideas about “Rule of Law” are. I think much of what Karmi says about it I disagree with.

    But to the extent Karmi is saying that “Rule of Law” is a label that insiders use to fool outsiders into thinking there’s some kind of “fairness” to the process and not just the insiders’ will, he gets closer to being right about that with every new thing that comes out.

    Incidentally this is what academia says about “merit”: “merit” is a label insiders use to describe “people who act the way insiders want them to act”.

    I think the “two tier” system most of us have been talking about in recent years is a more accurate descriptor: the outsiders do get process, but the insiders get something better than process. And the process is not set up to favor outsiders. As Dickens said about the courts of equity,

    which has its decaying houses and its blighted lands in every shire, which has its worn-out lunatic in every madhouse and its dead in every churchyard, which has its ruined suitor with his slipshod heels and threadbare dress borrowing and begging through the round of every man’s acquaintance, which gives to monied might the means abundantly of wearying out the right, which so exhausts finances, patience, courage, hope, so overthrows the brain and breaks the heart, that there is not an honourable man among its practitioners who would not give—who does not often give—the warning, “Suffer any wrong that can be done you rather than come here!”

  14. We thought the Democrats would not be so nakedly partisan as they showed in the various prosecutions of Donald Trump.

    At long last, does anyone believe that Biden would refuse to pardon all the people who participated in the prosecutions? Or in the deliberations over the border?

    Of course, once pardoned, they cannot take the 5th in testimony about the events.

  15. The woman in that clip shrugs it off by saying Biden changed his mind and didn’t actually lie, which is a difference that doesn’t make a difference. When a person promises something over and over – such as to be faithful to a spouse – and then cheats, was the original vow not a lie because he/she meant it at the time and just had a change of mind?

    She’s making an argument. That it’s a nearly worthless argument is won’t stop a great many true believers in the Dem base from buying into it. Almost any argument is much better than no argument, or god forbid, admitting Biden lied.

  16. @Gordon Scott:Of course, once pardoned, they cannot take the 5th in testimony about the events.

    Given the blanket nature of the pardon, under what circumstances do you imagine that Hunter Biden could be made to testify? It would have to be in a proceeding about someone else’s corruption that Hunter Biden was involved in, wouldn’t it? And what stops Biden from pardoning those people in the same way he did Hunter Biden?

  17. Hold on.
    What’s this?
    A snag?
    A bump in the road?
    A deus ex machina?
    Or just a false alarm…?
    “ Special Counsel Rejects Hunter Biden’s Pardon, Files Scathing Rebuke In Court Case”—

    Or is David Weiss merely once again trying to pull the wool over the eyes of We the People??

    (Or…could it be, could it be…that he is really truly trying to salvage his badly compromised reputation…? Hey! Maybe it’s just Payback Time!)

  18. @Karmi: I’m curious, would you agree with what “Thrasymachus” says below about what “justice” really is–if we crossed out “justice” and wrote in “Rule of Law” would you say that describes what you think?

    …[Y]ou fancy that the shepherd or neatherd fattens or tends the sheep or oxen with a view to their own good and not to the good of himself or his master; and you further imagine that the rulers of states, if they are true rulers, never think of their subjects as sheep, and that they are not studying their own advantage day and night. Oh, no; and so entirely astray are you in your ideas about the just and unjust as not even to know that justice and the just are in reality another’s good; that is to say, the interest of the ruler and stronger, and the loss of the subject and servant; and injustice the opposite; for the unjust is lord over the truly simple and just: he is the stronger, and his subjects do what is for his interest, and minister to his happiness, which is very far from being their own….

    …[W]hen a man besides taking away the money of the citizens has made slaves of them, then, instead of these names of reproach, he is termed happy and blessed, not only by the citizens but by all who hear of his having achieved the consummation of injustice. For mankind censure injustice, fearing that they may be the victims of it and not because they shrink from committing it. And thus, as I have shown, Socrates, injustice, when on a sufficient scale, has more strength and freedom and mastery than justice; and, as I said at first, justice is the interest of the stronger, whereas injustice is a man’s own profit and interest.

    (In fairness to the real Thrasymachus these are words put into his mouth by Plato, probably after Thrasymachus was long dead.)

  19. @Barry Meislin:Hold on. What’s this? A snag?

    No. They’re just arguing about how the paperwork winds up.

