Home » I got rid of the useless “preview” tab


I got rid of the useless “preview” tab — 4 Comments

  1. Since you increased the edit time from 5 minutes to 10 minutes, there is plenty of time to reread and edit typos and other issues. I was able to delete a comment when I discovered that someone else had made the same point, but posted during the time I was writing.

  2. I had to disable JavaScript on my computer while surfing because reasons, so I don’t see the edit button at all.
    Apologies to all for any typos, infelicitous grammar, or inadvertent plagiarism.
    Any mistakes in data or analysis are my own.

  3. NoScript on Firefox or ScriptSafe on Chrome allow you to be selective about which scripts you allow and where.

  4. Agreed that ten minutes of Edit is a good substitute for preview. Which reminds me of one of my frustrations with Disqus: if I edited a comment x times, it sidelined my comment. Told me that the comment was under review. But no Disqus comment of mine that was under review ever got posted.

    I no longer use Disqus, so perhaps this is an irrelevant comment.

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