Home » Would-be assassin Routh offers a reward for Trump’s assassination


Would-be assassin Routh offers a reward for Trump’s assassination — 12 Comments

  1. Trump is a wild mix of virtues and shortcomings. We’d arguably be better off with Mr. deSantis or Mr. Ramaswamy as a candidate, but you have to be cautious about counter-factuals.
    The thing is, our national political class is so awful that a troublesome person like Trump is way above the median in quality.

  2. I understand that some Dem Reps are plotting on how to thwart Trump should he win. Another reason to vote Republican down ticket too.
    And not Art Deco, Ramaswamy would not be a better choice. If DeSantis were the nominee, would he be ahead (if ever so slightly) of Harris? The Dems would be calling him Hitler. Actually, they may already have been calling him Hitler.

  3. It is passing strange what letters/manifestos or personal details of criminals are kept from the public and those that aren’t. Wink, wink, nod, nod.

  4. hates Trump like ‘every reasonable person does’

    That’s part of what I find so unnerving about this – the Trump hatred is so deep. so ingrained into too many folks that they think that this is the normal way of thinking.

  5. SHIREHOME, et al:

    I just published a “Roundup” post and on #5 I gave this link, which gives some of Zelensky’s actual comments on Trump. Here are some:

    A [Zelensky]: Trump makes political statements in his election campaign. He says he wants the war to stop. Well, we do, too. This phrase and desire, they unite the world; everyone shares them. But here’s the scary question: Who will shoulder the costs of stopping the war? Some might say that the Minsk Agreements either stopped or froze the fighting at some point. But they also gave the Russians a chance to arm themselves even better, and to strengthen their fake claim over our territories they occupied.

    Q: But isn’t that yet more cause for alarm?

    A [Zelensky] My feeling is that Trump doesn’t really know how to stop the war even if he might think he knows how. With this war, oftentimes, the deeper you look at it the less you understand. I’ve seen many leaders who were convinced they knew how to end it tomorrow, and as they waded deeper into it, they realized it’s not that simple.

    [Zelensky answers a question about Vance by saying that he is too radical.]

    … His [Vance’s] message seems to be that Ukraine must make a sacrifice. This brings us back to the question of the cost and who shoulders it. The idea that the world should end this war at Ukraine’s expense is unacceptable. But I do not consider this concept of his a plan, in any formal sense. This would be an awful idea, if a person were actually going to carry it out, to make Ukraine shoulder the costs of stopping the war by giving up its territories. But there’s certainly no way this could ever happen. This kind of scenario would have no basis in international norms, in U.N. statute, in justice. And it wouldn’t necessarily end the war, either. It’s just sloganeering. …

    I should say that it hasn’t been like this with Trump. He and I talked on the phone, and his message was as positive as it could be, from my point of view. ‘I understand,’ ‘I will lend support,’ and so on.”

    Note in particular that last paragraph.

  6. neo – Saw that pro-Russian right-wing link. Was going to comment in that post but here will work also.

    Zelensky is here to offer a “Victory Plan” to end the Russia/Ukraine war – presenting that plan to Biden, UN, and Trump.

    Vance is nothing more than a Putin mouth-piece – which is why Trump probably picked him as VP.

  7. The dolts currently running the war machine in Washington, D.C. could not have done anything more likely to motivate me to vote against them than bringing Zelensky here to campaign for their candidate, the reprehensible Kamala. Well, maybe if they had brought Yahyah Sinwar, but it seems he has been rather hard to locate recently.

  8. Karmi:

    Legal Insurrection is not the least bit pro-Russian. It’s actually pro-Ukranian.

    Are you disputing that those are Zelensky’s own words? Unless you are able to validly do that, it is you who are the propagandist.

  9. neo:

    Zelensky just recently arrived, so I’m waiting for more sources as to what he has or has not actually said. Some here have claimed he is here to campaign against Trump & Vance – do you also believe that?

    BTW, that link you provided is titled: “Zelensky Trashes Trump and Vance, Signs Artillery Shells in PA” – that is why it sounded pro-Russian to me.

  10. They want to encourage more assasins look how they covered up the nashville shooter for nearly two years

  11. You’re not voting for prom date or roommate. You’re picking the best alternative for the nation.
    You think that’s HARRIS/WALZ???

  12. IMO, the release of Routh’s letter is intended to strike fear into the Trump campaign. Make them cut back on events, be extra cautious, watch what you say, etc. It’s meant to cramp the campaign’s style, and make the danger seem much more omniscient. It also puts the already undermanned Secret Service in an even more paranoid state. In other words, it’s part of a narrative that the Deep Sate wants to establish, that Trump is so deeply hated that everyone wants to assassinate him.

    Zelensky and the war. Trump has reassured him that he will support them getting military aid, but that the rest of NATO has to step up and do their share.

    Trump’s plan to end the war may not work, but it involves talking to Putin directly and offering him a deal he can’t refuse. (Probably has something to do with oil prices.) He won’t discuss what the deal is because he doesn’t want to tip his hand. People scoff, but Trump is a master negotiator (read the “Art of the Deal.”) and might be able to put something together. Jaw, jaw is always better than war, war. If Trump fails, nothing is lost. He will not put the restrictions on the use of our weapons that Biden and Co. have done. Trump believes in ROEs where we win, they lose.

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