Home » Open thread 10/15/2024


Open thread 10/15/2024 — 9 Comments

  1. He is 79. I am sorry to say I did not know he was alive. He has lost weight, looks good. He is a joy to listen too.
    Paid off the loan after 30 yrs, a very expensive fiddle.

    I was struck yesterday by the appearance of Bill Clinton. We are the same age (well he is 2 months older), but he does look old, and his voice has really aged.

  2. Bill Clinton: U.S. Needs Migrants Because of Americans’ Low Birth Rate

    [funny, they knew even back as far as Reagan this was going to happen. Too bad they didnt clue in the women and others who would destroy a million year familial line of life… everything that is alive, has a direct connection to the first thing that was alive… that is it… from bacteria slime, everything has endeavored to survive and go forward EXCEPT modern feminist women… now, do you think the people they are using to putty in replacements are going to hold the things that those harridan morons of self-extermination wanted for the future? or something more akin to a boot on a neck forever… ]


    [first it was we had to import them to do the jobs we wouldnt do (after all, the dead people not born dont work and the idiots taking feminist studies dont really work either]

    The United States needs more migrants to replace the children that Americans are not producing, former President Bill Clinton said at a press event on Sunday.

    “America is not having enough babies to keep our populations up, so we need immigrants that have been vetted to do work,” Clinton said at a fish fry in Fort Valley, Georgia.

    “We got the lowest birth rate we’ve had in well over 100 years. We’re not at replacement level, which means we got to have somebody come here if we want to keep growing the economy.”

    [in less than 15 years near 60 million americans will leave… It was funny when a girl attacked me at my last job yelling at me that i was some conservative that wanted to roll back the clock. i pointed out its reactionaries that want to go back, and that all us conservatives wanted was things like smaller government and fewer loans… yeah, she yelled… but i said… you have two girls.. yes.. well, i am so glad that all us non conservatives that borrowed the money will die off and leave those kids with the bill… if you think the amount is large now… wait 10-20 years when the boomers are gone!]

    However, mass migration into the United States makes it difficult for Americans to have enough babies because it drives down family wages, pushes up housing prices, and distracts national leaders from delivering policies that help Americans have more babies.

    Clinton’s comment came as he tried to excuse the inflow of migrants, despite the inevitability that some migrants murder Americans, such as Laken Riley, a young, unmarried woman in Georgia.

    [killing citizens by immigrants has happend for my whole life!! remember Adrienne Shelly??? Police initially said Shelly’s death in 2006 was a suicide. Her husband, Andy Ostroy, insisted on a re-evaluation, which resulted in a conviction of a construction worker. The man had been working in her office apartment building; he was convicted of first-degree manslaughter. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrienne_Shelly – that was November 1, 2006… She had just had a baby recently too… the minute you see her you will recognize her!!! Did Ronald Reagan regret 1986 immigrant ‘amnesty’ law? Republican U.S. Senate candidate Kelli Ward has made the point several times: President Ronald Reagan’s “biggest regret” was granting amnesty as part of 1986 immigration-reform legislation and then counting on Congress to secure the border

    August report by CNN:

    In 2023, the US fertility rate fell another 3% from the year before, to a historic low of about 55 births for every 1,000 females ages 15 to 44, according to final data published Tuesday by the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics. Just under 3.6 million babies were born last year, about 68,000 fewer than the year before.

    Since 2007, when the fertility rate was at its most recent high, the number of births has declined 17%, and the general fertility rate has declined 21%, according to the new report.

    A “package of demographic changes” – people getting married later and less often, spending more years in school and taking longer to get economically established in a steady job, to name a few – align with birth rate trends, said [Sarah Hayford, director of the Institute for Population Research at The Ohio State University].

    [i wonder if the new residents will go up against the 30 million “extra” chinese in battle? our military is only 2-3 million… can it go up against a force 10 times larger?
    if they are perfect shots, it will take 30 million bullets… think a reduced pop can even manufacture enough to compet with the production capacity of the new China?

