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Are these really pro-Kamala? — 15 Comments

  1. Tired of Political Ads & Commercials? Tired of Polls?

    MONKEYS predict the presidential election

    three monkeys…

    Researchers tracked monkeys’ eye movements while showing them hundreds of senate and governor candidate races across the US.

    They found the macaques stared longer at the faces of losing US political candidates a majority of the time.

    And when shown photos of this year’s presidential candidates, ‘it was a toss-up’

    Sounds about a reliable as human pollsters—advisors—analysts—voters.

  2. The first one I didn’t find terribly surprising to be a legit campaign ad. There’s no substance in it, of course, but it’s an old saw to say that the opposing side supports our person in some limited fashion. And therefore, you should too.

    But the second one… OMG! “The lady who laughs” and “who turned black” and “just fell out of a coconut tree.” It does say she’s smart at one point, but haven’t we all noticed that anyone who is a leader of the Dems or the left is always claimed to be brilliant. Even Sloe Joe was for a time.

    At least on the left, we really have slouched towards all identity politics, all of the time. Don’t you feel like grabbing some of these people by the lapels or shoulders and saying loudly, “You do know it actually takes some knowledge, skill, intelligence, a sound political philosophy, and even wisdom to do that job well, don’t you???”

  3. I’m eagerly waiting for an ad featuring the Talented Mr. Emhoff, dear wife at his side, earnestly touting the benefits and advantages of monogamy in marriage….
    – – – – – – – – – – –
    “…and saying loudly…”

    But that’s racist these days, or sexist, or elitist, or colonialist, or oppressionist, or white-adjacentist, or Zionist…or whatever…the point being you CAN’T SAY THAT these days, let alone think it…

    Paging Edward—speaking of monkeys—Gibbon…

  4. The Talented Mr. Emhoff was in North Carolina recently with a “reproductive freedom” van. We must, you see, preserve the right of wealthy lawyers to impregnate their children’s nannies and then pay them off and have the offspring killed (aborted) so the wealthy men don’t have to pay child support.

  5. In 2020 during a debate with Kamala “Cackling” Harris (recall, she was seeking the demokrat nomination for president) Joke Bidet called Dick Cheney the most dangerous VP in US history.
    And now the devil himself, Dick Cheney is supporting the Cackler.
    Another individual rooting for the Cackler is Vladimir Putin.
    Think about this; Putin and the most dangerous VP in US history, Cheney are supporting the Cackler.

    There has to be a way that the Trump campaign can make use of this.

  6. I am not the audience for this, and virtually all campaign ads for that matter. Mostly because I already know what I care about, as well as what the candidate(s) in question actually support and have actually done in their political career. I see this piffle and find myself mystified rather than just mocking it.

    I don’t know who these ads are for, who exactly these ads are meant to persuade. I can only guess.

    I know that Kamala has a deficiency in support from certain groups. It’s no surprise that she does the worst amongst white men (as a sort of inverse of Trump’s difficulty with white middle class women I suppose). I can’t imagine these things would hold much appeal for that group and I’m fairly sure that the Harris campaign has just written them off anyway.

    I suppose these could be aimed at getting other groups out to actually vote, people who may decide to stay home otherwise? Like a 20 something young woman who would certainly never vote for Trump, but isn’t that excited for going out to vote for Harris at the moment? Maybe this’ll work on such a voter? I don’t know.

  7. That’s a very good question, Nonapod. “The Nanny” TV show ran from 1993-1999. Was it so popular that a parody of it would persuade women to vote for Kamala? A lot of the younger voters weren’t born when it was on TV.

  8. Wait… Didn’t we hear “the adults are back in charge?”

    We’re in worse trouble than I imagined.
    This is what passes for marvellous among the arrested development Hollywood effete.

  9. The median age of someone who can remember The Odd Couple during it’s first run on television (much less the film and the play) would be about 66. Maybe they fancy they can pry loose some elderly swing voters. Or maybe they’re like other consultants – hustling their clients.

  10. Get campaign ads for Trump and Harris while I watch videos on YouTube. The ones from Trump are short and direct. The ones from Kamala have the tone of a third grade teacher talking to her class, weird. Who did they test the Kamala ad on?

  11. Lincoln Project:

    Bernie Sanders and Dick Cheney are united on something… that tells us all we need to know.

    I agree with the Lincoln Project that is all I need to know, though I suspect my conclusions are not what the Lincoln Project wants. 🙂
    For decades, Bernie Sanders has shown himself to be a fool. Bernie Sanders Praises Imperfect Cuba (Burlington Free Press, 1989) :

    “The people we met had an almost religious affection for him,” he said. “The revolution there is far deeper and more profound than I understood it to be. It really is a revolution in human values.”

    1. “almost religious affection”: Bernie had a state-supplied translator. Did Bernie really believe that Cubans would give him a candid opinion of Fidel, when all they said to Bernie was translated by an employee of the Cuban government?
    2. “Revolution in human values.” Ah, yes, the Commies’ New Man. It was nonsense when Lenin said it, when Castro said it, when Hugo Chavez said it. And yes, when Bernie said it.

    If former VP Cheney agrees with a fool, then former VP Cheney is also a fool.

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