Home » Open thread 9/23/2024


Open thread 9/23/2024 — 8 Comments

  1. I’m glad I don’t over think things, I would be a basket case. Instead, it’s kind of Ah Sh–, now what.

  2. I’m glad I don’t over think things,… — shirehome

    Ha! One of my bigger fears over the last couple of years is that I might become frozen in indecision and thereby doing little or nothing. So one of my current principles (since I know my usual MO is to over think) is to under think things. There may have been a few things at this point that I regret doing or saying, but not much, and no damaging consequences yet.

  3. Inaction is also a choice, and also has consequences. Deliberately choosing inaction is wise, in many cases, but drifting into inaction as a habit is very unwise, and so is assuming that the consequences of inaction do not need to be thought through every bit as carefully as the consequences of action.

  4. @Richard F Cook:If this is true we deserve exactly what we get.

    It’s not based on much. He contradicts himself, he says he only looks at the same 13 things every time and then a lot of the reasons he gives are about things only true in this one election (Trump’s felony convictions, how Harris “won” the nomination). It’s being amplified only because he’s predicting Harris to win. If he wasn’t, it would be a hit piece or there’d be no coverage.

    I too predict Harris to win because of who will be counting the ballots in MI, PA, and WI and in what way they will be counting them. Another reason to amplify Lichtman’s prediction is explain the Fortification in advance with something else. They’ve already deployed the “votes will take a long time to count” narrative.

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