Home » Kamala Harris and Joe Biden: joined at the hip


Kamala Harris and Joe Biden: joined at the hip — 15 Comments

  1. Kremlinology, right? Wasn’t that the term back in the day, trying to figure out the utterly invisible machinations inside the dark corridors of soviet power? Gets to be very silly in no time at all.

  2. I don’t think the point has ever been how bad Biden was/is, and now how bad Harris is – that has pretty much been a given since 2020.

    Point was/is – that the Republicans couldn’t come up with anything but excuses for Trump’s 2020 loss, and then in 2024 they selected Trump again as their presidential candidate.

    Trump was just that bad—that the DEMs could field someone like Biden (clearly brain-dead in 2020), and now Harris against him. Trump was a terrible leader in the eyes of many more than just the DEMs, and that is why he couldn’t beat Biden. It’s probably also why he and Harris remain so close.

    Please spare me the Cult of Personality comments…

  3. My completely non-professional, purely gut level assessment of Kamala Harris’s intelligence level is that she’s likely above average by perhaps a standard deviation given that she at minimum passed the California Bar and was an attorney who almost certainly trialed real cases. I’d guess her IQ in 115-120 range perhaps? So solidly above average but far from exceptional.

    I suspect her troubles in interviews is a matter that is less related to her intelligence and more to her own anxieties, general uncomfortableness, and unpreparedness. By all accounts she’s never been a particularly strong, off the cuff public speaker. And of course being asked real questions that require her to lie to answer (or not answer) to maintain whatver BS narrative she’s going with probably does nothing to help her awkwardness and anxiety. She’s mixes arrogance and entitlement with awkwardness and prevarication, which makes her a very difficult person to watch or listen to in an interview… for me anyway. I get no enjoyment out of watching cringe inducing responses by someone who is simultaneously somehow arrogant and vulnerable. Or someone who blatantly (and often times very poorly) lies and then is rarely challenged about the lie by the friendly interviewer. Or someone who feels she’s entitled to executive power, but has a record that suggests she can barely execute despite having likely fulfilled the Peter Principle in politics and through some confluence of crazy events now is on the cusp of the pinnacle of power.

  4. Just two thoughts.

    I find it incredible that anyone would believe that the policies she will promote will be any different than that of Joke Bidet and, before that, of Obama.

    As far as her stating that she was a part of the decision making process while the VP; sorry, there is no way in hell that she had any part in any decisions made by Joke Bidet over the last four years (other than perhaps sitting in the room – silently and invisibly when a decision was reached).
    IMHO, she is clearly lying about this.
    Frankly, those in Biden’s administration know better than anyone that Kamala has no clue about anything at all and asking her opinion on anything would just produce an incomprehensible world salad or just a useless remark stating the obvious (e.g,, Ukraine is a country in Europe………) .
    Also, Biden and his advisors more than likely had no interest in what Kamala thinks about any particular issue because they – and everybody else – knows the ONLY reason she was chosen as the VP is because she is black and female.
    She was not chosen to be VP because of her intellect or knowledge (such as there is) or acumen.
    For all intents and purposes, she is merely playing the role of a VP – she is a
    actor – in every sense of the word, and of this, I believe, she is totally cognizant.

  5. She may not be Forrest Gump dumb, but I don’t think she’s very intelligent either. I’ve never taken the Bar exam so I don’t know what’s required there, but I would imagine it involves a lot of rote memorization of caselaw and such. You don’t have to be “intelligent” to be able to memorize and regurgitate facts.

    I’ve had very limited experience with practitioners of the legal profession, but my limited experience has led me to be…um…less than impressed, in general.

    In her defense as a lawyer, she seems to be very, very good at making mouth noises that have little bearing on or relationship with the topic being discussed (which, in my experience, seems to be a large part of a lawyers job); she’s just not as good at disguising it as other politicians seem to be.

    With that said, even if she had to make arguments and speak publicly to pass law school, that was a long time ago and doesn’t mean she was particularly good at it. Anyone know her class standing when she graduated from law school? It’s like that old saying about Med school: You know what they call the person who graduated at the very bottom of their class in Medical School? Doctor.

    But I digress.

