Home » Open thread 10/9/2024


Open thread 10/9/2024 — 16 Comments

  1. Great sound quality for a 1919 recording. Either the year is wrong or it must have been digitally re-mastered. Igor Stravinsky called Rachmaninov “a six and a half foot scowl”.

    (switching gears)

    Check out this column by John Lucas:


    About one grassroots relief effort for Hurrican Helene. From the comments: “One redneck with a chain saw is worth 100 PhDs.”

  2. DEMs have no October Surprise on Trump, so it’s Woodward and back to Trump’s close connection to Putin ‘n Russia. Doubt that much if any of it is true—or relevant. However, Trump is definitely pro-Russia when it comes to Ukraine ‘n Zelensky – which is what I hold against him.

    DRUDGE REPORT this morning has these articles:
    • Russia cultivated Trump as asset for 40 years, ex-KGB spy claims…
    • CORN: The Don Running Disinformation Campaign, Not Political Campaign…
    • ‘MAGA IS DEAD’…

    On the Front page main Headlines:

    How hard hitting is this new Woodward book? One headline links to – Trump and Putin Have Had ‘As Many as Seven’ Private Phone Calls Since Trump Left the White House, Per Bob Woodward’s New Book … er, OK. That’s Mediaite’s Title take on the book, but then they barely mention the calls and go into “Trump’s seemingly special treatment of Putin, including during the Covid-19 pandemic” … er, Ditto on the OK.

    Another headline links to – Trump secretly sent covid tests to Putin during 2020 shortage, new book says … that’s it Bob?! That article is from WP thru MSN.

    I may have read Woodward’s “Deep Throat (Watergate)” whilst in prison, but that’s it. This “War” book is sounding pitiful, and the DEMs are desperate since they’re having to use such a resource to attack Trump with, IMHO.

  3. Trump Is Running a Disinformation Campaign, Not a Political Campaign
    He’s not just lying. He’s creating an alternative reality.
    David Corn
    October 8, 2024

    As Donald Trump attempts to return to the White House, he is not operating a political campaign as much as mounting a disinformation campaign.

    The rough and tumble of American politics often includes false statements and lies—what once was called spin. Unfortunately, there has always been a degree of tolerance for campaign dissembling. Trump is no stranger to this mundane practice. He freely tosses falsehoods at the electorate. The economy when he was president was the best ever. He did a great job on Covid. The current rate of inflation is the worst in US history. The US has provided more aid to Ukraine than Europe. Every Democrat and legal scholar wanted Roe v. Wade overturned. He was the smartest and most accomplished president the country has ever seen. And so on. It’s absurd braggadocio and a firehose of supposed but untrue facts—spewed to a degree far beyond what previous presidential candidates attempted to get away with.

    These are things that might be exaggerations, but are more true than false, and more true than what the Democrats are saying. When Trump was president the economy was great. He did no worse with COVID than other world leaders. Plenty of Democrats didn’t like the Roe decision. Plenty of serious legal scholars questioned the decision. We have been giving a lot of money to Ukraine, if not more than European nations have been giving, perhaps more than we give the rest of Europe. Corn relies on “fact checks” that are themselves dubious. Here’s one of his own, “And he exclaimed, “She destroyed San Francisco. She destroyed California as the A.G…She destroyed the state of California.” Fact-check: She did not destroy California.” Seriously?

    Politics today is all about creating and living in “alternative realities.” The one Corn is living in is one where he was never #MeToo’ed.

  4. Karmi,

    I reported a few months ago about how Drudge is now just a blaring nonsense site for the Democrats. I do stop by each morning just to see how many laughs I can get from their ridiculous headlines. Whatfinger, on the right, can be almost as bad, but actually has some occasional good links.

  5. Yes, the American Association of University Professors is an organization of poseurs.
    Have a gander at their board:
    You’ll notice that only two members of their board are drawn from disciplines where quantification is the mode. You’ll also notice the representation of the following faculty subsets on the board is as follows:
    Natural sciences: 0
    Engineering: 0
    Business: 0
    Medicine: 0

  6. Rachmaninoff got tired of constant requests to play the C sharp minor prelude, so much so the Hofmann threatened to play it in a recital attended by Rachmaninoff as a joke, and in fact started to play it and then segued into another piece. Hofmann and Rachmaninoff were great admirers of each other. Here is Hofmann playing the piece.

  7. A Twofer:

    1) @ physicsguy – yeah, still hard to believe that DRUDGE swung so far to the Left…Geez!?

    2) Another one-legged man dubbed ‘Lieutenant Dan’!?!? Yep:

    TikTokker dubbed ‘Lieutenant Dan’ who lives on a 20ft sailboat in Tampa ignores ‘flee or die’ advice and vows to ‘ride out’ monster Hurricane Milton – ‘Lieutenant Dan’ (aka Joe Sea) has this to say about Storm Surge:

    ‘The water’s going to come in, it’s going to rise. If you’re on land, it’s going to flood. You’re risking drowning. I’m in a boat, so the boat goes up with the water… it’s really the safest place to be, on my boat.’

    He’s confident—UNLESS:

    ‘I’m confident in my ability to ride it out unless it turns into a situation, and I wind up in Kansas.

  8. Unfortunately for him and Toto he can’t click his heels together to check if he is indeed in Kansas.

    As a serious aside, boats and folks don’t float in water that has a lot of entrained air; will the storm surge water be all frothy? Hope not.

  9. First heavy feeder band has been passing through here south of Ft. Myers, with accompanying tornado watches, heavy sideways rain, gusts estimated to 35-40 mph. This band looks to be gone within the next half-hour or so. Onward.

  10. ArtDeco,

    I found out early in my career what the AAUP is all about. Avoided it like the plague. National Association of Scholars is a much better organization, but has smaller membership and little influence. I was a member for about a decade and enjoyed meeting like minded academics, but dropped out after seeing it’s just not going to have any influence on stopping the rot.

  11. Will try physicsguy. That band has just now exited and it’s calm outside with mild winds 15-mph or so. This feeder-band was about half-again stronger than those of Helene a couple of weeks back. Gobs of rain and wind, sustained and gusting. Tornado warnings popped the cellphone every 15 mins, with numerous twisters reported on the ground further inland in Collier and Lee counties.

    And back to waiting.

  12. Biden’s starting to lash out at all those who he feels betryed him.

    Bob Woodward’s upcoming book, “War” has a bunch of quotes from Biden.

    Ahead of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Biden complained that Obama didn’t do enough to stop Putin in 2014, when the Russian leader invaded Crimea. “They fucked up in 2014,” Biden said to a friend according to Woodward. “That’s why we are here. We fucked it up. Barack never took Putin seriously.”

    “That son of a bitch, Bibi Netanyahu, he’s a bad guy. He’s a bad f*cking guy!’ Biden declared privately about the Israeli prime minister to one of his associates in the spring of 2024 as Israel’s war in Gaza intensified, Woodward writes.

  13. Hezbollah has been escalating its volume of rocket fire the last few days, now sending the largest barrages of fire since the war began a year ago, 90 to 100 at a time, concentrated on individual towns in the north.

    Meantime, Pudding-Brain held a phone call with Netanyahu to “discuss” Israel’s response to Iran. The US administration is an enemy of Israel, so . . . pfffft

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