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Kamala’s latest interviews — 12 Comments

  1. @ Neo > “60 Minutes scored an interview with Kamala Harris and put out clips to advertise it. One of them got so much negative attention that the fabulously creative and helpful folks at NBC decided to fix that by editing it out of the “complete” [sic] interview as shown:”

    I listened to LoTT’s post and recognized the word-salad from a number of sources yesterday. So, NBC took it out AFTER everyone had heard the clips, and would KNOW it was missing?
    Did I get that right?
    That seems a bit blatant even for the Regime Media.

  2. AesopFan:

    I just corrected the error I had made – it’s CBS, not NBC.

    But yes, that’s apparently what happened – they took out something people already had seen as an ad for the show. Strange.

  3. I mentioned in an earlier thread that the Democrats were so confident about their victory in November that it does not matter one whit what Harris mutters, what Nutz mumbles, what the Corrupt Media airbrushes out or in (visually or audibly) or what fools—or “knuckleheads”—they reveal themselves to be…or liars or fakers or bums. Or cheats. Or criminals.
    Or Stalinist wannabes….

    (Wish it did, of course—hey! maybe I’ll be wrong…well, let’s hope so….)

    But I greatly appreciated Harris’s gloriously inarticulate quip about “movements” (“airbrushed” out, alas), reminding me, as it did, of that old, if juvenile, “Beethoven” joke…even if Ludwig von would likely not have been amused….

  4. MSM caught red handed spewing Democratic propaganda to favor Harris by editing, and as usual, not even ashamed or denying.

    I keep being shocked by them, but I can’t figure why I still am shocked. They are evil partisan hacks.

  5. It seems to me that 30 years ago, if this sort of thing had happened at 60 minutes, heads would have rolled at CBS. I doubt any repercussions will happen now.

    “Not a thing comes to mind.” Relatively recently, the whole world has come to the post debate conclusion that Sloe Joe Biden is a doddering old fool. And yet she responds with that statement. I guess it saves her the effort of seriously reflecting on the last 3.7 years.

    Was she giving the events and actions over that time any thought when they happened?? To be fair, the traditional role of a VP is to do absolutely nothing, and only in my lifetime has the President thrown a few duties to the VP. (If memory serves) Still, a thoughtful person would have been thinking. How hard would it have been to say that she would have done the Afghanistan withdrawal a little slower and better?

  6. This post has transcripts of the before and after answers.

    At least the wait between crime and disclosure was only a few hours, unlike the Rather Memo. (Ah, the good old days when journalists were able to get away with their lying in relative safety. Almost.)

    A commenter asked:
    Largo Patriot “What’s the point of doing an interview if the responses the public hears are not the responses the interviewee gave?”

    The point is that the interviewer’s regular audience will go with the edited version, and may not ever learn it was manipulated.
    When will we start seeing interviews where the respondent is actually an AI creation “reading” the right script?
    I’m only suprised 60 Minutes didn’t give her one to read.

    (Why, yes, we learned over 40 years ago that 60 Minutes manipulates their coverage. First hand knowledge of a case they were “investigating,” having already determined what their conclusion would be.)

  7. @ TommyJay

    A comment on the Instapundit post in re Kamala vs DeSantis reminds us:
    (h/t Christopher B)
    “She has been the lowest rated VP for as long as I can remember and she has also been the most consequential VP simply by virtue of casting the deciding vote on over 30 pieces of legislation. Anyone who tries to distance her from this administration’s policies, including herself only needs to be reminded of that one thing. She owns it, lock stock and barrel.”

  8. Great point AesopFan.

    I had heard something about those votes, but did not recall it was anywhere near 30 votes. Historically, a VP deciding tie breakers in the Senate more than once or twice is something of a rarity, I would imagine.

  9. Re: Call Her Daddy

    As an ex-denizen of San Francisco I assumed it was sexual roleplaying in which a woman assumed the dominant role and wanted to be called Daddy.

    Unusual, but not terribly so.

  10. VDH’s recent opinion is that as hard as Harris’s staff tries to prepare her with briefings, She Just Doesn’t Wanna. Hanson doesn’t think she’s stupid. She Just Doesn’t Wanna.

    She hasn’t had to do so in the past, she’s been sort of getting away with it in the present, so why bother?

    Maybe this is the best Team Kam can do.

    If Harris can’t prepare adequately to appeal to undecideds, it’s better to shore up her base, which she can do, rather than risk going outside her comfort zone and be shown up absolutely as a know-nothing.

    Maybe this is the best Team Kam can do.

  11. A Red State commenter remarks on some of Kamala’s remarks.


    When she says “in terms of” and “community” a lot, you know she’s making it up.

    It grates on me to no end they have appropriated the word community to mean millions of people who share common physical characteristics. No, you dolts, it’s a demographic. My part of town and my neighborhood is a community. In communities, we socialize, we help each other, we join civic groups, we pick up after ourselves, and we share our lives together. My neighbors all have each others phone numbers so when one of us is out of town and something bad happens to their property or a pet runs off, they can let each other know. Heck, we even borrow eggs and sugar from each other still.

    Democrats are flooding communities with foreigners who share neither our language or our values, creating unassimilating foreign enclaves in their new homes which destroys community. Democrat want to build low cost housing projects in residential neighborhoods across America. Obama talked about it. In every case it’s been tried since the early 60s, it has been a miserable failure and has destroyed every community they exist in without exception. That is the point for democrats. You can’t control people who rely on themselves and each other. In order to destroy conservatism, they must destroy community and redefine the meaning of it.

    Be glad that America still has communities.
    We have seen them in operation responding to the hurricanes.

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