Home » I consider today Columbus Day …


I consider today Columbus Day … — 12 Comments

  1. Samuel Eliot Morison’s Admiral of the Ocean Sea: A Life of Christopher Columbus is a classic, the definitive biography.

  2. IO49, I have both, including another volume. We are having to move to a smaller place and I will have to give them away. Golden Years, my ass.

  3. Mike K – ‘Golden Years, my ass.

    🙂 Sorry for smiling – just too funny. Have no clue what “IO49” means, but apparently people have different views on Golden Age also. 🙂

    Generally speaking, those Golden Years begin as experts say, at age 65 and last until at least 80 or longer, if you’re lucky.

    My started at 62, and each year has gotten better—until 78+ so far. An *AMAZING* time of life, especially here in America, IMHO.

    Thank you Christopher Columbus!

  4. I forgot Indigenous Peoples Day is the old Columbus Day.
    I hate Leftists.
    Seen it pointed out, American Indians had no written language.

  5. Mike K:

    Don’t do it! Never give away a Samuel Eliot Morison book!

    One of my greatest treasures is the complete 15-volume History of United States Naval Operations in World War II, by Morison. Hardback, every volume in pristine condition. I acquired it, FREE, from the estate of a University of Chicago professor with whom I was acquainted. Shortly after he passed, his children opened up his apartment to friends and acquaintances, allowing us to wander through it and take any one or more of the thousands of books still on his book shelves. I found the Morison series and snatched it up, before representatives of Powell’s Used Books and O’Gara’s, who were also wandering the premises, discovered it. I’m such a lucky guy.

    I plan to read the whole series from cover(s) to cover(s) during the dark cold days of the coming northwest Indiana winter.

    Best wishes for you in your new home.

  6. I just said to my husband, “Today is Columbus Day, before it became every holiday had to be on a Monday for the benefit of our ‘Public Servants'”. And then I pulled up your post.

  7. “Golden Years, my ass.” – Mike K

    Yep, they’re golden until you reach that stage where you have to part with many of the things you have loved. My eyes are so bad, I can only read a book on Kindle. Four years ago, I downsized my rather large book collection. It was like losing beloved old friends. I hear you.

    I’m still glad to be alive even though age has robbed me of many things I value. Fortunately, I still have a decent memory – so I can relive the good times. When the memory goes, I can’t imagine what it will be like to still be doddering around.
    Oh well, “Que sera, sera.”

  8. Irish, I am envious. Should be a great read. I just have his “Two Ocean War”.

    As they say, History is complicated. But, as is the wont now adays, look at bygone Actors in History, with a Lense of today’s moral (or lack thereof) compass. What they did, they did.

  9. Re: Golden Years

    I’m having a ball learning French and now electric guitar.

    I bought the Rick Beato video guitar courses and got my posture and tendinitis issues sorted. I’m mostly self-learning but I trust Rick to give me good hints and a roadmap.

    There’s a whole world revolving around the electric guitar. I can now understand the attraction it has. There is so much to learn. There are so many ways to personalize one’s music. There is so much lore and history which, in a tiny way, one becomes part of.

    Strapping on my guitar feels right. I’ve never felt that way about a musical instrument before.

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