    “China’s growing high male-female sex ratio at birth has lasted for almost 30 years and the accumulative effects of this will lead to a 30 million surplus of men at marriageable age over the next 30 years,”

    lets see… let in 1 million of them over open border… have them take lessons in weapons… get licenses… etc.. (they are doing that now!)… and like those pesky guys who took flight lessons without learning how to land………….]

    “When the cost of housing rises, fertility falls … certainly that’s not really something that’s even necessarily debated anymore because it is so obviously the case,” demographer Lyman Stone told Breitbart News in November 2023.

    The government could raise the Americans’ birth rate if it raised productivity by cutting migration.

    [hey… we passed over it.. how can you have global warming if everyone is doing the depopulation tango?]

    Clinton admitted the productivity alternative on Monday by saying “we’ve got to have somebody come here if we want to grow the economy unless one of you artificial intelligence geniuses has figured out how we can all grow with no work.”

    But Clinton’s preference for migrants over American childbirths is the norm within the Democratic Party, mostly because the party is dominated by the alliance of pro-migration progressives who dislike borders and investors who gain from an inflow of cheap workers, government-funded consumers, and apartment-sharing renters.

    [and not one mention of an ideology that has women kill their babies. put off birthts till its too late… save eggs for men that are not going to show up… being proud cat ladies who hate the future… and on and on… NOT ONE THING ON THE FEMINIST AGENDA LEADS TO ANYTHING OTHER THAN SELF EXTERMINATION. even funnier… if only hitler did this, he would still be a hero in their eyes… but he got caught.. but now, they have enough support they can sing from the river to the sea from the white towers of academia while accusing their opposition of being jew killing nazis, and they being innocent]

    In November 2022, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) subordinated American families to the welfare of migrants:

    We’re short of workers. We have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to. The only way we’re going to have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants, the dreamers and all of them — because our ultimate goal is to help the dreamers [illegals who were brought in by their parents] get a path to citizenship for all 11 million — or however many undocumented there are here [Emphasis added].

    [personally… i am making a fortune from investing towrads this… after DEI got everyone fired… and the place went to crap… and no one steering this any other way… the only thing that remained was to exploit it… i can even show my investments are up over 45% since november… ]

    [you realize that there IS a way to make book on this given history.. eh?]

    U.K.’s Guardian newspaper reported:

    Campaigners have warned that “procreation has become a luxury item”, after it emerged that the fertility rate in England and Wales had fallen to its lowest level since records began in 1939.

    Official figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) showed “total fertility”, calculated based on the birthrate across different age groups, fell to 1.49 children per woman in 2022.

    That is well below the rate of 2.1 needed to maintain a steady population without significant immigration. In total, there were 605,479 live births in 2022, according to the ONS, down 3.1% from a year earlier, and the lowest number since 2002.

    Amid Justin Trudeau’s record-breaking migration in Canada, CBC reported in September:

    Canada recorded its lowest ever fertility rate for the second year in a row in 2023, according to Statistics Canada.

    The country recorded a rate of 1.26 children born per woman, according to the agency, with British Columbia having the nation’s lowest fertility rate at one child per woman.

    “We can see that every single estimate of ideal or desired fertility, including our hardcore minimum estimate from adjusted GSS data, is way above actual fertility,” a 2018 report by the Institute for Family Studies said. The report added:

    What this comparison makes clear is that no matter whether you use intended or ideal fertility, women report greater childbearing ambitions than they have achieved or are likely to achieve, and this has been the case for a long time.

    Cut the data however you like, use whatever indicator floats your boat, and you’ll find the ship of American fertility sinking, steadily underperforming what women have been saying they want or intend.

    Longer hours, lower wages, less consistent employment, high childcare costs, poor access to credit, burdensome loans, all-too-few good husband candidates — take your pick of the problem — a growing number of women are simply lowering their expectations for their own family lives, even as they continue to believe that something like 2.3 kids would be ideal for them [emphasis added].

