Home » Everything you never wanted to know about Kamala Harris


Everything you never wanted to know about Kamala Harris — 9 Comments

  1. It would be interesting to see how much information there is about Kamala’s support or not to California sending male prisoners into female prisons.
    Trump should make a huge deal out of this. There is a video I saw a while back of Biden supporting transgenders in women’s prisons.

  2. I made it to the 21 minute time marker, and have been meaning to return to it.

    Harmeet answers Tucker’s question about those 8 cases in Alameda: She says it’s a very low number or rate of prosecution.

    Also interesting are the several highly paid, little work, patronage jobs that Willy got for Kamala.

    That’s fascinating that that Harmeet thinks that Kamala was intelligent and motivated, and then something changed.

  3. I hated her performance at the Kavanaugh hearings, but she was, in that instance, the hard-charging prosecutor type. Even in her 2019 presidential run, she landed a zinger on Biden. Dhillon is pointing to a change in Kamala we can all see.

  4. Re: the change in Kamala,

    My impression is that currently she and the media staffers she chooses, think that the people they are trying to reach in public statements, interviews, and appearances are dumber than a bag of rocks. They seem to be targeting an intellectual age of about 8 – 15 year olds.

    A secondary factor seems to be that the policies she is really interested in implementing are political losers. So she has to hide what she’s up to.

    A third factor might be that she maybe believes that she can off-load all the heavy lifting to her staff, and she can just coast along most of the time. This is a rather key issue in various types of leadership. It’s a reason why voters need to look for a proven history and track record, rather than simply vote on single issues or identity politics.

  5. Re: the change in Kamala,

    I’ve noticed the same thing. I believed that Kamala was Obama 2.0 in terms of political talent until she crashed and burned in the 2020 Dem primaries (not even making it to 2020). Maybe the stage is just too big.

    Another (related) theory – she just doesn’t have much experience in politics outside of deep, deep blue California. She was actually surging in 2019 until Tulsi nailed her and she couldn’t respond. Maybe Tulsi’s shot was the first time she’d ever actually taken a political punch, and she’s been rattled ever since. It would be a heck of a thing to spend 30+ years in public life only to discover that you have the political equivalent of a glass jaw.

  6. My recollection of the “pre-VP Kamala Harris” is that she was mentally sharper then than she is now. She just plain will NOT answer questions now. Even questions that she should be able to answer with a quick yes or no. It’s like she’s afraid Barack or someone will call her up after an interview and tell her to shut up. Truly different.

    And yes, the policies she supports now are indeed losers.

    But remember what Glenn Reynolds says: don’t get cocky. Make sure you vote.

    One last word: Biden should have passed over her as VP just on the basis of how she treated Kavanaugh. Women knew they could do that without any repercussions, though, because of “Me too”.

  7. Biden probably picked her in part *because* of the way she treated Kavanaugh. That’s how Democrats roll.

  8. But remember what Glenn Reynolds says: don’t get cocky. Make sure you vote.

    The early voting center in my neighborhood has a long line. A friend told me she stood in line for an hour.

    I vote on election day. The last time, there was no line whatsoever.

    What happened to Kamala (Que mala- so bad)? I like Bauxite’s theory that she never had any substantial opposition in Deep Demo California, and couldn’t adjust to the change from California to the national stage, where opposition to a candidate is a daily occurrence.

  9. There’s been all sorts of rumors about her overindulging in alcohol, perhaps as a way to deal with anxiety. And there are times in various interviews and public speaking events were it certainly *seems* like she could be a little tipsy which may expain some of her strange behavior. But at the end of the day, they’re only rumors and at any rate I don’t know that drinking alone would explain her apparent total lack of ability to properly answer questions without collapsing into word salads or attacks against Trump that are totally irrelevent to the question at hand.

    It’s odd. At times it seems as if she’s communicating like a highschool age girl might. Even with the excuse that perhaps she’s just not used to being challenged, it seems to me that any reasonably competent person who is running to be the most powerful person in the free world would at minimum be able to put in the effort to become more media trained and have plenty of answers to likley questions prepared and ready. It’s as if she doesn’t put any effort at all into such things. And if other rumors are true, she doesn’t. It’s as if she expects other people to carry her and becomes recalcitrant when they can’t.

    Given all that, it’s a least possible that something else is going on with her mentally, but who knows?

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