Home » Thanksgiving greetings from our president-elect


Thanksgiving greetings from our president-elect — 29 Comments

  1. “justified” — Absolutely!!!
    … I do wish Trump had included “secure” or “sovereign” in his “soon” list.
    Also, Dershowitz’s hope is mine, too.
    Plus many FBI firings & instant ripping of security clearances!

  2. Epic. Does he write his own tweets? I don’t think a speechwriter would craft something as totally DJT as this.

  3. Justified, but classless.
    He gives me hope, and causes dismay. Fortunately, to date, more hope than dismay on the critical issues. But now is the time to mitigate as much TDS as possible, and turn the holdouts into true outliers.
    Note: When I was a Cadet, one of our Marine Drill Instructors was nicknamed, ‘Sgt Wedge’. Why? Because, as the theory went, the wedge is the world’s simplest tool.
    We don’t need a ‘President Wedge’ at the moment.

  4. President Trump isn’t going to win over the “Radical Left Lunatics” so making conciliatory gestures would be meaningless.

    We are still at war. America First won the first battle of this campaign on Nov. 5. The war continues. Never Trumpers will still be working to knife the President in the back, the Insane Left would still like to imprison/assassinate him. We are on a short leave. The next battle begins Jan. 3.

    I thank God President Trump is our President. Happy Thanksgiving that Kammy isn’t the president.

  5. he’s a blunt instrument as I have always stated, a more tactful figure, would not likely have prevailed, the job ahead is something that would make atlas, reconsider,
    same for hercules,


    I think this is a foolish notion, now we’re reminded that New York City in particular was an ally of sorts to the Confederacy

  6. This just popped up on my YouTube
    DJT literally comes across a woman homeless on the street.
    Hopefully a even more happy ending than we see, but I know it won’t be easy.

    [UPDATE: Skip: this is neo. I’m about 99% sure that’s a fake story in the video. Unfortunately, these sort of fakes have become more and more common over the years.]

  7. Apropos of my earlier posts, about what I see as the growing danger of other possible assassination attempts against President elect Trump, as he lays out in more detail his plans to reshape the government–threatening the funding, power, and positions of more and more Departments, Agencies and people–Putin has now made a statement in which he says that he believes Trump is in danger.

    Over the years Putin has apparently had many of his critics assassinated, so when Putin says he fears that Trump is “not safe now,” he knows of what he speaks, and Putin’s words should be taken very seriously.*

    * See https://www.reuters.com/world/putin-says-he-does-not-believe-trump-is-safe-after-assassination-attempts-2024-11-28/

  8. P.S. The problem is, of course, that the Secret Service has demonstrated such a level of incompetence, indifference, and malign neglect, not to say malice, when it comes to protecting Present-elect Trump, that it makes it very hard to rely on their formerly vaunted protective skills, or to believe that they are adequate to the task of protecting incoming President-elect Trump and/or other people in his proposed/incoming Administration.

    As I wrote before, I hope that Trump also has a ring of his own private security people surrounding and protecting him.

    P.P.S.–Seems to me that Dan Bongino would be the perfect man to take over and to reform/reconstitute the Secret Service.

  9. Brian E., as I noted there is an opportunity to mitigate the TDS. Of course there will be recalcitrants, but in my not so humble opinion (and why should it be?), he should be doing what he can to marginalize those; and unite the maximum number of Americans behind his agenda.

    I find myself asking, ‘can you complain about insults; e.g. ‘Hitler like’, when you routinely hurl insults? It comes down to a matter of degree, and the eye of the beholder.

    We all have psychological blind spots, but this sort of repeated outburst is troubling; and especially at his moment of ascendancy.

  10. This will become a common occurrence for the next phase of The Empire Strikes Back. The Washington elites, both Democrat and Republican believe the citizens of the country aren’t qualified to make an informed decision about who should run the country– at least the half that voted for Donald Trump, and are going to prevent him from succeeding in reforming the system.

    …Similarly, the department [DOD] has also attempted to preemptively obstruct President Trump’s plans for (badly needed) defense civil-service reform. Earlier this year, you released a memo on the “Integrity and Continuity of the Defense Career Civilian Workforce” to impede efforts to remove underperforming personnel and eliminate unnecessary positions. Comptroller Michael McCord also lectured the incoming administration about avoiding the “self-inflicted wound” of civil-service reform.

    I have to observe that these actions and reports only prove the need for reform and fundamental change at the Department of Defense. And, of course, while inappropriate and annoying, these tactics are also useless because no action be the outgoing administration can limit the incoming president’s constitutional authority as commander-in-chief.

    Please, therefore, knock off this nonsense and get on with the business of handing over the reins to the next administration.


    Tom Cotton
    United States Senator

    I was listening to Bill Kristol interview John Bolton and then Bari Weiss interview Peggy Noonan, and a common thread was Trump is only in it for himself, some of his cabinet picks are incredibly dangerous for the country, and the American people really don’t understand that what they voted for is bad for them– and the experts must save them from their mistake (electing Donald Trump).


