Home » Milei of Argentina gives the UN a piece of his mind


Milei of Argentina gives the UN a piece of his mind — 26 Comments

  1. I wonder if he would be available to us in some capacity. I’m too old to move to Argentina and learn Spanish again. I did know some “medical Spanish” at one time.

  2. There’s an NYT piece from yesterday on Milei’s scrapping of rent control in Argentina, to huge beneficial effect (average rents actually went down, adjusted for inflation, as lots of apartments got put on the rental market). No surprise to anyone who understands basic economics, but no doubt baffling to the NYT.

  3. Republicans in the US should listen to Milei and learn. So should Democrats, of course, but they are too far gone for logical thinking.

  4. Milei, in condemning the nations that won’t allow women to feel the sun on their face, might have simultaneously condemned nations that cannot and will not define what is a woman.

  5. Still early on Milei, but am liking him more and more.

    Don’t know why the UN is still in America. America should’ve withdrawn long ago, claimed the UN building for only America and pro-American Govts, whilst tossing the others out.

    Republicans and Democrats like *BIG* Govts tho, so that will never happen…

  6. He has greatly reduced month-to-month inflation.Argentina Inflation Rate MoM (Month-on-Month)

    December 25.5%
    January 20.6%
    February 13.2%
    March 11%
    April 8.8%
    May 4.3 %
    June 4.6%
    July 4.0 %
    August 4.2%

    Not out of the woods- some say the peso is overvalued- but better than when he began office. And those useless government ministries that he eliminated with the stroke of a pen are not, in the foreseeable future, coming back.

    Many of our friends on the left call Milei a “fascist.” Fascists are fans of big government. Milei has drastically reduced the size of Argentina’s government. One more example of the left labeling someone “fascist” whom the left doesn’t like.

  7. Karmi at 5:21 has it right: Milei is looking better all the time, and the UN needs to find another home.

    As for rehoming the UN, I’m torn between New Zealand’s South Island and Bamako, Mali. The good thing about the former is that it takes 18 hours to get there from San Francisco, and the latter is a place no one wants to live in. Or even be in. I’ve been there in January, and in August. Hot. Hot. Really hot. I think the UN would do well there. No, that’s a stretch. The UN would do as poorly there as they do anywhere else. And a lot of UN Representatives would not even show up. What more could we ask for?

  8. New Zealand would be perfect as a home for the UN. New Zealand is the soft boy of nations. New Zealand is the Timothy Chalamet of nations. It deserves to get the UN. Good and hard.

  9. Rehome the UN to Antarctica. It has the benefits of already being international in nature, and no one is going to want to go there for junkets.

  10. Milei is right about the UN. It’s basically become a front for the dictatorships, autocracies, theocracies, and thugocracies of the world. They’re trying to promote a worldwide feudal system that would plunge the world into another “dark ages.”

    It’s good that he can stand before them and say such things without being arrested. (Primarily due to its location in the U.S.) But you can be sure the UN will try to knife him in the back when and where it can.

    If the UN was true to its purpose of promoting world peace, they would be the center of action in trying to resolve the Ukraine war and the conflict between Iran and its proxies against Israel. But no, they stand on the side of the bullies and condemn Israel while keeping mostly mum about a naked invasion of a Ukraine by Russia.

    Downsizing the UN and re-focusing on its original goal is probably a bridge too far. Defunding it and letting it die on the vine might be the best course.

    The democratically governed countries need to recognize the need to stand together against the authoritarian governments that have Ill will toward democracies and promote aggression against them.

  11. It just got rid of ardem i would think ryleh in the middle of the indian ocean (i know its not a place)

  12. @J.J. It’s basically become a front for the dictatorships, autocracies, theocracies, and thugocracies of the world.

    The UN was never anything but, and it was designed to allow the Soviet Union to veto any UN action that threatened its interest. Else the Soviet Union would not have joined and the founding of the UN would have been pointless.

    It was there to provide a framework for countries to peacefully resolve their differences without threatening the interests of the five largest powers, not to make the world perfect. It was established by hard men who’d been through a war where millions died, which they’d been able to win primarily by allying with the most evil (or the second-most evil depending on your perspective) regime on the planet which had helped start the war and was getting to keep everything it had taken despite perpetrating atrocities comparable in magnitude to those of the nations fought against.

    None of this is an argument for keeping the UN as it is. It’s an argument for not expecting the UN to be other than what it was designed to be.

    Churchill’s history of World War II contains several chapters setting out the thinking and negotiations behind the establishment of the UN. They had no illusions about what they were creating. Propaganda since then may have misled us, but they knew.

