Home » Sinwar dead: can it be?


Sinwar dead: can it be? — 19 Comments

  1. Some years ago– was it the conflict in Iraq?– it seemed that news notices about dead terrorists were more often later refuted than confirmed. But in Israel’s current war against Iran and its proxies, it seems that initial reports of dead terrorists are almost always confirmed.

  2. Apparently this was not a special forces team, just ordinary IDF soldiers, who killed Sinwar and realized after the fact who it was. Well done.

  3. Sinwar’s body doesn’t need to be further damaged. His soul was deep in evil and he is now paying the eternal price for his evil deeds.

  4. That would be an affront to bacon grease, which I use to make delicious french fries, may I say.

  5. Sinwar’s body doesn’t need to be further damaged. His soul was deep in evil and he is now paying the eternal price for his evil deeds.

    My recommendation would be to cremate him and scatter his remains into the sea.

  6. Gringo:
    Let us avoid cremation of Sinwar, just tie a concrete block to an ankle and throw him overboard. Turn him into fishfood, not CO2.

  7. The story of Sinwar’s demise is something out of the movies. The soldiers responsible for the greatest achievement on the Gaza front since the war began literally stumbled on Sinwar by chance. They are not frontline combat troops. They come from BISLACH, the Hebrew acroynm for the IDF’s Infantry Commanders and Combat Training School.

    While these guys are certainly officers in the making, they are definitely not the stars of the Israeli military. When you hear about operations to take out high value targets, you usually hear unit names like Sayeret Matkal or Shaldag. The heroes of today’s operation, however, don’t even belong to a cohesive unit. They are all trainees.

    During time of war, instead of just sitting in the classroom, they get grouped together as a makeshift unit. They have no clearly defined role. They receive this or that task to perform on the battlefield depending on the needs of the day. Today they were clearing up an area and, purely by chance, boom, they brought down the most wanted man.

    The funny thing here is that the finest minds in the Israeli military have been working nonstop for the last year to lure Sinwar into a trap. The finest commando units have been chomping on the bit, hoping to get a stab at Sinwar. In the end, however, the people who did the deed were simple, run-of-the-mill soldiers.

    Even President Joe Biden is trying to get a piece of the credit. “With our intelligence help, the IDF relentlessly pursued Hamas’s leaders, flushing them out of their hiding places and forcing them onto the run,” says the official statement about Sinwar’s death on the White House website. Failure is an orphan, but success has many fathers.


  8. Cicero….
    Tell us what you _really_ think!!

    My question is …Who’s really been running the government. Of course, I think I know – at least, I have my opinion – but not means of affirming my opinion.

  9. Maps of previously unknown tunnels were found on Sinwar’s body.

    What if this leads to our 101 precious hostages?


    Well ok, that’s in a manner a very good thing. But!

    But horrible that knowledge Israel possesses these maps should come out to the remaining Hamasian fiends, who may do god awful things on account of such knowledge. That isn’t to say they wouldn’t do horrible things quite apart from such knowledge, just that additional actions may be taken on account of it.

  10. Let me see if I understand this correctly.

    Sinwar had cancer. The Israelis cured him because no Arab country had advanced enough medicine to do so.

    Sinwar then goes on to organize the murder of 1200 Israelis and kidnapping hundreds more.

    And the Left says the Israelis are the bad guys?

    You literally can’t make this stuff up.

    Any novel with a plot line like that would be instantly rejected.

  11. Liel Liebovitz:

    In light of Sinwar having fake ID identifying him as an UNRWA teacher, and in light of Merrick Garland’s insistence that UNRWA continues to enjoy absolute immunity from prosecution, it’s time for a strong conservative president to end this farce, withdraw from the UN, and kick this benighted and corrupt organization out of the US. You want to give cover to terrorists? Get the hell out of New York City, and give us back the billions we pay you every year.


    Hear hear. About damned time.

  12. If Israel hasn’t killed Sinwar and has mistakenly announced they did, they have laid themselves open to a great propaganda coup, when Sinwar pokes his head up in a brief video and beats his chest about lying Zionists.

    I’m waiting…

  13. A friend has traveled the world delivering machines that do DNA analysis. Israelis say the body’s teeth match Sinwar’s dental records, and I am sure, before making this announcement, they compared his DNA to their records. I believe it’s Sinwar.

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