  20. Niketas Choniates

    I’m curious, would you agree with what “Thrasymachus” says…

    Never heard of him, but Thanks for the intro. As I have said before – the Rule of Law is just the modern version of the King’s Law.

    One does not need an education to understand the Rule of Law, the King’s Law, or what the meaning of some ancient debate between Thrasymachus and Socrates was about. Serfs and peasants fully understood what the King’s Law was about. Poor Americans, minorities, black Americans (of course) – early American Irish, etcetera most all understand/understood what the Rule of Law is/was about.

    Niketas Choniates

    ..below about what “justice” really is..

    Injustice is clear to most all…it is that obvious. Can’t speak for those who are blinded to it, ignore it, or just can’t see it.

    Niketas Choniates

    (In fairness to the real Thrasymachus these are words put into his mouth by Plato, probably after Thrasymachus was long dead.)

    That reminds me—Niketas Choniates, that I am no longer going to get into any long conversations with you. You seem to fall behind, and then get mad about not being able to keep up. Wish I had saved those links; however, I have recently started saving such – this one:

    Laken Riley’s killer got a free ride comment thread November 22, 2024 at 9:50 pm

    Interesting that—in that thread I had said:

    You apparently put you words into my mouth…

    Anyway, that’s all I have to say to you in this conversation…Ditto on Thanks for the Thrasymachus intro—and will read up on him.

  21. Now do the Old Testament version of “Justice, Justice thou shalt pursue….”

    (Cue King David and Natan, the prophet….)

  22. @Karmi:Niketas Choniates, that I am no longer going to get into any long conversations with you.

    Sometimes I learn things when I do, but I’ll find other ways to learn I’m sure.

    You seem to fall behind, and then get mad about not being able to keep up.

    This is purely in your imagination. Remember that we can only share text here, you can’t see body language or hear tone of voice.

  23. There’s a lot of absurd hair-splitting over whether Joe “lied” or “broke his word,” as if he might turn out to be OK depending which one we call it. At a minimum he broke his word. If he never meant to keep his word in the first place, then he also lied.

    It’s a sad case when someone has to protest, “But I didn’t lie. I merely broke my word, given during an election season. You can’t be sure whether I meant to mislead you to get your vote. You must have known I couldn’t be trusted to keep my word in any case.”

    It’s mildly embarrassing for the many surrogates who spent the last year or so crowing about how Biden was superior to Trump, because of his great respect for the justice system. I doubt they had their hearts in it, though, or much care now that they can move on to the next talking point, which is, “Well, Trump is still a big poopy-head.”

  24. @ Wendy > “It’s mildly embarrassing for the many surrogates who spent the last year or so crowing about how Biden was superior to Trump, because of his great respect for the justice system.”

    Not the Bee has several posts illustrating how quickly the soon-to-be-Ancien- régime Media turned from one side of the issue to the other.
    (h/t Kate for the moniker).
    Orwell’s vision in 1984 doesn’t even come close to our reality here in 2024.


  25. PS None of the Democrats are in the least embarrassed to be outed (again) as liars and charlatans.

  26. Some thoughts on why it is necessary for the Democrats to suffer consequences for their actions, in order to maintain any kind of governmental integrity.
    And a wee bit of schadenfreude.


    ” It’s not a mere “swamp,” it’s a whole forbidden planet of turpitude.”

    “It is unfortunate that the way forward (to a national government different in scale, scope, and disposition toward its citizens) will require so much consorting with what is past. But it must be if consequence is to be restored as a basic element in our constitutional arrangements. You can’t just have people doing stuff outside the law because they feel like it.”

  27. @ Niketas > “And what stops Biden from pardoning those people in the same way he did Hunter Biden?”

    For one thing, don’t bring any indictments until Biden is gone.

    However, referencing back to the speculations in the Open Thread (10 million pardons needed, minimum), since Hunter’s pardon takes into account any not-yet-indicted acts, I suppose Joe could give a similar blanket pardon to anyone he chooses.
    Is there any legal obstacle at all to that sort of thing??

    That such an action stretches the meaning of pardons and clemency out of all normal bounds is no handicap to Biden (his legacy is already either demolished or untarnished, depending on the viewer), nor to the Democrats, who would only make an issue of it if attempted by Trump or another Republican, and instantly forget they ever made any objections if engaged in by their own people.

    Very convenient to have such malleable principles, but I cannot at this moment think of any alleged principle that the Democrats (as an institution) have not reversed themselves on, sometimes more than once.