    [This is why i say the average feminist is a victim… no one on that side told them what the outcome would be… anyone who did. like me. got attacked or ignored while there was still time… most just chatted their way, playing their lyre like nero, feeling suprior, and did NOTHING… so right now they have a front row seat to the carnage that will come if they survive long enough… if you dont think so, then look to the history you didnt want to learn!!!!!!!]

    China home to 30 million men in search of a bride, census shows
    Of the 12 million babies born last year there were 111.3 boys for every 100 girls, once-a-decade study says. Shortage of single women mostly a result of China’s one-child policy that ran for almost four decades

    China Has Nearly 35 Million More Single Men Than Women
    The population data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on May 11 showed the country now has 1.41 billion people, an increase of 0.53 percent from 10 years earlier. China has 723.34 million men

    In China and India, men outnumber women by 70 million. Both nations are belatedly trying to come to grips with the policies that created this male-heavy generation

    In China, there is a name for unmarried men over 30. Shengnan, meaning “leftover men” have yet to find a wife – and in a country with a growing gender gap, that’s a big problem.
    the big problem is that the ladies dont want to marry, they want to be like american feminists…

    CHAT GPT says
    When a nation has a significant imbalance of men of war age several historical outcomes can occur:

    Military Aggression: The entity with a surplus of fighting-age men may feel emboldened to engage in military expansion, potentially leading to invasions or territorial conquests. This is often seen in history when a state perceives itself as having a military advantage.

    Internal Strain: A large pool of young men can lead to social and economic pressures if there aren’t enough opportunities or resources. This could result in unrest, as these individuals may seek purpose or fulfillment through military action.

    Diplomatic Leverage: The imbalance can also provide a strategic advantage in negotiations, as the stronger military presence can deter potential conflicts or allow for more favorable treaties.

    Alliances and Coalitions: Nations with fewer men might seek alliances with others to counterbalance the threat, leading to shifts in geopolitical dynamics and new coalitions forming.

    Cultural and Social Changes: A large number of men of war age might influence the culture and societal structures, fostering a warrior ethos or militaristic society, which can affect everything from politics to gender roles.

    you all have front row seats!!!
    your going to LOVE all the things that are going to come for you to talk about
    not very good stuff… but hey, you live in interesting times, and everyone did the feminist abdication of responsibility for the future… and really… should us old people fight the young we allowed to be corrupted to save them from themselves? fie no… their kids would finish the job we could not.

    and if you think the birth rate is at the level of extermination, then you will understand the boost to the negative drafting women will bring…

    and the song “how you going to keep them down on the farm” needs to be rewritten for how you going to get illegal immigrants and males in this country with no hope of families given hypergamy, to fight to save a country that did what to them and women who did what


  3. Gad Saad, in a nice video I came across this morning, brings up “the four stages of acceptance” (of a new theory) from the late biologist, J.B.S. Haldane, to wit:

    1. This [new theory] is worthless nonsense,
    2. This is an interesting, but perverse, point of view,
    3. This is true, but quite unimportant,
    4. I always said so.

    Saad was trying to explain why it is so hard to change someone’s mind about a closely-held belief, even when the evidence against the belief is overwhelming. (These stages remind me of a series of “laws” enunciated by Michael Anton which describe how the Left denies something is happening, then, when the something is proven to be happening, their fallback position is, “it’s a good thing it is happening.”)

    Saad’s video was prompted by the exchange between Martha Raddatz and J.D. Vance over the gangs of Aurora, CO. I think we might be witnessing, in Vance’s stance in that exchange, the creation of a “permission structure” that bridges a persuadable to the MAGA side. Vance loosens the network’s hold on the viewer, and reframes the question to allow a persuadable to see his own priorities and identify with them, against the will of the network. It should be tremendously effective, assuming there are any persuadables within earshot.

