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More on Sinwar and the six slain hostages — 7 Comments

  1. The fact remains that, in the Moral Authority Account, whose unit of currency is the dead Palestinian civilian, if said unit of currency had the value ascribed to dead Israeli civilians, Hamas would be flat broke.
    There is no atrocity, no matter how huge nor how horribly unspeakable which will shake the western Left’s championing of any force attacking Israel.

  2. As horrible as that was to read, I have to admit I did not expect anything different from Hamas. I will be surprised if a single remaining hostage escapes alive. It is not a nice thing to contemplate, but Hamas is not made up of nice people. I wish Israel well in their effort to destroy this group.

  3. “There is no atrocity, no matter how huge nor how horribly unspeakable which will shake the western Left’s championing of any force attacking Israel.”

    Which makes the western Left complicit in that evil. For to condone what is truly evil is to become part of that evil. In the 20th century alone, the left has the blood on its hands of more that a 100 Million people. How many more lives will it destroy in the 21st century?
    “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”. Edmund Burke

  4. Such amazing heroism. Mistreated, abused, malnourished, uninformed of their circumstances, confused… Yet they died with dignity fighting to protect the women they were with. And the women were equally heroic.

    God bless them all.

  5. While I do feel for the families of the murdered hostages, I hope that the powers that be in Israel don’t give in to them. They seem to think that negotiations would’ve worked:

    The family of Carmel Gat responded to the Saturday report by emphasizing the connection between IDF operations in the tunnel system and the captors’ decision to execute the hostages.

    “It hurts and it stings to hear, again, that the political echelon decided to endanger hostages in order to realize military goals, just as we warned about for months, and as we continue to warn about today.

    “One can only imagine Carmel in her last moments in the tunnel of death, waiting for a deal to save her, not knowing that the government decided to give up on her in order to kill a terrorist,” the family added in a statement […]

    “Every terrorist has a replacement. But Hersh, Alex, Almog, Ori, Eden and Carmel have no replacements. The Israeli government will be judged by how many hostages it returns home, not on how many terrorists it eliminates.”

  6. Someone

    You believe what you have to believe.

    The government does not want to give the hostages a value by swapping something for them. That would encourage more hostage taking.

    But explaining that to the families would be both futile and cruel.

  7. The red green alliance typified by unwra

    Yes they have learned no lessons in a year

    Theres already 100 more ansars ready to take up the fight

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