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Why was Eric Adams indicted? — 13 Comments

  1. Not enough Far’s there, Neo. Needs a very dozen more at a minimum.
    I have read that there has been an exodus of business and maybe the Rich, from NYC. If the New Guy comes in, might be a Flood. The poor and what’s left of a Middle Class will suffer greatly. Tax base will crater.
    Only thing I hope is that the DA will be drawn into the net.

  2. The Rod Blagojevich indictment and conviction was something of an eye opener for me. Most likely, he was just doing what many had done before, however… He probably had displeased some power brokers and they decided he had to go.

    I probably would not have OK’ed his early release, as his actions were some genuinely crooked stuff. On the other hand, he was thoroughly tried in the media long before the court actions happened.

  3. Neo

    But both things – that he’s being prosecuted for speaking out against the migrant crisis, and that he’s guilty – can be possible.

    That sounds plausible to me.

    Only thing I hope is that the DA will be drawn into the net.

    We can hope.

    NYC’s garbage collection recently entered into the 21st century by using hard plastic containers instead of rat-friendly plastic bags. My NYC cousin and I suspect that one reason it took so long to do what other cities have been doing for decades was the Mafia-run unions. More efficient garbage collection means fewer jobs for the boys. Hard plastic containers also means that garbage trucks run by one person can pick up the containers. No need for another union member to get off the truck and throw the garbage into the truck.

    My NYC cousin also informs me that in her fair city, gas stoves are being phased out. Well, if you like energy inefficiency, that’s all right.

  4. @ Neo > “Will Adams resist the pressure to resign, at least until elections in June?”

    Depends on what the pressure consists of: Threats of serious jail time? Withdrawal of his security team? Maybe some more positive inducements, like Biden undoubtedly received.
    Maybe he’s guilty, but he had every right to expect to never be prosecuted.
    Clearly, he is no longer a member of The Club.
    He might as well get a MAGA hat.

  5. NB. Jumaane Williams was a registered student at Brooklyn College for about 10 years. He doesn’t admit of any employment history apart from public office other than his ownership of a cafe which closed in 2008. Here’s an account of his foray into the business world and property ownership.
    NB, municipal councils in core cities tend to be dominated by these types.

  6. The fact that AOC immediately called for his resignation tells me it’s more to do with upper echelon Ds upset with him. She’s one of the first to get “the memo” on the current party line talking points.

    Not that I ever really liked Adams, but how the left operates is fascinating and frightening at the same time. Don’t ever stray from the fold.

  7. I go with guilty AND being made an example. Now here’s my not completely tongue-in-cheek conspiracy theory.

    The Dems need a sacrificial lamb. They went after Trump in NYC (and elsewhere) and are failing in their goal of convincing most Americans that it was anything other than lawfare to simply “get Trump.” It’s pretty near the election and the plan isn’t working, so let’s go after one of our own, the mayor of the country’s largest city and the epicenter of the media – definitely going to get lots of media coverage, and the left can say “look at how fair and unbiased we are.”

    And I smell the stink of that viper, AOC, on this. She’s lurking somewhere. A couple of things are met by going after him. One, he’s made an example to any other high profile Dems regarding any possible apostasy on the illegal alien invasion that’s being carried out by the Party. And two, if this is successful it makes room for someone more leftist that AOC prefers for mayor (as NEO pointed out) or for AOC herself (which is my suspicion).

  8. Telemachus

    And two, if this is successful it makes room for someone more leftist that AOC prefers for mayor (as NEO pointed out) or for AOC herself (which is my suspicion).

    I thought that it was not possible for NYC to have a mayor worse than Bill DiBlasio. Looks like I will be proven wrong. AOC or Jumaane Williams: rock, meet hard place.

  9. When it comes to foreigners buying favors from government officials, DC doesn’t want any competition.

  10. @Telemachus:omeone more leftist that AOC prefers for mayor

    Ocasio-Cortez is herself a puppet; I don’t doubt that she hears about this before other people, but she has no preferences that her string-pullers don’t have.

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