Home » Kamala Harris as courtroom prosecutor


Kamala Harris as courtroom prosecutor — 11 Comments

  1. So the question is why has she sounded like an idiot the entire last four years? It’s not just dodging her past policy positions since getting the nomination. She had the word salad sessions many times before that.

  2. jvermeer:

    I have a working theory on that, and hope to write a post about it tomorrow or maybe Monday.

  3. Jim Collins, a veteran defense attorney… Al Giannini, a longtime homicide prosecutor

    They could be just talking up a collegue to the press to keep a good working relationship for future cases and the like. Plus by then it was probably known within those circles that her star was on the rise. This was 2000 and I imagine it was probably well known that she was Willie Brown’s ah… protege and perhaps even an anointed successor?

  4. “…the last four years…”

    Yer being extraordinarily kind here….
    (Though I would agree that one should always strive to give people the benefit of the doubt…)

  5. I’d suspect Nonapod is closer to the truth…or she could be those two guys’ “side-piece.” Like when Brown was out of town.

  6. I’m with Nonapod on this: who wants to bad-mouth the Mayor’s main squeeze? Her entire career seems to me to revolve around people giving her the benefit of the doubt, and that could well be because she has friends in high places.

  7. This looks like a dry hole to me. She was an assistant district attorney for what, 10+ years? I think she also had a few Willie Brown-appointed board positions at the time, but it’s tough to avoid trying cases when you’re an ADA. There’s also a distinction between handling a case that is resolved short of trial (e.g., plea, charges dropped, etc.) and actually taking a case to trial. The number of cases that she has handled is certainly significantly higher than the number that she has taken to trial.

    My guess is that someone sympathetic to Harris got this rumor started as bubba bait for Trump to try to get him to attack here as a fake prosecutor because she only actually tried 50 cases, and look like a fool doing it. If so, they’ve already succeeded in getting Hot air to pick it up. The line is cast. We’ll see if he takes the bait.

  8. @ Bauxite:

    I’m not so sure. The lack of any sort of commentary on cases she worked as an ADA says a lot. Somebody with a point to prove should be able to point to a certain notorious case, yet there are none.

    The only point of contention I recall about her time as a prosecutor is some interview where she cackled about prosecuting marijuana cases while partaking herself.

    All that time, all that caseload, and there’s not one claim to fame?

  9. Bauxite-
    You must be a fly-fisher, “The line is cast”. Otherwise, one casts a bait or a lure, achieving considerably greater casting distances.

  10. There must evidence in the dog trainer in the chronicle you would think where is it?

    So one seems to want to actually investigate the matter covering with a pillow

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