Home » Trump the unlikely populist at the McDonald’s fryolator


Trump the unlikely populist at the McDonald’s fryolator — 20 Comments

  1. The best part was when one of the people in the drive thru said something like ‘thanks for standing up for us ordinary people’ and Trump’s immediate response was ‘you’re not ordinary, you’re not ordinary’.

    And he said it so matter of factly that it clearly wasn’t some politician like response.

    That sums up his appeal to a lot of people.

  2. Shawn Fain, who had to admit on TV that even though the UAW was endorsing a Democrat (Biden at the time), most of the rank and file of the union, i.e., actual auto workers, were voting for Donald Trump.

    He seems to think we’d forget about that.


  3. Mitchell Strand

    Same thing, more or less, happened in Flint when Reagan was elected. One union leader said the vote was just about crime and national security, implying the union voters weren’t actually serious about the Real Issues.

    As to “one of us”, the more exclusive the US can be made to seem, the easier it is to gin up resentment against the not-us.
    But it’s not likely the UAW members went from high school direct to the “shop”. NcDonalds might have been part of their history, if not something similar.

  4. ..the whole thing was a humorous troll of Kamala..

    Soooooo, Trump is a fuking TROLL!?!

    I’ll add that to my growing list of reasons not to vote for him – thanks for the info, neo!

  5. I have been a construction worker most of my life. Can tell many, certainly not all around be these last 2 presidential terms are more in favor of Trump than Biden or Harris and that includes union workers around me. It could be a connection of building or construction workers know if no one build buildings a lot of people won’t have jobs.

    And it was I thought straight away a perfect trolling on Harris, and she has yet to prove her claim or when it would have happened.

  6. In many states the price of staples have forced mcdonalds to close
    Not to mention the inordinate minimum wage

    She is trolling us pretending shes a competent human being

  7. The difference in comments between the Harris supporters and the Trump supporters reflects the attitudes of the groups. The Harris people complain that Trump at McDonald’s is inauthentic because it clashes with Trump’s class identification (billionaire old white guy), while the Trump supporters find Trump’s appearance to be authentic because it shows his personality as an individual.

    IOW, the media comments say more about the commenter than they do about Trump.

  8. Karmi:

    “The whole thing was a humorous troll of Kamala” means the McDonald’s stint was a joke, a tease – not that Trump himself is a troll.

    But of course, you already know that.

  9. neo – yeah, with that ‘Classic Troll‘ Trump now has me planning on voting against Harris—not for him, but against Harris…

  10. I’m not Trump by any means, but one problem I had consistently during my tenure is that I got along so much better with the HVAC guys and plumbers from Physical Plant who came to help with issues in my lab, than I did with the faculty. 95% of the faculty I found to be pretentious assholes. And of course, they’re all Democrats/leftists.

    My best friend from my time there is our department secretary who I still keep in close contact. She and I would spend hours discussing the vagaries of raising two daughters.

  11. A quick look at Shawn Fain’s bio suggests he’s quite sincere in his beliefs and has the background to back it up: born in Kokomo, the grandson of two UAW members, originally an electrician by trade; firey populist rhetoric (“billionaires shouldn’t exist!”) Whatever one thinks of his policy views, he seems very genuine and passionate.

    And therein lies the supreme irony. Fain is an anachronism; it ain’t 1984, Shawn; and Kanala ain’t no Walter Mondale. I wonder if he ever considers what a useful idiot he is for the Democrat Party. Does he ever consider that were he not the head of a large, powerful union, Kamala and all of those billionaires who proper up would harbor nothing but contemporary for him (as they do for the vast majority of ordinary UAW members)?

    One has to wonder what was going through Kamala’s head as Fain spoke: “aw, good boy, Shawn. You’ve shown your loyalty. Now be a good little populisrmt and stand in the corner.”

  12. A week ago Victor Davis Hanson said Harris was in a doom loop. Her campaign was losing ground and she had to do something, but the more she did, the worse things got.

    My take is things are coming at her campaign more quickly than they can handle. With only two weeks to go they are not going to put Kamala, like Humpty-Dumpty, back together again.

  13. “during my tenure is that I got along so much better with the HVAC guys and plumbers from Physical Plant who came to help with issues in my lab, than I did with the faculty. 95% of the faculty I found to be pretentious assholes.” physicsguy

    Anyone who’s ever had the AC go down during a hot summer or had their toilet back up for more than a day has had a firm lesson in just how important are those trades. Whereas, faculty live in a world disconnected from physical reality.

    “pre·ten·tious: adjective
    attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed.”

    “Most ‘scientists’ are bottle washers and button sorters.”
    Robert A. Heinlein

  14. Trump is brilliant, better than any political strategist I know of, at finding odd, often detriment-seeming things to focus on that end up playing to his favor.

    When he spoke of Harris’ race on stage with three women journalists at the NABJ convention I cringed. To me it seemed foolish to enter into that area of discussion and his phrasing was inartful. Yet, for weeks afterward I saw clips of black Americans discussing the issue, and most agreeing with Trump that Harris used her Indian heritage when it was advantageous. This has happened more times with Trump and my opinion than I can remember. I’ll think, “why is he accusing her of not working at McDonalds?!” It’s such a minor point and it could backfire in his face. Then it becomes very important, culturally, to a lot of people.

    We know most political consultants and politicians are out of touch with everyday Americans. It amazes me how often Trump comes up with very clever ways to engage and appeal to them. And our elites hate everyday Americans so they hate Trump.

  15. GB
    I don’t think I was a bottle washer.

    I have about 20 papers mainly in PhysRev A. I didn’t break any startling new ground as my area was high energy ion- molecule collisions. I consider my greatest accomplishment to be the over 100 undegrad students I trained in my lab who learned what experimental physics was all about. I took great satisfaction in taking them on as sophomores then by the time they were seniors were running the lab themselves and training the new kids. Basically, being 3rd year grad students as senior undergrads. Many of those papers has them as primary authors.

  16. 78 and working for the first time in a McDonalds. Probably happening a lot due the the unchecked inflation the Harris administration set off.

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