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Roundup — 15 Comments

  1. Sen. Cotton’s not the only one who’s pissed off today; Barry haz a hissy:

    Who is riling up Obama?

    Remember the scene in Die Hard when John McClane’s wife sees a terrorist fly into a tantrum? “He’s still alive,” she concludes. “Only John could make someone that angry.”

    In Obama’s case, it’s one of three people: 1) Trump; 2) Kamala; 3) Netanyahu. Who is riling up Obama?


    Brief video of Obama giving the what for to PuddingBrain at link.

  2. (1) from that WP article:

    Solar panels can provide a ton of power between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.; in states like California during the spring, solar can almost provide all of the state’s energy during those hours.

    That seems wrong – some of the posts at Power Line show solar as falling way short of anything close to that.

    (3) Gotta love politicians like Senator Cotton – makes toiling thru election crap worth the effort…Ditto on the ‘Good for Tom Cotton‘!

  3. I would feel far more confident if Tom Cotton were the nominee instead of Donald Trump.

  4. And I’m surprised that the WaPo is reporting on this:


    I’m seeing this sort of Oh-by-the-way-things-aren’t-as-simple-as-you’ve-been-told all over the place

    The MSM seems to be hedging its bets in case Trump wins.

    They are worried.

  5. The MSM will be in trouble if, we pray, Trump is elected. But Federal employees, the do-nothing Democratic sinecures, should and will be in trouble if he wins, The Federales will do eveything they can to undermine him. It is what (loyal??NO) Democrats do!
    But when he underfunds their Departments, e.g. Education, what can they do? The GOP must hold the House.
    Trump has been persecuted since 2016, and he is hanging tough. That is a great test for a POTUS.

  6. I couldn’t figure out how Allred, who is running against Ted Cruz for Senate, is claiming he opposes boys in girls sports when his record says otherwise. Then I looked at the GLAAD ( Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) website and it was clear. He is using their definition of women . ”
    From GLAAD in link below:

    ” Transgender girls are girls, and transgender women are women. Some transgender women play sports, and when they do , they are ‘ not men playing in women’s sports.” https://glaad.org/releases/glaad-responds-to-lgbtq-questions-and-answers-at-the-us-senate-debate-between-rep-colin-allred-and-sen-ted-cruz/

  7. I should probably say I thought that Allred was just lying and sending a code by saying something like ” we are all God’s children” or something to that effect in the ad I saw. Then I saw the GLAAD article on the debate and it made “sense “. He was speaking Orwellian.

  8. sdferr, of course leftists thought she did well. By any sensible standard, she didn’t. As usual, she did not answer questions and pivoted to “Trump, Trump, Trump.” She shouted over Baier while refusing to answer his questions.

  9. Solar farms….

    I shot a marble into the air. It fell to earth I know not where.

    Big target though.

  10. It’s ironic, the only party that has actually put nonwhite people in camps is the Democrats during WWIi.

  11. For those who can’t read X, go to the Instapundit, where many clips and comments are presented so you can see them.

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