Home » Kamala gave an interview to a friendly MSNBC reporter …


Kamala gave an interview to a friendly MSNBC reporter … — 7 Comments

  1. You’re right, Neo; Harris has no detailed or persuasive answers to give.

    I was amused when Ruhle asked her how she would pay for all the tax breaks, first-time homebuyer giveaways, and so on, if the Senate is in Republican hands to prevent tax increases. Harris was dumbfounded, and finally stammered that we just have to increase corporate taxes. She’s got no idea of how to get any of her fairy tales into action.

  2. @Cicero:to anyone who follows the news

    I’d emphasize this question differently–who is following the news? Besides old people like us. There are people on Youtube and TikTok who have far more viewership than CNN.

    I wonder if part of the problem is that people like us still look only to the legacy media and think that’s where most people get their news. I suspect this has not been true for some time.

  3. Kamala is less prepared for the job of POTUS than any major candidate in memory. If it weren’t for TDS and a friendly MSM, she would be looking at a Mondale type drubbing.

    I don’t feel the least bit more comfortable about her obvious incompetence. In today’s political atmosphere, it doesn’t seem to matter.

    Great nations in history have followed a pattern:
    “From bondage to spiritual faith;
    From spiritual faith to great courage;
    From courage to liberty;
    From liberty to abundance;
    From abundance to complacency;
    From complacency to apathy;
    From apathy to dependence;
    From dependence back into bondage.” – Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the
    University of Edinburgh,

    We appear to be at the apathy stage.

  4. Is it just me, or are a few people starting to look at the state of the world and wonder if their Trump hatred is more precious to them than their freedom and security? Just a few, mind you, but it could become a preference cascade, if we’re lucky.

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