Home » Judicial election interference


Judicial election interference — 6 Comments

  1. Liked that Megyn Kelly video, and said so in today’s Open thread. She said it’s basically the same “shit” as before. She also said:

    @ 1:37 – Trump behaved terribly, after he lost that election.

    I don’t see this release as hurting Trump. Still, REPs are on edge, and are easily upset.

    Abortion is what I am seeing hurting Trump. How much is it hurting him? Enough that him and many MAGA REPs and Conservatives run screaming from the mere mention of the issue.

    I have recently detailed why the Abortion issue has become the second reason I won’t vote (first is his pro-Russia stance against Ukraine) for Trump.

  2. Triple hearsay i guess he needed to justify his spending 500 million dollars this year

    Next time as schumer has suggested and the likes of the learned fran liebowitz has suggested there will be fewer justices to object

  3. And as Megyn says the Democrats Propaganda Ministry are doing what Jack and Judge wanted and using it

  4. The Dems have tried to jail, bankrupt and kill Trump so, of course, they will do and say anything to stop him from getting elected.

    Say what you want about Donald Trump, but he is the mentally toughest person in the world.

  5. Mission accomplished. But I wonder if it will matter. Trump haters and Trump fans won’t change their minds, but perhaps the independents can see through such a transparent ploy.


    I too wonder if this weaponized judicial overreach against Trump works at this point. Or if it redounds against the Dems.

    I was worried at the beginning of the year whether all these lilliputian suits could tie Trump down. But he and his supporters shrugged the suits off. If anything, the lawfare efforts energized the Trump movement.

    As an October Surprise it seems weak tea. Are they running out of ammunition (oops, wrong word) against Trump or do they have higher cards still to play?

    Meanwhile, the world burns.

  6. @ 1:37 – “Trump behaved terribly, after he lost that election.” Megyn Kelly

    Not hardly. Trump’s righteous reaction was in keeping with his gut certainty that he’d actually won the election and that an independent objective investigation would confirm it as fact. A corrupt and cowardly judiciary prevented any investigation from proceeding forward in the courts. The dems just ‘manufactured’ enough ‘votes’ in swing states to claim otherwise. Nor were unarmed Jan. 6th protestors an ‘insurrection’.

    If the left pulls off another stolen election, they will have doubled down on their illegitimacy. And it is impossible to be ‘in insurrection’ against an illegitimate government.

    It turns out that when one side is determined to unjustly impose an ideological tyranny upon the other, the disagreement is so fundamental that it can only be settled upon the field of honor. That is where we are headed because the left would rather rule over a nation reduced to rubble, than accept fairly conducted elections and actual constitutional governance.

    The left does not accept that there are inalienable rights, only State granted and revocable privileges. Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, “commie’ sympathizer Tim Walz and Hillary Clinton have all recently stated that in their view, the 1st Amendment does not protect American citizens from prosecution for spreading ‘misinformation’… which other than the trolls… will include every commenter on this blog.

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