Home » 10/7: Sad anniversary


10/7: Sad anniversary — 15 Comments

  1. Thanks for the reminder—had been waiting for it to come around, but forgot about it today.

    From what I have been reading – Hamas & Hezbollah were probably planning on doing this/that kind of attack together, but Hamas jump-the-gun. Hard to imagine something as bad as 10/7 happening, but apparently it could’ve been worse.

    But Israel will have to stand alone, if the US doesn’t stand with it. Most Israelis know they have no choice.

    I blame the *THREE* past presidents (O-T-B) for leaving Israel in this position.

    Still, Israel has the *STRONG* support of a clear majority of Americans—and it would be foolish for any American leader to abandon Israel.

    Iran should’ve been brought to it knees—certainly long before now, but American voters have continually chosen weak leaders recently. However, it seems that Israel may have been planning for this moment in time…

  2. NB, if the refugee situation in 1949 had been handled the way it was in Europe at the time, the population would have been resettled and the camps shut down by about 1963. Arab governments and UNRWA own this situation, though they’re assisted in this by the degenerate culture of much of the Arab population on the West Bank and Gaza, who have no constructive objects.

  3. I blame the *THREE* past presidents (O-T-B) for leaving Israel in this position.
    Kinda stupid. Israel has its own intelligence services and any failures in that regard are theirs. Unlike BO, Trump is not antagonistic to Israel and his diplomacy in the Near East bore fruit.

  4. I have been modestly relieved so far today that there has not been violence in the US to mark this grim anniversary.

  5. I really hope that Israel can teach its terrorist enemies a lesson they will feel in their bones for generations to come, that it is safer to eat white arsenic than to murder Jews.

    When push comes to shove Israel can’t trust to anything but its own strength and I hope they don’t listen to the Biden administration. The Biden administration’s obvious lack of any competence, and obvious collusion with Iran, would I hope make that a non-starter.

  6. During a press conference in Jerusalem, French Foreign Minister Jean-Noel Barrot doubles down French President Emmanuel Macron’s call last week for an arms embargo on Israel.

    “Today, to guarantee the security of Israel, to guarantee the security of the Israelis, the use of force must give way to the use of dialogue and diplomacy,” he says in French.

    “And this is why France, like most countries in the world, is calling in Gaza as in Lebanon, for a ceasefire. And when we call for a ceasefire, we cannot at the same time provide offensive weapons to the belligerents. It is a question of consistency.”



  7. Lots of people hate lots of people. Why the Jews? Ask Prager and Telushkin.
    The Germans used substantial resources to accomplish this, right up to the end of the war, which might have been used to hold off the Allied forces. But, first things first.

  8. sdferr quotes French Foreign Minister Jean-Noel Barrot:

    “Today, to guarantee the security of Israel, to guarantee the security of the Israelis, the use of force must give way to the use of dialogue and diplomacy,” he says in French.

    That diplomacy to end the 2006 conflict in Lebanon didn’t turn out very well. UN Resolution 1701 banned Hezbollah arms and personnel south of the Litani. From Day 1 or Day 2, Hezbollah violated 1701.

    Nor did the diplomacy to broker the cease-fire between Israel and Hamas work out. From the beginning, Hamas violated it, throwing rockets galore at Israel. Then October 7…

    “And this is why France, like most countries in the world, is calling in Gaza as in Lebanon, for a ceasefire. And when we call for a ceasefire, we cannot at the same time provide offensive weapons to the belligerents. It is a question of consistency.”

    Consistency? Will Iran cease sending armaments to Hezbollah? No way José. It is more of the unilateral nonsense, handcuffing Israel but not those who want to destroy it.

    Psychopath? Or evil? Or just plain stupid?

  9. So the French government is stupid. Either that or stupid and evil. Of course, they have admitted a large and growing militant Muslim minority, and they’re afraid of them.

  10. Let us not forget the warm cooperation of the French Vichy government with the Nazis in the Final Solution. French antisemitism is not a controversial mystery.

    As well as the French intelligentsia’s embrace of Soviet communism.

    Now, almost thirty years late France is finally coming clean on its complicity in the Rwandan genocide, killing 800,000 people, in 1994 — including, as I recall, French shipments of machetes to the Hutus used to kill Tutsis and anyone else not with the program … or pogrom.

    –“France was ‘blind’ to Rwanda genocide, French report says” (March 2021)

    Then there was the 1961 French massacre of Algerians, which the French covered up for decades:

    The Paris massacre of 1961[a] (also called the 17 October 1961 massacre[b] in France) was the mass killing of Algerians who were living in Paris by the French National Police. It occurred on 17 October 1961, during the Algerian War (1954–62). Under orders from the head of the Parisian police, Maurice Papon, the National Police attacked a demonstration by 30,000 pro-National Liberation Front (FLN) Algerians. After 37 years of denial and censorship of the press, in 1998 the government finally acknowledged 40 deaths, while some historians estimate that between 200 and 300 Algerians died.[4][5] Death was due to heavy-handed beating by the police, as well as mass drownings, as police officers threw demonstrators into the river Seine.


    I admire the French for many things, but not Macron and they can spare me their moralizing.

  11. Mr barrot is a supposed moderate well like the gaullists when the algerians were bombing the paris metro were they calling a ceasefire

    Papon who had been the milice chief for paris, during the war

    Not long after that there was the ben bella affair and how they handled him think jimmy hoffa in arabic

  12. @huxley:I admire the French for many things

    They seem to make up the butt end of more than their share of moral compasses.

  13. This time around there is a substantial amount of Westerners who value ” Multiculturalism” over Western Civilization.
    And self hating whites.
    And remember the Nazis were not kind to the ” special needs” , even the non Jewish German ones.
    Which side would now abort special needs children before they are born?

  14. Israel won’t have peace, which it wants, unless they occupy and control Gaza, which they don’t want to have to do. And isn’t quite yet an option until Hamas is gone from Gaza.

    I hope for a humane and successful Singapore-Swiss style 5 canton, secular Gaza Confederation, occupied by Israel, as the start of a 3 state solution.

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