Home » More evidence that Trump wanted increased security on J6


More evidence that Trump wanted increased security on J6 — 10 Comments

  1. I just sent the highlighted area to my “Other Brother”. He hates Biden/Harris/Dems, but believes that Trump tried to overthrow the govt on J6, and the cop was killed by Rioters on J6. (And Floyd was murdered by a cop). I know it won’t change his mind, but I send him stuff anyway. Kind of poking the Bear.
    I tell him, A Closed Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste.

  2. Not the first time ‘Commander in Chief’ Trump was unable to get the military to follow him. As I have said before, he lacks leadership ability beyond used car lots & real estate offices. I suspect that we’ll get more of the same if he is elected again…

    Under the Constitution, the President as Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy is the supreme military commander charged with the responsibility of protecting and defending the United States. The phrase “Army and Navy” is used in the Constitution as a means of describing all the armed forces of the United States.

  3. He doesn’t lack leadership ability. The military was insubordinate. The Lt. Col. who testified against him, in uniform, in that Ukraine impeachment sham was never disciplined.

    Democrats, for all they claim to stand for “democracy,” simply refused to accept Trump as the legally elected president.

  4. What good is a so-called ‘Commander in Chief’ who is leading an “insubordinate” military?

    Ukraine? Yeah, I remember Trump getting mad at Ukraine because they wouldn’t give him Biden’s head on a platter. That shows a serious lack of leadership ability, IMHO.

  5. Just more evidence that the deep state basically runs this country.

    A president and all his appointees are merely “temp” workers in positions of legal authority, but not in reality.
    The deep state can lie, deceive, delay, thwart, misinform, obfuscate, etc, .etc., just to “run out the clock,” and wait for new leadership that will be more in line with what they desire (e.g., folks like Obama, Harris, Biden, to name a few).

    Just watch a few congressional oversight hearings to see how many agency heads give the middle finger to Congress, and not much else. Congress can hold folks in contempt, but this is meaningless and those testifying know this. They are immune from any real consequences.

    In fact, the only agency head that I can recall that actually quit due to congressional pressure was the former head of the secret service, Kimberly Cheatle. And IMHO the ONLY reason she quit was because her incompetence even pissed off a bunch of democrats.
    ( I use the word incompetence under the assumption that the SS just F’d up in protecting Trump in Butler, Pa. Of course, their “incompetence” could have been intentional, in which case, it would not have been incompetence.)

    The deep state has to be drastically cut in size. If Trump wins and appoints folks to clean up the swamp, it will not work because deep state employees cannot be fired. They will tell their new temporary bosses – the Trump appointees – what they want to hear, make believe they are following orders, and that will be the end of it.
    Nothing will change.
    The deep state has to be cut in size by at least 50%.
    But Congress will never agree to this; no democrat will, and most likely congressional republicans will be too chicken to do it anyway.

    Sort of paraphrasing Eric Hoffer:

    Every good idea – say, a implementing a govt. agency – begins in good faith, then becomes inbred and arrogant, and eventually degenerates into a racket that exists primarily to preserve and enhance its own power.

  6. Kate is correct, Karmi is wrong.

    A single man, even if POTUS, cannot discipline multiple Pentagon subversives.
    The Pentagon’s staff at issue are insurrectionists, and, likely, Democrats.
    Plus, they are civilians and have not taken any pro-America, pro-Constitution oaths, unlike those who serve in our nation’s military.

  7. Apropos Trump’s leadership, there is something in the military known as “insubordination,” and it merits severe discipline, including time in the brig. In the navy, there is a species of this known as “mutiny,” which (at least in Ye Olden Tymes) merited death by hanging. See, e.g., “Mutiny on the Bounty.” There is a reason that the military abjures insubordinate behavior. It is because it results in utter breakdown of unity, discipline and eventually, causes defeat. It is what happened to Trump because Obama made sure to get rid of as many traditional and honorable members of the leadership cadre as he could and replaced them with lickspittles, sycophants and careerist desk-sitters instead of leaders of men. I hate Obama with the passion of a thousand supernovas, because I know what he did. My animus is only sightly less for all the democrats and RINO traitors who enabled him to do his dirty work. But give it time; I think I can work up an equal amount for them.

  8. The insubordinate Deep State and military/intelligence functions are exactly why they are resisting Trump with everything they’ve got, including turning a blind eye to assassination risks. This isn’t just a political battle about who will be president.

  9. Steve,
    Your hatred of Obama is NOT misdirected. The multitude of dummies among us have no idea of Obama’s ruin of the USA, a ruin which continues.

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