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Spambot of the day — 7 Comments

  1. This spam message Neo got is not spam at all !!

    It is a response that Kamala CACKLER Harris gave when asked, “what do you consider your most significant accomplishment when you were the US Senator from California?”

  2. John Tyler says it’s from Kamala.
    Hmm, how can you tell? I don’t see any mention of a middle class childhood!
    … LoL!

  3. Here at this house we also have a computer problem. Many years ago my DH wrote a book. We had previously supported a young visiting professor to come from another country for a year. After that year the young professor helped my DH put the book together.Because my DH is an honorable man he put the young professor’s name on the book as co-author. However, within my husband’s field his work is well known as HIS work. The young professor went on to teach in another field, his own specialization which is computers, that is not the same field as my husband’s. Recently the young professor, who is now 25 years older asked CHATGPT to tell him about himself. The CHATGPT response was stunning. Every idea in the book was reported as being the work of the assistant author. Got any ideas as to how we clean up this mess?

  4. At some point I would think everyone would say enough and just stop using all of this stuff.

    It’s sad to think about who does this? What kind of person? Did their mommy spank them?

  5. Anne, that’s pretty reprehensible…

    OTOH, look at the bright(et) side: could have been a lot worse…as AI’s acting out, it seems, and agetting more than a bit ornery…
    “‘You Are Not Needed…Please Die’: “Google AI Tells Student He Is ‘Drain On The Earth’”—

    Unless this was programmed into the monster (by Gaia sympathizers—or euthenasia buffs—perhaps?) and is giving us a hint of things to come….

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