  13. They want climate stasis, but climate is not a conservative system. Gender refers to sex-correlated attributes (e.g. sexual orientation): masculine and feminine. Is a penis equal to a vagina? What of the transgender spectrum (e.g. homosexuals)? They want to regulate Anthropogenic Intelligence (AI) and massively correlated automaton constructs, too? And their Viterbi decoder? How about the Green blight on blue, green, and gray fields?

  14. The UN is a democratic/dictatorial body wielding a liberal license, the vanguard of progressive politics: one step forward, two steps backward.

  15. @ Miguel cervantes:

    Do you know that, though?

    Iä! Iä! Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn

    I would pay to see a General Assembly held there.

  16. The great man of our age.

    (Made greater still by the hatred directed toward him by the effete—but still dangerous—elite…)

  17. Niketas C., thanks for the history review. I remember it because I was in high school when the UN was formed, and my high school held many classes teaching about that historic event.

    It was not perfect but was the best that could be established at the time and under the circumstances. It tried to take its role as a peace maker seriously, but:
    “With an increasing Third World presence and the failure of UN mediation in conflicts in the Middle East, Vietnam, and Kashmir, the UN increasingly shifted its attention to its secondary goals of economic development and cultural exchange. By the 1970s, the UN budget for social and economic development was far greater than its peacekeeping budget.”

    So, for the last 50 years the UN has not been much more than a place where the great powers try to check mate one another, and the Third World begs for alms.

    Since the IPCC got up and running, they now have developed a tool for global control of the masses. Of course, none of the BRIC countries will play that game. They plan to use energy to control things when the West has become weakened by pursuing the great whale – “Net Zero.”

    Our dues (assessments) to the UN are about $3 billion per year but we give them another $15 billion – apparently as part of our foreign aid. We give them 23% of their total budget – more than China and Japan, the other two big payers, combined. We’re not getting our money’s worth.

    Trump knows all this. Props to Milei for calling them out.

  18. IrishOtter49 is harsh on New Zealand: “New Zealand would be perfect as a home for the UN. New Zealand is the soft boy of nations. New Zealand is the Timothy Chalamet of nations. It deserves to get the UN. Good and hard.”

    Except that an election booted out Ardern’s party a year ago, taking office last December.

    The winner was the National Party, joined by two minor parties with 6 to 8 seats, one populist-Right, the other basically libertarian.

    Both of the latter leaders are fairly old, but both partly Maori. While the National Party PM is still middle-aged and the former president of New Zealand Airlines.

    So. What policies have they pursued? The minor parties leading goals of reversing the 50 years support and sanctification of Maori language, culture, and race — above other Kiwis! In other words, combating the entire race grievance mongering SWJ-Woke complex, corrupting national identity into tribalism because “special rights” are somehow owed them. And advancing free speech for the dissident!

    “The Bullet Points of the Coalition Deal” is covered in this 15 minute radio commentary by my online friend Lindsey Perigo, from last December.
    STARTS at 3m in, https://realitycheck.radio/features/perigos-perspective/

    He’s cautiously optimistic on the anti-Woke dismantling of segregated regulations and , pro-reading and writing and calculating in education.

    It’s been called the most Right-leaning NZ government in 50 years! Would that the US could do the same.

  19. Ah yes, New Zealand…
    The perfect place for über-corrupt World orgs…
    (Should also move the WHO there while we’re at it!)

    “New Zealand pushed covid vaccination while heart disease was soaring“—

    H/T Instapundit.

    Opening graf:

    TODAY we report two new sources of alarming information about covid vaccine injury, one from Health NZ data and the other from the NZ health insurance industry. We ask how the government could have either missed these or deliberately ignored them.…

  20. I get nervous when people talk about “Austrian economics.” It sounds like they think that Ludwig von Mises had all the answers and that those answers would be easy to put into effect in the real world, but I hope it works out for Milei. I’m not sure, though, that the “arc of history” doesn’t “bend towards” bureaucratic tyranny.

  21. Von Mises, pursued the do no harm strategy, the statist wagner and moller had messed up the austrian economy, and it collapsed in 1931, menem’s wunderkind,
    cavallo had tried a similar strategy in the 90s, but the state governors had spent too much and the interest rate spikes overwhelmed the debt

  22. “…bend toward…”

    Except that Milei fired a large chunk of ‘em…

    …Which is precisely why “Biden” is so frumious. The precedent—the template—HAS BEEN SET by this punk in Argentina, whose success in turning around his long-broken country presents “a clear and present danger” to “Biden”’s own relentless efforts to break—to destroy—“his” own country, AKA “MuhOur Democracy”….

    (Which is why Milei, like Trump, like Musk, like Bibi, like RFK Jr., like Adams, like Menendez…like Tulsi…must also be attacked and ultimately destroyed… BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.)

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