Home » The Institute for Black Solidarity with Israel (IBSI) – plus, Kamala and the Christians


The Institute for Black Solidarity with Israel (IBSI) – plus, Kamala and the Christians — 9 Comments

  1. “Why alienate a huge voting bloc?”

    Well, first of all even though she’s supposed to be Baptist and is married to a Jewish man, I think the only religion she actually believes in is man made climate change. Betcha she thinks that traditional religion is for, as Clint Eastwood’s Walt Kowalski character put it is “for superstitious old ladies who like to have their hand held by a 27 year old virgin” i.e. their parish priest.

  2. I have my conjecture about what she is, she campaigns at abortion mills she prosecuted daleiden for revealing the organ trade in every way she reveals for Christians also Orthodox Jews

  3. As far as I can tell, her Christian connection is similar to Obama’s — it’s liberation theology combined with black separatism. I doubt that she, or Obama, has ever been exposed to any sort of traditional Christian teaching. The same may be true of Trump, but he, having been nearly assassinated, appears to be coming closer. In any case, he doesn’t disdain traditional Christians or traditional Jews.

    The nation is not as religious as it used to be, but a major political candidate openly mocking traditional believers like this strikes me as stupid politics.

  4. Not all Christians are on board. Progressive Christians, including the Mainline bunch, aka NCCNGTA (National Council of Churches Nobody Goes To Anymore) are working hard against “Christian Zionism”.

  5. ” NCCNGTA (National Council of Churches Nobody Goes To Anymore) ”

    Good one. Hadn’t heard it before.

  6. Is the the wcc that big an influence anymore since sloane coffin went into the ether

  7. It is often said about the establishment media that, no matter how much we hate them, it is not enough. The same may be said of Kamala Harris.

  8. “black and/or Hispanic people consistently are found to have higher rates of anti-Semitism than other demographic groups.” neo

    In all of history, no people have been more oppressed than the Jewish people. Yet, economically and culturally, they’ve succeeded far more than than any other oppressed group in America.

    What message does that success send to black and/or Hispanic people about their ‘victimhood’?

    Obviously it leaves them facing a decision to be made. A minority instinctively reject victimhood, like songwriter/musician/singer Bill Withers, who was installing toilets in new passenger jets before he broke through with the first of his hits.

    Most take the easy path, embracing “poor pitiful me’. While a very few and by far the worst, feed off of that festering resentment, laughing all the way to the bank, scum like Barry Soetoro, Joseph Biden and Kamala Harris…

  9. Geoffrey

    The utility of claiming victimhood depends on its being accepted. But the Jews haven’t a history of being accepted as victims, no matter their mistreatment. So there’s no use trying.

    Had to take the other path. See how that worked out.

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