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Trump and Zelensky, together again — 10 Comments

  1. I might be a loner here, but I think Netanyahu should accept the UN’s proposal for a 21-day cease fire: one day on October 11, another on November 22, a third one on Christmas Day, and so on. . .

  2. I linked yesterday to a survey of European/Ukrainian attitudes to the war.
    Here are some of the conclusions:

    The polling indicates that the biggest challenges may be yet to come, in particular around finding agreement between European capitals and Kyiv on how the war ends. Europeans believe that the war will conclude in some sort of settlement, while Ukrainians are holding out for victory. And the two sides are also divided about the purpose of EU enlargement. For Ukrainians, this appears to be something that should come to them as a recognition of their struggle, while Europeans seem to see it as part of an eventual settlement.{emphasis mine}

    The poll reveals that Ukrainians are neither ready to support trading de jure control of their land for NATO membership nor to see their country reunited on the model of ‘Finlandisation’ – in other words, on whether to agree to keep all their territory but sacrifice the ambition to join the EU or NATO. But the poll suggests that the most important goal for many Ukrainians is to maintain the freedom to choose their geopolitical orientation. They may be able to persuade Europeans sceptical of membership that letting Ukraine in is the price for peace.

    What would a Trump led settlement look like and would it be any different than what many in Europe envisage as the eventual deal? Probably not.

    The sticking point is Zelensky/Kiev refuse to accept the idea of giving up any of it’s pre-2014 border.

    Can Trump pull it off? I don’t know, but I wouldn’t bet against him.


  3. No mention of NATO in this news, similar to no mention of Iran in the Axios report on Hezbollah.

  4. Yes, not bad at all by Trump. I’m sure when they air this on CNN and the major networks many independents will be swayed.

  5. If the Ukraine gives an inch, Putin will take several miles. Showing weakness does not help. Forcing Ukraine to give in means down the road Ukraine will be gone.
    Now, will Ukraine accept a deal, they might, but the guarantees will have to be better than those of the past.
    As for Israel, telling them that they need to show restraint while Hezbollah continues to rain rockets on Israel is also a path to defeat.

  6. When hopefully Trump gives his second inaugural address, he needs to make the same point to the Russians and to the Palestinians: “Don’t piously tell me you want peace, but then refuse to grant your rivals the same! Make up your mind, and then maybe I can convince the people of the United States to try to help you both!”

  7. Are they really going to recover the east which is russian dominant where does this end

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