Home » Hegseth and the cross


Hegseth and the cross — 41 Comments

  1. “Christain nationalism/nationalists” is another slur “ism/ist” for the ever so sensitive and threatened leftists. A new tool for the panic whores.

  2. I’m not a fan of tattoos, but I think vaguely Crusader-linked images, or Christian images, are pretty common among American military guys. Some weirdo groups may be using them, too, but that doesn’t invalidate their general usage or meaning.

  3. Kate:

    The left came after a disabled veterans (his legs were blown off by an IED) for a tatoo, a Crusader cross (IIRC) often by military and firemen that isn’t the one used by the Neo-Nazis.

    The left doesn’t care if they are wrong.

  4. onward christian soldiers is probably also out, well it tells you what quality is what we label intelligence, of either kind, the organs, were scrubbed of any data on actual threats to the nation, of a different sectarian bent

    Tara copp, is the ap hack, who put this feltercarb together

    of course so called antifa and BLM somehow don’t get a
    parallel attention do they

  5. Well, if any are on Active Duty, cashier them. If still in NG, then label them a threat to the safety and well being of the American People. Bury their A’s

  6. According to the Post, a naval intelligence officer discovered social media evidence of the tattoo in January 2021, and then distributed it to a chat of officers with the warning, apparently based on a brief Google search, that the phrase was affiliated with “the Proud Boys, Three Percenters, and other extremist groups that participated in the siege at the Capitol.”

    I eat pizza and I drive a car. The fact that there’s assholes out there doing both of those things as well doesn’t automatically make me an asshole via some made up lefty associative property.

    I’m also not going to renounce pizza and cars because of it.

  7. The election hasn’t changed leftists at all. Nothing will change them, ever, except their depopulation.

  8. When the enemy is reduced to throwing caca at the wall in hopes that something will stick… you know that slander is all they have left.

    “I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left.” Margaret Thatcher

  9. “The left doesn’t care if they are wrong”

    Rather, “The left are NEVER wrong.”

    That’s why they can call anyone they want to “Nazis”;
    that’s why they can disregard the law and all decency;
    that’s why they can fortify steal elections with aplomb and self-righteousness.

    Nope, NEVER.

  10. You forget that “White Supremacist” only sometimes is used by the Left for “Whites are better than blacks” and sometimes for “White Christians are better than Atheist Jews” and that the latter is absolutely a simple fact because atheists are scum regardless what ethnicity they pretend to. So the Leftists are equivocating definitions, but they’d pass a lie detector test.

  11. Remember back in the 1990’s the media would speak disparagingly about ” WASP” – White Anglo Saxon Protestants. For some reason ” WASP” were considered bad.
    Much of the founding generation of this country were ” WASP”.

    Over at Yahoo News comment section, ” Trump is a Russian Asset” is still going strong.

  12. Yep, belief in God now means you’re a white supremacist.

    Only atheists believe in the equality of mankind.

    Only atheists are rational enough to run the show.

  13. om is correct here…
    “The left doesn’t care if they are wrong.”
    I’d simply add, ‘as long as they retain power.’

  14. Funny how the people who throw around the accusations of “white supremacy” go to great lengths to make sure they live in the whitest neighborhoods they can find.

  15. I was at a memorial service yesterday for the father of good friend. The service was at a Lutheran church. The pastor wore a stole with the Jerusalem Cross on both sides. The church is essentially across the street from Johnson Space Center. It is not a hot bed of white supremacy.

    If someone tells you Deus Volt is White Supremacy, simply respond Inshallah.

  16. The Deep State/ Marxists are clamoring for a cold war. They are doing what they did to Trump dropping lies, now starting on appointments. It won’t stop. And don’t see any but bet the Democrats Propaganda Ministry are having fun broadcasting these lies.

  17. Well said, Leland.

    Memorize the following: “Bis mi ‘lah hih, al rahmani al rahim.” I might save your life some day.

  18. Yeah, F, but I’m not swearing allegiance to Muhammad to save my life at the expense of my soul.

  19. “The Tea Party. And now Hegseth.”

    It was around the time the Tea Party appeared that it really hit me just how bigoted some of my leftist acquaintances had become. I can thank Facebook for that, I guess, because the attitudes probably weren’t new, but they were saying it loudly and publicly. The TP had only just come into existence and these acquaintances instantly pronounced it racist, frequently with some ugly noun to go with the adjective. “Racist pigs” etc.

    Also I learned from one of these acquaintances that “The Republican party is just the political wing of the KKK.”

