Home » Open thread 10/8/2024


Open thread 10/8/2024 — 13 Comments

  1. Abrahamic Religion’s voters not voting this year?!? Mormons neither?

    Millions of Christians not planning to vote this November

    The Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University study found that approximately 104 million people under the “people of faith” umbrella are not expected to vote this election, including 41 million Christians and 32 million of whom regularly go to church.

    The “people of faith” label is given to those who identify with a recognized religion, such as Christianity, Judaism, Mormonism or Islam.

    The study found that approximately 104 million people under the “people of faith” umbrella are not expected to vote this election, including 41 million born-again Christians and 32 million who regularly go to church.

    Muslims have been threatening not to vote, but this is the first that I have heard about Christians not voting.

    Just the News seems to be a RWM (right-wing media) news site started by Trump supporter John Solomon in January of 2020.

    The Cultural Research Center @ Arizona Christian University did the study – 2024 Pre-Election Research – Report #1. More in-depth than the news article.

  2. She was 19 at the time. Not sure how old she was in the video. A beautiful woman. One of our favorites is The Quiet Man.

  3. Just a comment on yesterday’s discussion about Jewish voters being overwhelmingly in blue states where their vote doesn’t matter. While that is technically true, there are large enough Jewish populations in several swing states to make a difference: Over 400,000 in PA, 100,000 in MI, 150,000 in VA, and 140,000 in GA. The margins in these states could be 10,000 to 20,000 votes, and Jews tend to vote in higher percentages than most groups. If Jews shift from, say, 75% D to 60% D or lower, it could swing the election.

    Of course you could say the same about almost any group (Blacks, Hispanics, etc.). But Jews arguably have the biggest case for switching from D to R this year.


  4. Will the Dem response to Kamala’s dud interview with CBS be to pressure Trump to sit through an interview with CBS, or else call him cowardly?
    It doesn’t matter, of couse, that he previously has sat through many tough interviews.

  5. People seem to be making a big deal about a pre-taped 60 minutes interview conducted with Kamala and Walz which evidently went horribly. I’m skeptical that such a dismal performance on the part of Kamala will make a huge difference though. As we all know, people aren’t going to be voting for Kamala because she’s qualified or competent or for any other reason that’s speaks well of her. Rather, they’ll be voting against Trump. At this point I’m fairly certain Kamala could cook and eat a baby on live TV and still get at least 40% of the vote, maybe even 45%. This is how deluded and derranged a huge number of our fellow American Citizens have become.

  6. Look, Trump needs to QUIT talking to the < 10 % of women who want to have an abortion and START TALKING to the 90% of women who want to raise their children, and raise them in a world at peace, in a country enjoying prosperity!

    He needs to say clearly that war is not caused by strength, it is caused by weakness, and Kamala is weak! It is not caused by standing up for principles, it is caused by appeasement, and Kamala is an appeaser! Kamala has NO international experience! Ask why she is protecting Iran instead of Israel, when Iran is a worldwide sponsor of terror?!

    Most of all he needs to state these few messages repeatedly and EXCLUSIVELY… don't waste your time and ours with the past! Those of us who can understand it are already voting for you! DON'T give the media the chance to report ANYTHING ELSE – screw the one-liners and quips. GET ON MESSAGE and STAY ON MESSAGE!!

    Somebody tell him before it's too late!!

  7. @Jimmy: But Jews arguably have the biggest case for switching from D to R this year.

    I’m not sure what this is based on, but take an extreme case someone like Chuck Schumer. He is a Democrat, he is Jewish, and he knows all about what the various factions in his party want to do about Israel.

    So why doesn’t he change parties? If Israel is supposed to be the issue that would incent Jews to switch, either the security of Israel is not his primary concern, or he thinks Israel is not endangered by helping the Democrats stay in power.

    And there are millions of Jews like him: either they don’t believe Democrats are going endanger Israel, or Israel is just not as important as other things.

    As for Jews in the swing states, they are concentrated in those deep-blue precincts that are going count the ballots in whatever way they need to: if a lot of Jews were to switch they’d just have to find some more ballots to offset them or find some red ballots to reject…

  8. The Biden-Harris administration amended a Bush-era directive against the assassination of Americans as it pertains to law enforcement activities in intelligence collection and national security.

    The Defense Department appears to have removed language asserting that “under no circumstances shall any” component or employee of the federal body “engage in, or conspire to engage in, assassination.”

    “Odd thing to change. Especially stripping the ‘under no circumstances,’” Winters said

    “With just months left in office the Biden-Harris regime decided to update the 17 year old Bush-era directive against assassin@tion of Americans,” the page, which uses uses AI and satire to report on news, wrote.

    “Why would the regime feel the need to legalize killing Americans who threaten the foundations of our democracy?” the page added.


    I guess now it would be legal to call up seal team 6 and inform them of what their next goal is…

  9. He is a Democrat, he is Jewish, and he knows all about what the various factions in his party want to do about Israel.

    So why doesn’t he change parties?

    Oh, we are not talking about Soros? my bad…

  10. The donks are in a no-win situation and they know it. This is panic fire. They know Harris has the gravitas of smoke. You could see terror in Oprah’s face.

  11. Niketas: Of course I was talking about voters changing, not politicians. And yes, the Dems will try to cheat, but that’s a given.

    According to the link below, Trump went from 24% of the Jewish vote in 2016 to 30% in 2020. 35-40% this time would not be surprising. Reagan got nearly 40% in 1980.


    And I should have included Arizona as another swing state with a sizable Jewish population (~120,000).

  12. So why doesn’t he change parties? If Israel is supposed to be the issue that would incent Jews to switch, either the security of Israel is not his primary concern, or he thinks Israel is not endangered by helping the Democrats stay in power.
    He’s a malevolent individual and he and his wife have been professionally enmeshed in the Democratic Party their whole lives.
    Many American Jews are slack about Israel. Israeli Jews and American Jews have a very different understanding of social and political life.
    What is anomalous about the Jewish population is that the other Ellis Island segments abandoned the Democratic Party in increments, especially after 1960. American Jews did not. If anything, self-identified Jews were more committed to the Democratic Party in 2016 than they were 40 years earlier. What’s curious about this is that Jews-in-general benefit from what John Rawls called a ‘system of natural liberty’, by which he meant equal liberty conjoined to careers-open-to-talents. Jews-qua-Jews do not benefit from the cultural valorization of divorce, sexual deviance, or other ethnic / racial groups. They don’t benefit from race patronage schemes. They don’t benefit from insecurity and disorder. They don’t benefit from untrustworthy courts. They don’t benefit from haphazard redistribution schemes. They don’t benefit from state allocation of ever escalating shares of one’s income. You organize fundraisers for the Democratic Party, you contribute to the Democratic Party, you vote for the Democratic Party and those things are what you get. (You also get vote fraud and abuse of the opposition; so far, street-level Democrats are pretending it isn’t happening). What gives? Now, maybe the realization that the Democratic Party is also the party of indulgence of Arab revanchists might cause enough dissonance to call attention to the Democratic Party’s practice in those other areas. A guy can dream.

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