    Here’s the video, cued to where Saad quotes Haldane:


  4. Michael Millerman reads (and comments on) an article by Nicholas E. Low in the Harvard Divinity Bulletin (Spring/Summer 2024) entitled “Dreaming of Superhumans: New Reactionary Nietzschean Fantasies“, (1:13:57): https://www.youtube.com/live/BNJhzvpCyzw

    Citations include but are not limited to Trump, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Mark Andreessen, BAP, Graeme Wood, Curtis Yarvin, Michael Anton, Palmer Luckey, Allan Bloom, Leo Strauss, Francis Fukuyama, Nick Land, Laurence Lampert, Alexander Dugin, as well as the usual Western suspects: Nietzsche, Plato, Hegel, Heidegger, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, and etc.

    There’s a “liberal’s” nightmare lurking about, perhaps needless to say. How not, what with so very many anti-liberals running loose and saying whatever they like?

  5. A 30-year loan on a violin. Amazing.

    I did take note of Bill Clinton expounding on why America needs a flood of immigrants. Oh, it’s all about the economy according to Bill. No mention of diluting the value of your vote or mine with votes they can buy, which is the Democrat’s primary motive.

    I have to laugh that they (the Dems and mainstream media) keep trotting out that same tired old number, 10.5 or 11 million illegal immigrants currently in the US. Year after year, decade after decade… the same number.

    But Clinton’s preference for migrants over American childbirths is the norm within the Democratic Party, mostly because the party is dominated by the alliance of pro-migration progressives who dislike borders and investors who gain from an inflow of cheap workers, government-funded consumers, and apartment-sharing renters. — ArtflDgr

    When I first moved permanently to California in 1986, I got a subscription to the SF Chronicle (could have been the Examiner) because I thought I would be visiting frequently. In 1987 perhaps, they ran an extensive series of exposé articles on the wrangling between two ardent factions of people within the Sierra Club. Both left of center groups.

    One group wanted a flood of immigrants, legal or illegal, for the political power. That is, vote dilution. They won the battle.

    But the other group consisted of people who actually cared about the environment and had bought into the notion that human consumption was the key blight on poor mother earth Gaia. Their logic was that a human subsisting in Honduras had a much lower carbon or consumption footprint, than that same person would once they migrate to the US. That faction lost the battle.

  6. ToI, “US warns Israel that weapon supply at risk if Gaza aid crisis not addressed in 30 days“: https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/us-warns-israel-that-weapon-supply-at-risk-if-gaza-aid-crisis-not-addressed-in-30-days/

    “Failure to demonstrate a sustained commitment to implementing and maintaining these measures may have implications for U.S. policy under NSM-20 and relevant U.S. law,” the letter states.

    The demands from Blinken and Austin focus on three categories: Increasing the supply of humanitarian aid by the start of winter; facilitating the aid delivery route through Jordan; and ending the “isolation” of northern Gaza.

    That latter “demand” looks like a war-fighting measure Israel undertakes to prevent Hamas from returning into areas they’ve abandoned, hence (my surmise), the most probable crippling sticking-point to Israeli national security.

    In any case, rest assured the actual situation for Gazan “civilians” is far less dire than Israel’s enemies in the Obama-Biden administration will portray.

  7. That little skit of Walz as a hunter reminded me of something. A guy I know, Rob, runs an aircraft maintenance business and also rescues mistreated dogs…and trains some of them as hunting dogs. He said he was guiding a hunt once when a guy missed what should have been an easy shot and the dog turned around and looked at Rob…obviously thinking “Can you believe this guy?”

    Maybe similar to the thoughts of the dogs accompanying the Walz expedition.

  8. Clinton says we need more migrants to makes up for the birth rate going down….this from a guy whose party encourages the killing of babies. How clueless can they be?

  9. @physicsguy:How clueless can they be?

    Clueless like a fox.

    After the uprising of the 17th of June
    The Secretary of the Writers’ Union
    Had leaflets distributed on the Stalinallee
    Which stated that the people
    Had squandered the confidence of the government
    And could only win it back
    By redoubled work [quotas]. Would it not in that case
    Be simpler for the government
    To dissolve the people
    And elect another?

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