Home » Drone targets Netanyahu’s house but no one’s home; Blinken and Biden have a plan


Drone targets Netanyahu’s house but no one’s home; Blinken and Biden have a plan — 5 Comments

  1. Additional Footage from Wednesday’s Elimination of Yahya Sinwar, the Senior Leader of Hamas; with him being seen on a Thermal Camera right before a Pair of Merkava lV Tanks fired Shells into the Building.


    Very brief video at link, some seeming thermal optics too. I think this was the Matador firing, but not the ultimate headshot.

  2. Blinken and Biden have a plan? Sure they do: surrender to evil.
    I hope they rot in hell.
    Looking forward to pulling a Trump vote lever soon, along with the wish Biden and Blinken would be flushed down the toilet. Like the crap they are.
    Speaking of crap, feces are called that because a British engineer, Thomas Crapper, invented the flush toilet! Crap goes into a Crapper!

  3. In the lameduck period they’ll backstab Israel just as Obama did, though with worse measures. Stuff like UNSC demands for immediate ceasefire, or/and unilaterally recognizing a “Palestinian” State in Judea-Samaria-Gaza. Think vile and add something more evil.

  4. Three “reporters” from The Wall Street Journal wrote a front page article on Friday headlined: “Netanyahu’s Options: End War or Keep Up Fight.” This is industrial strength stupidity. Seems to me that Hamas–not Israel–has a choice to make: (1) surrender, return the hostages, and turn over the murderers and rapists for justice or (2) be destroyed. The “news” pages of the WSJ have gone down the same appeasement rathole as the New York Times and the Washington Post. Here’s a pro tip for big media: hire people with critical thinking skills and adults to edit them. When your reporters are actually as stupid as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, you’ve lost the bubble.

  5. Some are nearly worse if that were possible bibi keeps his own counsel and he has some sharp advisors some like gallant he has been able to keep under his thumb

    They might be leaking to the Times or Axios or any other of the blank pages

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