Home » Open thread 10/3/2024


Open thread 10/3/2024 — 7 Comments

  1. Durn, that video was too short! 🙁

    Abortion is a major issue—and both sides have their fanatics. I recently stated My view on September 28, 2024 at 10:11 pm in the OT 9/28. Decade or two ago, I used to think the man should also have a say, but at some point within the past decade I felt the fetus is a growing/developing human—the 3rd being involved and should also have a ‘Say’.

    Melania Trump passionately defends abortion rights in upcoming memoir

    Does anyone here know if a fetus can be safely removed and kept alive some other way?

    Adopt a fetus…so to speak.

  2. Good thing Putin hasn’t sent these dancers to the front.

    But they probably live in fear of that; all because of Biden’s weakness.

    You can’t hate Biden enough for the damage he has done to the world.

  3. Suchomimus, “Israel missile strike on Russian airbase in Syria! Hmeimim airbase targeted.”, (4:01): https://youtu.be/lIcQTG_Xjuw

    Iranian transport plane (and cargo presumably) were the point of attention. Still, I believe this is a first, and a slightly risky first at that. Only slightly, because Russian overreach in Syria (to say nothing of Ukraine) has left them with distinct vulnerabilities there, vulnerabilities which Israel has tolerated heretofore but apparently can no longer. Bashar Assad should start looking for an escape country, and quickly. His time is growing short.

  4. If only women older than, say, 30 years of age voted on what should be the abortion laws, how would they vote??
    Abortion up to the time of birth?
    Only allowed the first 1? 2? 3? ……9th? month?
    Only allowed in situations involving rape or affecting the life of the mother?
    Only allowed if the fetus will be born with severe disabilities ?
    etc., etc.

    I chose a minimum voting age of 30 because by this time those women who have had abortions will be able to reflect upon their experiences and also by 30, the vast majority of people are no longer thinking / acting like adolescents.

  5. @ Shirehome – We never expected to actually receive any SocSec funds in our lifetime; I always just counted my taxes as being third-hand contributions to my grandparents and parents. Signing up and getting the first deposits a few years ago was a pleasant surprise.
    It’s still a Ponzi scheme.

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