    The Democrats who DID believe in abiding by the principles they espoused seem to be leaving the Party — not enough and not fast enough.

  28. Orwell, she wrote…..

    “Censorship empire strikes back with UN disinformation declaration…”—

    Actually, they’re just revving up…
    Key nauseating grafs:

    ….“United in Peace: Restoring Trust, Reshaping the Future – Reflecting on Two Decades of Dialogue for Humanity” was the theme for the 10th Global Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, a three-day gathering of heads of state, youth, civil society and religious leaders in Cascais, Portugal, last week.

    Government leaders unanimously adopted the Cascais Declaration, which binds them to “stress the importance of combatting disinformation, misinformation and hate speech, while strengthening information integrity,” without defining any of those terms or laying out methods.…

  29. Refreshing a link by Barry on the open thread, Zerohedge’s authors (for once, not copied from some other pundit’s blog) is about the most complete commentary I’ve seen so far. This excerpt follows a long recitation of the background and responses.


    Extreme Virtue (signaling)
    During the 2024 election the Democrats ran their campaign on two narrative pillars>/b> –
    First, the idea that progressives are the guardians of “democracy” in the face of some conservative conspiracy to undermine the will of the people. Second, that they are the party with respect for the rule of law while conservatives are lawless barbarians.
    Both narratives were utter nonsense and the opposite is generally true, but this kind of rhetorical spin is not really meant to convince the people that oppose Democrats. Rather, it’s meant to convince their devout electoral base and keep those lemmings in line with the message.

    The claim that Democrats are the anointed purveyors of democracy has been thoroughly debunked after Donald Trump won the presidency with the electoral college and the popular vote. In light of this fact, leftist commentators and the media have decided that the loss was not due to their own failings, but the fault of “stupid voters” that just don’t understand how important the progressive ideology is. Truly, these are the kinds of people that respect the democratic process…

    The second claim, that Democrats are models of civic duty with a deep regard for the rule of law, was largely based on a Trump vs Biden legal woes comparison. The political left argued that Joe’s handling of his son Hunter Biden’s federal charges and degenerate lifestyle was fair and just because he had not abused his position as president to get his family out of trouble. This was specifically mentioned in reference to Trump’s intention to pardon J6 prisoners.

    Biden, they said, would never exploit the presidency to protect convicted criminals for personal gain, even if one of those criminals was his own son. He’s just too honorable.

    Leap ahead a few months and suddenly all those same Dems are silent, or, they are defending the blanket pardon Biden just pushed forward for Hunter. As a reminder, let’s take a look back at the self righteous Democrat finger wagging and self delusion that led up to this embarrassing moment:

    Set aside the fact that the Biden Administration actively weaponized the legal apparatus to take down a political opponent using fabricated charges – The reality that Joe Biden gave his son a pardon that reaches all the way back to 2014 indicates a personal knowledge of Hunter’s criminal dealings over the course of a decade. Likely, this knowledge comes from Joe Biden’s involvement in those same dealings. At the very least he used his position within government to trade for benefits and used his son as a proxy.

    If the media admits this, the last 6 years of ignoring the laptop, Russian collusion, and “10% for the big guy” that they ignored, or in Philip Bump’s case pretended to not understand, all comes crashing down.
    — Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) December 2, 2024

    It’s very hard now for Democrats to pretend like they’re the party of legal integrity. When it comes down to progressive leaders or their family actually facing consequences for their actions, the law goes straight out the window.

    And of course, Jim Biden’s pardon is coming next:

  30. It really is not that complicated: Biden’s previously professed commitment to the Rule of Law and the court’s findings regarding Hunter was purely political theater to defend the lawfare against Trump. That lawfare did not work – it didn’t debilitate Trump financially, may have propped him up with the voters, and had no negative impact on his reelection campaign. Having failed Biden was now free to pardon his son, and protect himself from future prosecution. All the media talking heads were in on the scheme. They are unlikely to pay any price for that.

  31. @Aesop Fan:For one thing, don’t bring any indictments until Biden is gone.

    As it’s still Biden’s DOJ I’m sure that’s already in the cards. But Hunter Biden’s pardon already includes any Federal crime he has not been indicted for. Not seeing what prevents Biden from doing the same with anyone else involved in anything with Hunter.

    Maybe a court would later decide that such pardons aren’t valid, but nothing stops Biden from issuing them, and I’m not sure what it would take for a court to decide it needed to try to set limits on the power of the Presidential pardon.

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