Home » Hezbollah’s drones are a danger to Israel


Hezbollah’s drones are a danger to Israel — 21 Comments

  1. Sure, drones are a danger, but this seemed more about strategy/tactics.

    Hez fired something (missiles?) from the SE Lebanon into NE Israel/Golan Heights first, and then launched drones from SW into NW, if I recall correctly.

    I think the Russians are helping in this—thru Russian or Iranian contacts…Israel could be in trouble.

  2. Well the drones were reversed engineered by iranian technicians after the drone that crashed in 2012 the following year a drone pilot defected to the regime nurges witte that probably gave them more insights into the technical aspects

  3. The IDF needs to stay in southern Lebanon clearing out Hezbollah armament stores. No ceasefire until Hezbollah armaments south of the Litani are considerably reduced.

    Too Fun to Check: Hezbollah May Be Broke

    Hezbollah has been allegedly faced with severe financial difficulties as a result of Israeli military actions that have targeted their funding sources, according to an exclusive Voice of America report. …

    VOA’s report of Hezbollah’s lack of funding has come after Israel has reportedly escalated its attacks on the terror group’s assets, including airstrikes on AQAH’s branches, causing significant damage.

    AQAH has operated as a key financial institution since its founding in 1982 and has grown into a major source of funding for Hezbollah’s operations, according to the report.

    “Hezbollah is facing a very serious financial problem. They are unable to pay rank-and-file members who have fled their homes and need to feed their families,” said Hilal Khashan, a Lebanese political science professor.

    That makes me very sad, that Hez soldiers may not get paid. I wonder how much of that $175m that Kamala said the Biden administration is sending to Lebanon will go to pay the salaries of Hex soldiers. 🙂

  4. Vulcan cannons. Those are 20 MM rounds . What goes up , must come down. A falling 20mm round would be deadly.

  5. https://www.timesofisrael.com/hezbollah-rockets-pummel-swaths-of-israel-as-idf-vows-to-eliminate-groups-drone-unit/

    In mid-afternoon a barrage of 15 rockets was fired toward Karmiel in the Galilee. The IDF said that most were intercepted, although several impact sites were reported, including a rocket hitting a parked vehicle, setting it on fire. There were no injuries in the barrage, according to Magen David Adom.

    Video of the rocket impact in Karmiel at link.


    Video of a lucky motorcyclist and slightly less lucky pedestrians at second link, as falling rocket chunk bounces within feet of them.

  6. Bibi asks nicely “Please leave so you aren’t harmed” (1:26): https://youtu.be/rBdl32r22tg

    But no, says UNIFIL, we like being shields for Hezbollah:

    United Nations peacekeepers will stay in all positions in Lebanon despite Israeli calls for them to move, given intensifying fighting between Israel and Hezbollah and five blue helmets suffering injuries, the UN peacekeeping chief says.

    “The decision was made that UNIFIL would currently stay in all its positions in spite of the calls that were made by the Israel Defense Forces to vacate the positions that are in the vicinity of the Blue Line,” says UN peacekeeping chief Jean-Pierre Lacroix.

    The IDF and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have made repeated calls in recent days to UNIFIL to evacuate from active combat zones, arguing that Hezbollah has been using its positions as human shields.


  7. Law Enforcement usually goes for the Top Criminal in a Criminal Enterprise—you know, like the God Father instead of the dude emptying a trailer or the Drug Supplier instead of the corner Drug Dealer.

    This has been one of my complaints about Trump. Sure, one might expect a crooked cop (Obama & Biden) to ignore the Drug Supplier and bust another Dealer instead.

    Anyone not seeing Iran as the God Father or Drug Supplier or Head of the Axis of Resistance is…

    UN peacekeeping troops failing Israel as Hezbollah creates terror tunnels right under their noses

    Am trying to hold off on the Trump bashing for the next few weeks until the election is over—what with nerves getting on edge the closer it gets, but it’s not easy whilst seeing Iran ‘Free as a Bird’ and Israel fighting for its survival…

  8. The drone flyover of Langley, which is home to our most advanced fighter jets, continued on across the water to Norfolk Naval Base, the largest such in the world. The Seal Team complex is nearby at Little Creek.

  9. John Baker,
    Anti-aircraft shells are generally equipped with two fuzes. One is the anti-aircraft fuze such as proximity fuze or contact fuze. The other is a time fuze which explodes the round at a distance which is presumed to be beyond its effective range. So they all explode up in the air, someplace, whether they hit the target or go on and self-destruct. That leaves shreds of metal falling.

    When the incoming stuff is so effective and hard to stop, it can be considered an escalation. So, instead of batting away the incoming munitions, or failing to due to its qualities, you escalate back and stop playing defense. You hit the launching sites, or other resources like….major command centers. Assembly facilities. Transport hubs.

  10. Well, we have been witness to Drone warfare in Ukraine now for over a yr. So, it isn’t a surprise that Hezb/Iran is heavy into drones.

    As too not shooting down the drones flying over our military bases, that has to stop – but not in this Admin nor hers if she wins.
    Maybe the order not to shot stems from the fact the drones are from another Fed agency? Who knows.

  11. WRT the bullets and the kids. I never deployed. However, I did spend a good deal of time on one or another rifle range and saw what happened to various terrain features beyond the target line. Trees were penetrated by bullets. Various wooden supports of warning signs had wooden stands which had through-and-through holes. A kid’s skull or neck….not blown apart and with the pristine bullet still inside? Nope.
    And note that they all, eventually, died. Nope. Hit like that and you’re dead instantly and no amount of first aid will get you to the rear in shape for a doctor. You’re dead and you’re missing pieces.
    And for the simplest give-away; each bullet is perpendicular to the X-ray camera.

  12. By the drones? There’s potential I guess, but possibly no greater than by a Pali vehicle ramming attack, a drive-by gunning, or some other more up-close and personal terrorist action. It’s Israel and that sort of stuff happens a lot, despite all the extreme efforts to stop it.

  13. Their duty station will be on an Israeli military reservation so drive by shooting or vehicle ramming is not going to happen. And it would have no chance of happening if Biden hadn’t sent them to Israel.

  14. Let me see, drones comming from Lebanon, AA rounds that miss incomming drones fall in Lebanon or fall onto Israel. The Phalanx type system is radar guided and software operated. Not an inshahalla MK 2 eyeball spray and pray. They use a tungsten or DU round IIRC.

    As regards ordnance falling from the sky, it is a war zone after all.

  15. @miguel cervantes:Wait what

    NYT publishing unvetted fake atrocity photos implicating Israel is 100% what they do.

  16. One thing we probably should note but haven’t yet: Israel is also a very capable producer of drones, loitering munitions, cruise missiles and alla that juicy technological stuff. Iran itself may get a taste of that capability here in the not too distant future.

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