    From what I’ve seen no one can seem to find a single case that she was lead attorney on in all her years as a prosecutor and DA. I’d imagine there’s a reason for that.

    As far as her staffers keeping her out of trouble and on track goes…if she’s as arrogant and demanding as she’s made out to be in the reports I’ve seen, I doubt she listens to her staff very much. They can try to give her instruction on what to say, but if she won’t take it…

    Not to mention the fact that they’re all leftists. Their politics are their religion. They simply cannot comprehend the mentality of we rubes on the right. Why we don’t just reflexively support the “bipoc” woman because of her skin tone and chromosome makeup. Plus she’s not Trump…what else do we need to know to convince us? As far as they’re concerned, there simply isn’t a more compelling argument than that and I don’t think they’re bothering to even try.

    And I think Option #6 is the biggest reason her “campaign” is mostly window dressing. They openly and clearly cheated their way into the white house four years ago with no repercussions whatsoever…heck, most of the Republican establishment supported them. Why should it be any different this year?.

  6. Tough question. Kamala has been hideous over the past week. If she loses the election, this week will be the reason why.

    Here’s another theory. Recall that she was dating the mayor while she was an assistant district attorney. She was also serving on a number of high-paying public boards courtesy of her mayor-boyfriend. Maybe she just isn’t that bright/talented and was shielded from having to try that many cases or that many difficult cases because she was favored by the mayor?

    Anyone who is a competent trial attorney has the skill set to at least give competent answers in these kinds of interviews. Simplest explanation – she isn’t a competent trial attorney.

    Another potential simple answer – she doesn’t bother to read her briefing materials. (Where have we heard that one before?)

  7. I refuse to believe Kamala Harris is stupid. You don’t go to law school and pass the bar and not be able to argue a position, even a difficult position.
    No. I have known stupid lawyers. It really isn’t as hard as you think to get ahead in that, or other fields. Especially if you have people behind you. And she clearly has, all her life.

    Recognizing talent is among the most difficult things in life. So far as I know, no one has broken the code.
    Though a few people are genuinely good at it that doesn’t seem to correlate with skill at the job in question. I’ve seen too many dullards get ahead. Impressing people just isn’t a talent that takes intelligence.

  8. Channeling my inner Occam…
    …yer ALL giving her WAY too much credit.
    (Yep. Even the ones who aren’t exactly, um, complementary.)

    That’s because yer all basically decent people….

    (Oh and BTW, the answer is… #6.)

  9. (6) She knows the fix is in and she will win no matter what she says.

    If the infamous “fix” is in – then why on earth is she not in the basement instead of out giving interviews?

  10. Were she being managed by some shadowy cabal, they’d be smarter. One would think.

  11. She strikes me as a cardboard cutout person with no depth at all, but with unlimited entitlement expectations. She enjoys the life and the prestige of being important but has no principles or plans beyond that. She adopts the policies of those who give her the importance she craves.

  12. I have known many people who passed the bar exam, many who passed the CPA exam, and quite a few who passed both. Most of those thought the CPA exam was more rigorous and difficult than passing the bar.

    I have known some brilliant attorneys and CPAs, the common thread however is their focus and work ethic. It takes a certain passion and a great deal of application to the craft to become good at legal and accounting specialties.

    That noted, I have observed most attorneys and CPAs are of middling capability, and some are downright dumb. The middling ones are often lacking in the intense focus and drive of the excellent ones, and the rest can be downright sloppy and unprepared.

    I was discussing Kamala Harris with a prosecutor friend, he assesses her as being on the lower range of the middling types, with poor concentration on preparation. That explains a lot.

  13. @ Barry Meislin

    “OPTICS”? Optics can be taken w/o her opening her mouth. Having her doing interviews looking wild-eyed, confused, speaking in word salads, and giving ridiculous answers is not optics – it’s a disaster…

    The only “fix” (ref (6)) I am seeing is that many Republicans are already preparing to be sore losers once again…

  14. From stories last few years she disdainful in preparation, wants no part learning about a subject she has no idea about then blames her staff for her stupidity. She has gone through staff more than any other upper government position.
    And who knows why, almost like Sundowner continually running out the same lies over and over again. There is no plan other than hide their Marxism until she is over the finish line.

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