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Iran the colonizer — 4 Comments

  1. Well, doing the opposite of what Biden says is probably a good idea in general. Who was it that said he’s been on the wrong side of every major foreign policy issue for over 40 years?

  2. The “colonizer”/settler narrative has long been replete with ironies. The US is a settler country, created from Europeans who colonized the continent. And people not from Europe have also colonized the US. Arabs and others in the US who denounce settler/colonial Israel are themselves settlers and colonialists in the US, which is itself a settler/colonialist country.

    I am reminded of the “genocide” label applied to Israel. If Israel were genocidal, there would be a LOT more than 40,000 dead Gazans. Moreover, it is not difficult to find in Hamas and Hezbollah genocidal attitudes towards the Jews.
    Tablet (2015): Did Netanyahu Put Anti-Semitic Words in Hezbollah’s Mouth?

    Last week, in his address to Congress, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned of the threat posed to the Middle East and to Jews by Iran and its proxies. One such proxy was Hezbollah, the internationally recognized terrorist group, and Netanyahu offered a quote from its leader by way of illustration:

    For those who believe that Iran threatens the Jewish state, but not the Jewish people, listen to Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, Iran’s chief terrorist proxy. He said: If all the Jews gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of chasing them down around the world.

    The Tablet articles goes on to point out that many considered this a fabrication on Netanyahu’s part. Turns out it was NOT a fabrication.

    It’s an intriguing theory, with only one small problem: there’s audio of Nasrallah’s 2002 speech, and he certainly says the words Netanyahu cited. Listen to the relevant excerpt:
    Here is an English translation of Nasrallah’s words–somewhat more florid than Netanyahu’s paraphrase–followed by a transcript of the original Arabic:

    But I’ll tell you. Among the signs […] and signals which guide us, in the Islamic prophecies and not only in the Jewish prophecies, is that this State [of Israel] will be established, and that the Jews will gather from all parts of the world into occupied Palestine, not in order to bring about the anti-Christ and the end of the world, but rather that Allah the Glorified and Most High wants to save you from having to go to the ends of the world, for they have gathered in one place–they have gathered in one place–and there the final and decisive battle will take place.

    According to the Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran crowd, there’s good genocide, and there’s bad genocide. Bad genocide: what the Israelis are capable of doing, but refuse to do. Good genocide: what Hezbollah/Hamas/Iran want to do to the Jews, but do not yet have the capability of doing. ( Hezbollah’s atrocities in Argentina point out that it isn’t Zionists Hezbollah wants to kill, but Jews.)

  3. “According to the Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran crowd, there’s good genocide, and there’s bad genocide. Bad genocide: what the Israelis are capable of doing, but refuse to do. Good genocide: what Hezbollah/Hamas/Iran want to do to the Jews, but do not yet have the capability of doing.

    The Jews are just the first on Islam’s genocidal list. The world’s LGBTQ+ crowd, its atheists, agnostics, Hindus, Buddhists, pagans, etc. etc. are all on the list of those to be slaughtered.

    Christians, being “people of the book” get the ‘option’ of repeatedly paying the jizya tax with its acceptance of enslavement. Since non-Muslims in the Ummah effectively have no rights, Christians claiming that paying the jizya tax secures second class citizenship are simply whistling past the graveyard.

    Of course, every infidel can escape death through conversion. That only requires that you sell your soul by affirming that Muhammad, the mass murdering, rapist pedophile was the “perfect man” and Islam will let you live.

    All of which demonstrates that Islam is not a religion worthy of the name. Islam is a violently expansionist, murderous and totalitarian ideology that wraps itself in a facade of religious pretense. In its basic tenets, it is inarguably a death cult and arguably, Satanic in nature.

  4. I have friends from Lebanon, husband and wife both doctors. He is actually an Iraqi and both are Christians. They took another friend to Beirut some years ago when it was safe. I have Christian Palestinian friends. I helped the son of one of them get into medical school. They invited us to a party to celebrate and the young friends of the son entertained us with belly dancing. The girls had been taking lesson. Lovely people.
    The Christian Palestinians left years ago.

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