  11. Oldflyer, I would say “Radical Left Lunatics” is a subset of the liberal voter, so he wasn’t insulting every Democrat, and based on how quickly many liberals are abandoning DEI and Wokeism, they may even agree with Trump. And by the way, he did wish “Radical Left Lunatics” a Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  12. Trump is such a throwback to an older America. Like Bogart playing the fast-talking, straight-shooting detective in “The Big Sleep”:

    Philip Marlowe: I was fired. For insubordination. I test very high on insubordination,

    Philip Marlowe: I don’t mind if you don’t like my manners. They’re pretty bad. I grieve over them during the long winter evenings.

    –Raymond Chandler, “The Big Sleep” (1941)

    I don’t like his manners either, but thank God, he’s here.

  13. I’m not absolutely sure I really like Trump, but I am absolutely sure he cares about me, and other Americans like me, which is good because that’s his job.

  14. Maybe Trump is using the Bully Pulpit to rally those Americans who think that opening the borders, ruining our economy, saying that boys can be girls, and insulting our citizens are things that Radical Left Lunatics would do!

  15. @ Brian E > “INSURRECTION AT DOD?”

    I think Senator Cotton is precisely on target here, although (as noted by Powerline’s commenters, most of who were channeling my opinions) there should have been more signatories on that letter.

    As also noted by several, Obama started his reign by firing nearly two hundred officers and replacing them with loyalists, and the Democrats all thought that was great. (see the image below)
    However, if Trump does the same thing, it will be The End of Our Democracy.
    Which we hope will be true, if the emphasis is on “our” — meaning “their” — control of government agencies.

    As another commenter said, “we’ve seen it once, already, in DJT’s first term.”


  16. @ Skip > “DJT literally comes across a woman homeless on the street.”

    I’ve listened to other videos from that presenter, whose narrative owes more to the Grimms and Andrew Lang than to journalism.

    The picture appear to be legitimate, but there are never any links to supporting news reports. Plus, the video text contains this disclosure: How this content was made — Altered or synthetic content — Sound or visuals were significantly edited or digitally generated. Learn more

    That said, I personally believe that Trump would indeed initiate help for the homeless veteran (if the encounter happened), although he probably wouldn’t hang around for a couple of hours to make sure it was done.

    There are precedents, and a year’s rent even in NYC wouldn’t even dent his pocket change.

  17. Trump’s greatest redeeming quality is that he loves this country – as it is and as it has been.

    He calls out the radical left here, and in doing so he is entirely onside, and justified.

    In my college days I participated in many debates, both informal and formal (where the audience votes a winning side), against organizations/clubs of marxists. These were the true believers, less political than purely philosophical – at least in their minds. They were unequivocal about their desire to see America destroyed. Some would add something like, “in its current form.”

    What was once a fringe element of college students has become a powerful force in the modern Democratic Party. Trump was right to draw attention to them. He should continue to do so.

  18. AesopFan, wouldn’t what the criteria used for firing military brass make a difference whether it’s an end to democracy?

    What were the criteria Obama used? Was it just loyalty? Or was it officers that had a different view as to how we view the conflicts in the M.E.?

  19. @AesopFan,

    I tried to read your link, but I’m afraid there was just a headline. No story.

    BTW, Presidents come and go, but the Constitution is the backbone of America. All military officers give their oath to the Constitution. If any President tries to get the military to pledge their oaths to him personally, he’s in for a world of hurt.

  20. BJ and Oldflyer,

    If you’re looking for dignified, you’re in the wrong place. There is nothing dignified in the battle to preserve America from those who are trying to destroy the country through idiocy and incompetence or outright enmity. Or in some cases all of the above. These people fight dirty, all day every day, so trashing them is just fine and it works for him.
    Trump won twice being who he is authentically, despite everything that was sent against him each time, especially by the media, who have forsaken being subtle about their biases. He likely won in ’20 as well, though we’ll never be able to prove it.

  21. Oldflyer.
    Agree. But there are limits. And “classy” might be taken as trying to make nice, almost a surrender.

    What I thought was one particular coup in Trump’s campaign was the “garbage” kerfuffle. The dems’ opinions were so unimportant that even a vile insult wasn’t important. Worth doing a running joke.

  22. @ Brian E & BJ > good questions, but not relevant to my point in that comment.
    The headline image was just to establish that the story was out there at the time.

    The point was not “what criteria did Obama use” or “to whom do officers give their oath” but that Obama could do something without criticism from the Left that would be anathema to them if Trump did it.

  23. @Bill,

    Trump is not the one I’m worried about. He’s making un necessary enemies both at home and abroad. At 78, he’s near the end of his life, so maybe he doesn’t give a damn, but anyone who’s worried about his agenda, the GOP, and the US should give a damn.

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