Home » The teacher and Obama: on those pesky Trump-voting men


The teacher and Obama: on those pesky Trump-voting men — 13 Comments

  1. I am a male, have voted for women before, and will again. I want people to fill a position in government who can do what I think is a good job.
    Cultural Marxism is pushing gender, class, and Global Warming and that’s not what I want.

  2. The only people likely to be moved by this are Obama supporters – who are already Kamala’s supporters. Like Hillary’s mention of “Deplorables”, it’s preaching to the choir.

  3. I don’t think Obama is faring well in his attempts to help Harris. Here’s another blunder – Obama’s vicious attack on Trump suggesting he wears adult diapers and mocking him for hawking sneakers and Bibles as 2024 polls tighten

    Social media was not amused, with at least one X user making an ironic reference to the president’s former running mate: ‘Obama would know about changing diapers. He does for Joe.

    Just when it has been reported that Harris may be gaining support from older voters, Obama goes Gerontophobia…

  4. [Obama] said that the “women in our lives have been getting our backs this entire time.”

    Getting our backs? I think he misspoke, but with an impressive sounding voice.

  5. Just as government devotes more time and energy to diversity and inclusion than about to the tasks it’s supposed to perform, so political campaigns are now more about identity than about the issues or the state of the nation.

    In 2008, Obama at least had the excuse that Bush had left the country in a mess. Today Biden and Harris have created a mess and given voters plenty of reasons not to vote Democrat again.

    Also, what did Obama really have going for him when he challenged Clinton for the nomination in 2008? That he was black? That he wasn’t a woman? That he wasn’t that woman?

    Obama claimed to be black in the past, but he was careful not pretend that he had gone through the African-American experience. Now that he’s doing that, it doesn’t sound at all authentic. “We” in this speech sounds more like “you people.”

  6. Well, sticking with the first and primary topic of the U of Kansas Prof. and voting for a woman candidate, I have three thoughts.

    The prof. did recognize his gaff and retracted it. Nobody’s perfect. As a university official, I would probably stop with a strongly worded caution delivered privately to him. Yes, a conservative prof. would not enjoy that moderated response.

    Since when did “smarts” or intelligence become the only important criteria for selecting candidates for the presidency? How about spine and determination, and dispassionate objectivism. Some women have an abundance of those traits, but many don’t.

    I’m always a bit amazed or chagrined when I hear one of these pro-women activists malign men for not judging women fairly. My thought being: that’s a blade that cuts both ways. Women always judge men fairly? Not in my experience.

  7. part of it makes me think that, well, you just aren’t feeling the idea of having a woman as president,

    When Hillary was running for President in 2016, there was a big push on the part of Democrats to vote her into office because she was a woman. There is some of that this year, but not as much, I believe. In addition, Biden made it clear four years ago that one reason he chose Kamala Harris for his running mate was her gender.

    Conclusion: because a strong part of Democrat support for Hillary and Kamala was their gender, Democrats assume that a strong part of Republican opposition to Kamala is her gender.

    Word salads and flip-flopping on political stances to make her more electable aren’t enough reasons to pull the plug on Kamala? 🙂

    I voted for Ella Grasso for CT governor. She was the first woman elected governor whose husband hadn’t been governor. (Ma Ferguson, TX) She had been Secretary of State. Her campaign persona was that of quiet competence, a good caretaker. Some say she got reelected in 1978 because during the 1978 giant snowstorm she manned the phones. The caretaker. (At least that is what a Republican woman neighbor, active in politics, said to me.)

    That KU lecturer was a lecturer in the Athletics Department. In terms of status at a university, that is about as low as you can go.

  8. I have little idea about how persuasive Obama’s usual sanctimonious argle bargle still is these days to black men, but I get the impression that his schtick has lost a bit of its appeal in recent years. Personally I’ve always found his racial bloviations to be equal parts insufferable and insulting, but I’m not the target audience of course.

  9. First off, I’ll vote for a Republican woman, no question. Democrat though? No way.

    Second, I think Barack Obama has finally fallen behind the times. It happens to everyone, even to one who things he actually makes “the times.”

    Appealing to black men on the basis of women “having had their backs” is not going to get much traction. Obama may want to brush up on what the acronym MGTOW stands for. Black men are having the same problem with black women that every other kind of man is having with women: they’re tough to get along with lately.

    So invoking angelic women might remind black guys of their mothers, i.e., the single parent who “raised” them, but if they think of any other women, like the not-quite-black Kamala Harris, they’ll most likely remember them as being on their back instead of having it.

    But, congrats, Barack, on being a senior citizen. You may now order the kids off your lawn.

  10. Darrel B. Harrison – that was very good, and if BO ever read it, he would be really p’od because it hit too close to home
    What Mess did Bush leave?
    Mitchell Strand, yes me too. I would never vote for a Dem Woman for Pres.
    I use to vote split tickets, voting for whom I believed was the best candidate. But now I realize a Dem can never be the best candidate.
    In my District we have a Dem Woman (a Pediatrician no less) that won last time. Now, she is branding her Rep opponent as wanting to overturn Abortion (here in CO we have it up to birth) and wanting to track pregnant women. Heavy on the fear factors. Not sure why she is doing this since CO is very Blue and her district is very Blue.

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