Home » Trump answers the charge of whether he’d use the military to move against his opponents


Trump answers the charge of whether he’d use the military to move against his opponents — 8 Comments

  1. Trump answers the charge of whether he’d use the military to move against his opponents.

    1. The Demos do not want the National Guard, let alone the Army, to put down rioters.
    2. Demos prefer letting rioters riot. Which is what Governor Walz did in Minneapolis during the Sainted George Floyd riots in 2020.

    That is, Demos prefer rioting and burning down cities to maintaining order.

  2. Yes, but aren’t they building a case that in case of a Trump victory, extraordinary measures would be justified to protect the American citizenry? I put this together with all of the “bi-partisan” proclamations of Trump’s danger by 751 or whatever senior poobahs as a strategy to legitimize any putsch as a defensive measure to “protect” rather than overthrow the republic.

    Paranoid, but you can’t underestimate these people.

  3. Yes, but aren’t they building a case that in case of a Trump victory, extraordinary measures would be justified to protect the American citizenry? …as a strategy to legitimize any putsch as a defensive measure to “protect” rather than overthrow the republic.


    Quite. I worry about this too. I did catch a Fox clip of a Democrat making what sounded like a veiled threat to this effect in the event of a Trump victory.

    Shoulda bookmarked the link.

    As usual, a good way to understand what Democrats are up to is by noticing what they accuse Trump of — using the power of the military to outlaw political dissent, to imprison opponents and to turn the presidency into a dictatorship.

  4. Nancy

    Astute prediction: Any attempt to quell rioting will be labeled as you suggest. Using the military against the American people. Prepping the battle space.

  5. neo:

    I appreciate your hard work dismantling Democrat Facts That Aren’t True.

    Sad, how easy it is to tell a lie, and how much harder it is refute it and understand the refutation.

  6. @ huxley – totally agree with you on both points.
    Neo really puts the work in to unravel the sound-bites, gotcha questions, reaction reversals (such as Republicans Pounce to change the focus from the actual events), and outright lies of our politicians and pundits.

    The difficulty of refuting DemoLeft lies is that they don’t ever concede the point and move on (heh), they just trot out the old canard again and again and again.

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