  20. First they tried to disqualify Pete by describing him as a Fox News Host. Then the sexual assault allegation. Now the white Christian Nationalist tag. The next stone they throw will probably be that he liked a Twitter post by Matt Gaetz. And all before the actual confirmation hearing when they will produce who knows what. If Trump nominated Mother Theresa to a Cabinet position, they would find something in her past to be outraged over.
    Will Senate Republicans give Trump the same grace they gave Biden’s nominees?

  21. The tattoo is the Crusader flag of Jerusalem. I have a shirt with it. Having anything Christian marks you as the enemy.

  22. Yeah, F, but I’m not swearing allegiance to Muhammad to save my life at the expense of my soul.

    This triggered some serious deja vu. In the very early days of the internet I was a regular at a site called Random Jottings. Doubt you’re familiar with it. It was like me and six other guys. Anyway, I got into a pretty intense debate with one of those guys about the meaning/importance of something. Islamic terrorists had kidnapped Western journalists, if I remember right, and forced them to convert to Islam or die – all filmed.

    For some reason everyone got caught up in – did they, or did they not, really convert. I thought this genuinely stupid. The point was obvious, and entirely depends on the audience. Their intent was to show this to their fellow Muslims as evidence of how weak we (Westerners) are. You can almost hear them – “Look! Look at how weak they are! They will sacrifice their soul to save their life, just to live for another few years.”

  23. Diversity [dogma] (e.g. racism, sexism) is pulled from the back #NoJudgment #NoLabels… black hole… whore h/t NAACP. All’s fair in lust and abortion.

  24. Trump’s Cabinet & other nominations in memes:

    HHS (the actual Secretary now is Xavier Becerra; Levine is Under Secretary).

    Department of Government Efficiency

    (NOTE that American Thinker has two posts up today on DOGE that look like they might contradict each other, judging from the headlines, but are actually complementary.)

    Encouragement to the reformers.

    Advice for the new AG for reforming the FBI

    For the Federal Election Commission

  25. Also I learned from one of these acquaintances that “The Republican party is just the political wing of the KKK.”
    You learned from one of these acquaintances that his self-concept relied on lurid fantasies about others.

  26. ”…a site called Random Jottings.”

    Wow! Does that take me back. That was a fantastic site, and John had interesting and knowledgeable things to say about many contemporary events. One of the blogs and bloggers I truly miss.

  27. The tattoo is the flag of Georgia. Maybe Hegseth is a Georgian patriot! If so, definitely not a Russian Asset.

  28. “That the phrase was affiliated with the Proud Boys, Three Percenters, and other extremist groups”

    This bugs me. I guess it depends on your definition of “extremist” but I’ve seen no evidence that the Proud Boys or Three Percenters (Or Oathkeepers, or Patriot Guard etc) are “extremist groups”…just a bunch of leftist outlets asserting it as if it were fact.

    I actually used to be a member of the Patriot Guard in my younger days and I know many Threepers and Oathkeepers. Most are Military vets and I don’t know a single one that is anything other than a patriot who loves the country and has committed to defending the Constitution and liberty with their lives if necessary.

    If that’s being an extremist…we need more extremists.

  29. Seems Fort Bragg got busted teaching their gates security guys that pro life Christian stickers on cars might mean domestic terrorists. Apparently, about 10,000 were thus “trained “.
    Never could find those idea it was.

  30. Get ready; Hegseth will soon be accused of being a stooge of Putin.

    Trump and Tulsi Gabbard are well known spies for Putin, so it should be no surprise to any sentient being that Hegseth is also part of this Putin spy ring.

    The influence and control Putin has over those opposed to the liberal progressive democrat party agenda is truly amazing.

  31. That was a fantastic site, and John had interesting and knowledgeable things to say about many contemporary events.

    Yes, John was great, and he had a slightly different take on just about everything. That was a special site, and this one reminds me a lot of it.

  32. It seems the thing that would make the Left most happy would be a huge rise in white supremacy, since they spend so much time trying to manufacture it. They are, however, doomed to be eternally disappointed.

  33. if you believe in Western Civilization, you are in fact a white supremacist,

    Yes I remember Weidner’s blog, his last post was a little over 10 years ago,

  34. @ JohnTyler > “The influence and control Putin has over those opposed to the liberal progressive democrat party agenda is truly amazing.”

    Nikki Haley certainly thinks so, although she also has complaints about some other nominees.

    I’m staying neutral on all allegations left and right: that’s why we have Senate confirmations and hearings — most of all to see who gets borked and who does the borking, because no one is actually interested in getting any facts.

    FWIW, though, most of the complaints are speculations (stock in trade of all politicians and pundits), so I’m also willing to let Trump have his picks and see what happens.

    Please note that the vast right-wing media ecosystem hasn’t done much censoring of the anti-Trump views.

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