Home » Open thread 10/22/2024


Open thread 10/22/2024 — 9 Comments

  1. For your morning laugh…the meme machine is at it again.

    One thought on Harris’ claim to have worked at McDs: why hasn’t she just stated the actual McDs she worked at??? Give the address! If she worked there I’m sure she knows where it is/was. I’m 72 and can give exact locations of every place I worked from age 16 on. Anyway:


  2. So Harris lied to get into law school. Failed the bar when 80% of her class passed on the first try. Plagiarized her testimony to congress. Total Potemkin person and candidate.

  3. Ah mozart the great pick me up, will music from today endure for 250 years i dont think so

  4. Shocking new study reveals how many medals female athletes have lost out on to trans opponents

    A UN report into ‘violence against women and girls, its causes and consequence’ found that up to 30 March 2024, ‘over 600 female athletes in more than 400 competitions have lost more than 890 medals in 29 different sports’

    ‘The replacement of the female sports category with a mixed-sex category has resulted in an increasing number of female athletes losing opportunities, including medals, when competing against males’

    During a panel last week, Kristen Waggoner of ‘Alliance Defending Freedom’ insisted that ‘high school athletes and college girls should not be expected to have to stand up for their own rights.’

  5. IIRC the democrats – and Kamala and Walz – are all for transgender women competing in female sports.

    Of course, this will not have any effect whatsoever on female voters who will be casting their vote for the “Cackler” and her VP pick; the Medal of Honor winner and veteran of the US Civil War, the Spanish American War, WWI, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, two Iraqi Wars and Afghan War, Walz.

    And yes !!, Waltz did win the Medal of Honer for each of these conflicts.
    Just ask him and he will verify this.

    Waltz makes Audie Murphy look like an army deserter.

  6. Regarding Harris’ work history at McDonalds, my theory is she did work there, but very briefly, and her departure is not something she can laud. When I heard her answer a question about it she gave the impression of someone covering something up. Something likely very minor; like she was 16 and simply stopped showing up after one or two shifts.

  7. miguel,

    It is highly likely some music of today will be in heavy rotation 250 years from now. There was a lot of crap in Mozart’s day, also. The stuff we hear now is the best of the best.

  8. I worked at a Burger King for a while when I was in high school. If I had to prove it, I’d be hard-pressed, unless I could dig up a tax return from that period. I’ve been wondering why Harris couldn’t get the IRS to produce the necessary document, assuming she’s telling the truth and cares whether people believe her. It’s a little like Obama’s birth certificate: the weird aspect is the absence of evidence that should be easy to get to if there’s nothing stinky going on.

    The general take-away is that Harris is completely in character casually claiming an Everyman kind of experience that no one watching her in action is likely to take seriously, even if the story is literally true. I too would guess that she showed up a few times then drifted off to some more cushy situation, unless the tale is frankly myth, which is equally plausible.

  9. There was a very brief discussion here years ago about: Is gold a sensible investment?

    Personally, I don’t pay attention to things terrible well unless it has some genuine importance to me, so in 10/10/22 I bought a very small piece of GLD. An ETF that tracks gold. I added a little more a few months later.

    There was a modest initial runup, and then it stagnated for about a year. Which struck me as unusual because inflation was still hot then and inflation was on everyone’s mind. One guess that I had was that Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies had captured more of that market niche. Anyway, at the end of last February gold began to appreciate considerably. Now it is up 55%, which is not bad for a two year investment.

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